Synopsis: Polka, the eccentric visionary designer who introduced the world to the polka dot, finds her legacy in jeopardy when dots are declared ‘dead’ by the industry digest. She must evolve to survive, but breaking free of her circular empire is not easy. To prevail, she must rise above all that she knows and see the world from a different point of view.
Director: Antoine Laurens
Country: France
Duration: 15:25
Synopsis: Adaptation after comic book by Chaboute.
Director: Aimiende Negbenebor Sela
Country: United States
Duration: 15:00
Synopsis: Utopia is a surreal drama about an aspirational, blond young lady who wakes up from a coma in Uganda. And, no — nothing is as it seems.
Ius Maris
Director: Vincenzo D’arpe
Country: Italy
Duration: 15:00
Synopsis: The short film tells the story of Yassine, a young man born and raised in Lecce by Moroccan parents who live, in the same way of all second-generation guys, straddling two cultures, never supported by a real integration. Through the sea and surfing, however, the integration process will come true, Yassine will become an host of a surf camp, attended by people of all races and religions.
The Master of Cuchillo
Director: Rodrigo Sebastian Gonzalez
Country: Mexico
Duration: 11:26
Synopsis: Timoteo, a chef that knows perfectly what he doesn’t wants to be, has an obsession for juggling knives. The loss of one of his fingers constantly reminds him how dangerous is his obsession. He is fully aware of his problem, he tries so hard to control himself all the time. His father suffers from the same obsession and together try to overcome it. But they are some detonators that exceed all forces. Timoteo will be tempted when he discovers his platonic love ‘Lucrecia chef’, visiting his restaurant. The life of Timoteo will depend by the fate of a knife in the air.
Director: Emilios Avraam
Country: Cyprus
Duration: 08:55
Synopsis: When Leonidas (Makis Papadimitriou) pursues an home renovation contract, he quickly comes to find that his potential new client is very insistent that everything must be done according to her demands.
It’s a Match!
Director: Schnabel Annabella
Country: Hungary
Duration: 13:42
Synopsis: This is the bizarre story of a Tinder date that is getting more and more amplified by the participiants’ anxiety throughout their first encounter.
This One’s for You, Alice
Director: Patrick Hanser
Country: Brazil
Duration: 11:03
Synopsis: When Joaquim, a frustrated writer living in the 70s, finds out his recently wed wife is cheating on him, he starts writing a suicide letter along with preparing a surprise for his wife to find when she gets home from her lover’s arms.
The Ball
Director: Fernando G. Pliego
Country: Spain
Duration: 08:22
Synopsis: During a football match with his friends, two kids stole Angel’s new ball. Charo, a friend of Angel, says that she knows where one of the thieves lives. Angel and his father go there to try to recover the ball. But things get complicated when Angel’s father realizes that the house owner is the main client of his modest business.
On My Mind
Director: Shirley Zhou
Country: United States
Duration: 06:19
Synopsis: A loser-in-love’s struggle to move on is personified by a pesky crow.
The Beast Underneath
Director: Anaëlle Morf, Alexandre Rufin
Country: Switzerland
Duration: 13:25
Synopsis: On the 27th of February 2016, in the city of La Baie, Quebec, the famous fisherman Marc Gagnon discovered a new species of halibut that could reach several meters. Because the man is always looking for controlling the nature. How far his megalomania is going to take him?
Lucky Fish
Director: Philippe Bensadon
Country: Israel
Duration: 07:36
Synopsis: The past 22nd of July, six players played a remarkable poker hand. Their goal was to compete with each other and win as much money as they could. However only one of them managed to leave the table as a winner. Was it skill?
The Reaper
Director: Bartosz Lukasiuk
Country: Poland
Duration: 03:30
Synopsis: Short film about a farmer from Poland.
Director: Ekaterina Volovich
Country: Russian Federation
Duration: 01:29
Synopsis: No blemish worse, than spiritual emptiness. Oscar Wilde.
The jury didn’t select any winner for this category in October.
Director: Nawal Kaffouf
Country: France
Duration: 07:02
Synopsis: Tom enters a hospital, asks to see his father who is in a very critical state but visits are forbidden for this prisoner. A policeman stands in front of the bedroom door, Tom has to find a way to get in …
SHORT FILM FACTORY aduce filme cu intrare liberă în peste 20 de orașe din România și în Praga, Cehia – Ianuarie 2019
FILM FACTORY (by STTP) te provoacă la film, în cadrul unui eveniment lunar care
aduce filme de autor, cu intrare liberă, în peste 20 de locații alternative de
proiecție din România dar și în Praga,Cehia.
cinematografia îmbrăca hainele de nou născut, filmele erau foarte scurte,
uneori durau un minut sau chiar mai puțin. După cortina de catifea a scurt
metrajelor, creativitatea îmbrățișează strâns imaginația, libertatea și curajul,
reușind să vă ofere o călătorie diferită de fiecare dată. SHORT FILM FACTORY (by
STTP) vă invită să vă cunoașteți. Pentru că viața bate filmul.
scurtmetraje vor rula în peste 20 de spații alternative din tot atâtea orașe
din țară și Praga, Cehia, în ultima săptămână a lunii ianuarie 2019. O selecție
de 120 de minute de film, povești spectaculoase , care continuă o tradiție de
peste 9 ani de proiecții speciale, oferind publicului din România șansa unică
de a urmări filme scurte multi-premiate, cu intrare liberă.
orbește mai tare? Soarele sau refuzul nostru de a vedea și viața care ni se
poate întâmpla dincolo de realitatea cu care ne-am obișnuit? Aroma ceaiului îți
schimbă zâmbetul. Iar seninul din ușa deschisă la aceeași oră de către misterul
din ochii lui, adună cuvintele pe foi invizibile. Curioși, atrași și încântați
de un volum fără prefață, păstrăm aroma ceaiului. Uneori, însă, întârziem la
cele mai frumoase întâlniri.
pictat câte puțin în fiecare zi. Cu frenezie și amestec de culori tari.
Vernisat cu aplauze și public fidel. Rețetele sunt prinse-n coperți și
garantează rezultate peste așteptări. Încrederea rătăcită-n ploi calde de vară,
își uită semnătura. Dar cântecul începe cu gând de împreună, iar refrenul aduce
ofrandă iubirii, în timp ce sacrificiul pare mult prea mic. Sculptura chipului
de lut intrigă generații.
pare a fi cu sens unic. Intersecțiile însă ne dau șansa să alegem. Acele
ceasornicului reușesc să aducă-n scenă, zilnic, sunetul macabru pe care-l
ignorăm. „Au fost” obișnuim să spunem. Dar de fapt, „sunt” lângă fiecare răsărit.
în propriile frânturi de peliculă. Castingul devine o condiție a integrării, a
amestecului în mulțime. Rănile nu sunt contorizate. Nici acceptate. Încetează
să mai existe și devin „produs al imaginației” la braț cu sacrificiile în care
viața își pierde seninul. Adrenalina riscului adună forțe pe care nu bănuim că
le avem, și nesomnul ce veghează supraviețuirea ne face pe rând, salvatori și
ucigași. A cui tabără e cea mai bună când ziua de mâine riscă să nu mai
deschidă cerul?
ai propriului destin, finisăm cu grijă detaliile și alegem să navigăm spre
orizonturi fără țărm. Și totuși în mâini stă puterea de a arunca ancora.
Naufragiul nu este tot timpul o decizie a sorții. Ci alegerea pe care o facem
conștient. Și totuși pe foaia albă o schiță nouă prinde contur..
să fim copii. Dar între amintiri palpabile universul în care obișnuiam să
zâmbim în fiecare zi prinde viață și ne ademenește cu promisiuniea iluzorie a
bucuriei pe care tânjim să o redescoperim.
care vor găzdui proiecții și spațiile de proiecție sunt: Alba Iulia,
Alexandria, Arad, Bacău, Baia Mare, Botoșani, București, Buzău, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Câmpulung Muscel, Cluj-Napoca,
Craiova, Deva, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Hunedoara, Iași, Odorheiu Secuiesc,
Oradea, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Piatra Neamț, Sibiu,
Sighetu Marmației, Suceava, Târgoviste, Târgu Jiu, Târgu Mureș,
Timișoara, Tulcea, Vama Veche, Chisinau (MD). Aici puteti gasi detalii legate
de locatiile STTP:
de scurtmetraj sunt organizate de Short to the Point (International Short Film
Festival) – o reţea internatională de distribuţie, difuzare şi promovare a
filmelor de scurtmetraj. În ultimii ani SHORT FILM FACTORY (by STTP) a reușit
să creeze o punte de legătură intre filmmakeri, cinefili si spectatorii
ocazionali, având ca scop construirea unui nou tip de comunitate urbană.
în anul 2009 sub forma unei caravane cinematografice în 28 de orașe din România,
STTP a devenit un festival lunar la care se înscriu filme din toate colțurile
lumii. Festivalul Short to the Point oferă lunar 13 categorii de premii celor
mai bune scurt metraje înscrise, urmând ca acestea să fie proiectate în cadrul
evenimentului național Short Film Factory by Short to the Point.
Pentru mai multe informații vă
invităm să ne vizitați aici:
This is the list of the films screened at Short Film Factory (by SHORT to the Point) in January 2019.
Tea with Lemon
Director: Robert Harrison
Country: United Kingdom
Duration: 11:32
Synopsis: A clueless poet and café regular
attempts to charm a waitress by constructing an enigmatic persona and learning
her mother tongue. But she is too preoccupied by her failing marriage to notice
his futile efforts.
The Modern Mom
Director: Alisa Pien
Country: Thailand
Duration: 28:10
Synopsis: An exclusive documentary around
the life of ‘Madam Winnie’ Thailand’s most successful mother and famous writer of
the parenting book ‘The Modern Mom’ along side with her beloved daughter and
best friend, Leila, in the perspective no one has ever seen before.
God I need a girlfriend
Director: Stefan Janoski
Country: United States
Duration: 04:32
Synopsis: From the mind of Stefan Janoski,
God I need a girlfriend, a musical short story, that gives the background to
the sculpture of the same name.
Director: Walt Bladt
Country: Belgium
Duration: 08:35
Synopsis: Life is just a phase and we’re
all going through it together. Let’s make it a wonderful adventure!
The Casting of an innocent woman
Director: Jacob Thomas Pilgaard
Country: Denmark
Duration: 20:00
Synopsis: The young actress Sara is at an
audition for her first potential lead role in a feature film. However the
casting quickly goes sideways and Sara needs to face a dark chapter in her
Director: Tom Whitworth
Country: Kenya
Duration: 27:44
Synopsis: A desperate farmer runs into
trouble after he steals blood ivory from a gang of international terrorists.
Director: Jonathan Burteaux
Country: France
Duration: 02:15
Synopsis: Her name is Lola. She’s an
actress. Today is her 153rd commercial casting. Inspired by (several) true
By Halves
Director: Anastasia Eleftheriou
Writer: Moritz Pfeifer
Country: Greece
Duration: 16:13
Synopsis: A woman finishes a wooden boat in
her workshop and then takes it to a beach. But she’s afraid to take the boat
out on the sea. Watching the tide go away without her, she leaves the beach and
abandons the boat, letting it deteriorate in a boat cemetery among other
shipwrecks that she or other people have built. Back in her cabin, she starts
with the construction of another boat.
Boy Racer
Director: Barry Fahy
Country: Ireland
Duration: 04:25
Synopsis: Evan Murphy sneaks away into his
grandfathers shed and discovers a world of trinkets to play with including his
grandfathers rally car.
Producer: Pierre Yves Le Cunff
Director: Alexandre Jallali
Country: Belgium
Duration: 22:22
Synopsis: Marc Orban spent three years in prison. When he gets back to his neighborhood things have stopped. Vincent is gone and Adam works for Hungarian.
The Rabbit’s Foot
Director: Charlie Brafman, Magnus McCullagh
Country: United Kingdom
Duration: 19:12
Synopsis: ‘Lucky’ Francis, a card player blessed with an improbable degree of fortune, is digging a grave next to the old hanging tree, nine miles west of Yackton. An uncivilised brute by the name of William Barleycorn rides through the desert to meet him, having accused Francis of a most blasphemous indecency. Naturally, scores must be settled… Meanwhile, in a river out beyond Cob’s Hollow, in parts as yet uncharted, a hitherto luckless prospector has struck gold and the worm may finally have turned… But fate is a fickle friend, as the prospector has surely learned by now. Under the auspices of a mystical rabbit’s foot, the fortunes of these three men shall intertwine with fatal consequences in this pitch black comic fable.
The sea swells
Director: Amir Gholami
Writer: Amir Gholami
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Duration: 16:15
Synopsis: The War is surrounding an old man’s life who lives in middle of the Sea. (world without land)
Actor: Geoffrey Carpiaux
Director: Alexandre Jallali
Country: Belgium
Duration: 22:22
Synopsis: Marc Orban spent three years in prison. When he gets back to his neighborhood things have stopped. Vincent is gone and Adam works for Hungarian.
Lunch Time
Actor: Khorshid Cheraghipour
Director: Alireza Ghasemi
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Duration: 15:52
Synopsis: A 16-year-old girl has come to the hospital to identify the body of her mother. The people in charge at the hospital – due to her young age – won’t let her into the morgue and ask her to bring her guardian instead. However, the girl insists that most of her family is in jail for criminal activities. Finally, after her insistence, they agree to let her into the morgue…
The Rabbit’s Foot
Director of Photography: Arran Green
Director: Charlie Brafman, Magnus McCullagh
Country: United Kingdom
Duration: 19:12
Synopsis: ‘Lucky’ Francis, a card player blessed with an improbable degree of fortune, is digging a grave next to the old hanging tree, nine miles west of Yackton. An uncivilised brute by the name of William Barleycorn rides through the desert to meet him, having accused Francis of a most blasphemous indecency. Naturally, scores must be settled… Meanwhile, in a river out beyond Cob’s Hollow, in parts as yet uncharted, a hitherto luckless prospector has struck gold and the worm may finally have turned… But fate is a fickle friend, as the prospector has surely learned by now. Under the auspices of a mystical rabbit’s foot, the fortunes of these three men shall intertwine with fatal consequences in this pitch black comic fable.
The Rabbit’s Foot
Editor: Adam Lee Hamilton
Director: Charlie Brafman, Magnus McCullagh
Country: United Kingdom
Duration: 19:12
Synopsis: ‘Lucky’ Francis, a card player blessed with an improbable degree of fortune, is digging a grave next to the old hanging tree, nine miles west of Yackton. An uncivilised brute by the name of William Barleycorn rides through the desert to meet him, having accused Francis of a most blasphemous indecency. Naturally, scores must be settled… Meanwhile, in a river out beyond Cob’s Hollow, in parts as yet uncharted, a hitherto luckless prospector has struck gold and the worm may finally have turned… But fate is a fickle friend, as the prospector has surely learned by now. Under the auspices of a mystical rabbit’s foot, the fortunes of these three men shall intertwine with fatal consequences in this pitch black comic fable.
The sea swells
Director: Amir Gholami
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Duration: 16:15
Synopsis: The War is surrounding an old man’s life who lives in middle of the Sea. (world without land)
Al Hmar (The Donkey)
Director: Tariq Keblaoui
Country: Lebanon
Duration: 22:00
Synopsis: In Ancient Phoenicia, an old man is conned into believing that he had sinned by treating a man as his work-donkey for many years, and seeks forgiveness from the Gods to relieve himself of his wrongdoing. Loosely based on the 10th-century folktale: The Simpleton and the Sharper, from A Thousand and One Arabian Nights.
Director: Chrys Barmpas
Country: Greece
Duration: 14:30
Synopsis: Panagiotis, a young introverted architect, is in the perfect relationship. Lena, his partner, embodies everything he desires, just like he discusses with a particularly attentive man in an office. But all the characteristics that once seemed heavenly to Panagiotis, now have become a living hell.
Director: Nicolas Morganti Patrignani
Country: Italy
Duration: 16:42
Synopsis: Ludovico accepted the tough choice of his sick wife to be left to die. It takes some time to let him find the courage to reveal their daughter the truth through memories.
No Ghosts
Director: Ragnar Snorrason
Country: Iceland
Duration: 15:41
Synopsis: Young Ruth, has recently experienced a great loss. She has the burn marks to show but other wounds run deeper. Her father, ravaged by guilt, takes her to a birthday party where he submits his thoughts to an adult while Ruth does the opposite in her own company of peers. Ruth does not speak a word to the other children and only stares at the ghostly balloons adorning the room, when a boy asks her if she’ll play the seeker in a game of hide and seek, she doesn’t respond. The boy takes her silence as consent and all the kids go hide. Ruth finally decides to seek but instead of looking for the other children she grabs a ghost-balloon, sneaks out of the house and goes in search of her dead brother. Ruth’s father eventually realises she´s gone and after a reverse hide and seek, finds her at the origin of their mutual loss, their burnt down home where she deals with a ghost of her own.
Director: Pedro Solís García
Country: Spain
Duration: 10:00
Synopsis: María’s routine at school is altered by the arrival of a very special child. Soon, they become close friends.
Pelé: The Game of my Life
Director: Rodrigo Olivar
Country: United States
Duration: 05:42
Synopsis: 48 years later, soccer legend Pelé recalls Brazil’s stunning 1970 World Cup victory.
Director: Thomas R Peeters
Country: Belgium
Duration: 12:50
Synopsis: In an undefined decor workers fulfill a very monotonous job. The repeating character allows them to escape their physical presence. They wander in thoughts tailored to the labor. Or does the labor deliver a certain rhythm that limits their inner freedom?
Alfonso – I’m happy
Director: William9
Country: Italy
Duration: 03:32
Synopsis: In a small village, a sadist wise barber makes fun of all clients, confident his plan is the only way to avoid the society’s destruction.
I just wanted to see you
Director: Nikita Belomestnykh
Country: United States
Duration: 02:54
Synopsis: A girl in car parked underneath a bridge wakes up to an envelope stuck in her car’s window. Inside of the envelope contains something she did not expect to receive.
Director: Blake Worrell
Country: United States
Duration: 06:09
Synopsis: A father falls into an adventure in search of his son. He ends up in the most unsuspected places. Will anyone believe him?
The Critic
Director: Toby Martin Hughes, James Shannon
Country: United Kingdom
Duration: 08:19
Synopsis: A sous-chef anxiously prepares for the visit of an important critic whose verdict could dramatically change the fortunes of the struggling restaurant she works in. But as the evening shift starts, the regular chef fails to arrive and tensions mount as the restaurant owner tightens the screws in a bid to recapture his past success.
Let Mercy Come, Italy, 2018
Director:Andrew Serban
Writer:Andrew Serban
Producer:Andrew Serban, Courtney Bissonette
Key Cast:Kate Garfield, Sinan Eczacibasi, Matt Riker
Synopsis:A disaffected young woman finds the courage to take a stand against a group of white supremacist men when they threaten to commit a hate crime against a Syrian refugee.
UMAN,Russian Federation,2018
Duration: 15:32
Director: Elena Ryabtseva
Writer: Elena Ryabtseva, Friederike Brin
Producers: Elena Ryabtseva, Alexey A. Petrukhin
Synopsis: A folklore student arrives in a remote village, but the only informant there refuses to help. Eventually, they discover their life stories are peculiarly complementary.
ASKIN’ FOR IT, Canada, 2018 Duration:12:30 Director: KERRY GAMBERG Writer:KERRY GAMBERG Producers:KERRY GAMBERG, MICAH MARTIN Key Cast:ERIN MICK, LEAH MCKENNEY, EBONY PHARAMOND Synopsis: ASKIN’ FOR IT follows three ride-or-die high school BFFs as they face the issue of assault head on. An anonymous video text depicting an assault forces three high schools BFFs to contemplate consent, sexual assault and the consequences of reporting. It turns out the friends have very different opinions on how the situation should be handled.
Accursed, Canada, 2018
Director:Melanie Simard
Writer:Felix-Andre Boulianne
Producers:Stephane St-hilaire, Melanie Simard
Key Cast:Irdens Exentus, Dany Gange, Benjamin Tull, Sébastien Dulck, Zoé Boivin, Patrick Gauthier, Frédérik Fournier
Synopsis: In 4 Acts. New-France. The story is inspired by the life of John Rattier, Quebec City’s Official Executioner. Circa 1680
Teed-Off!,Canada, 2018
Director:Dizzy Daniels
Writers:Dizzy Daniels
Producers:Dizzy Daniels
Key Cast:Dizzy Daniels, Caroline Therrien, Mario, Mario Simon Fortin Gauthier
Synopsis:Our hero spends the day playing golf, but has to contend with pesky newspapers and getting his ball stuck in mud. Later on, he proposes to the girl of his dreams – but loses her to her irate boyfriend.
The Taste of Love,Chin,2018
Director:Jinwu HE
Writers:Tao ZHENG, Xiangxin LI
Producer:Min ZHANG
Key Cast:Luqi PENG, Yinzhang ZHU
Synopsis:The Taste of Love tells a story about the male lead, Jianjun played by Yingzhang Zhu. He came from an unprivileged family, making a living by selling crispy ducks, but he was longing to change his fate. Yinhe, the female lead played by Luqi Peng, went to Guizhou with her parents when she was 20. She gradually fell in love with Jianjun, the country boy, whom she found simple, authentic and unpretentious, and she wanted to be with him.
Characters,United Kingdom,2018
Director:Sir Franz Pagot, Rizwan Wadan
Writers:Ashley Chin, Rizwan Wadan
Producers:Rizwan Wadan
Ket Cast:David Schaal, Aaron Taylor
Synopsis: Our first short film, shot in London, looks into the characters that make up this wonderful city and how importantly judging someone by their appearance defines us more than it defines them. It centres on how our true characters ultimately shine through and breakdown the prejudices and racial barriers that we often put up around us.
The 9ª,Spain,2019
Director:Daniel H. Torrado
Writers:Daniel H. Torrado
Producers:Daniel H. Torrado, Diego de la Concepción, Felipe Martín, Angel Soriano, Antonio Lagar
Key Cast:Emilio Gutierrez Caba, Ramón Álvarez, Cristina de Iza, Sara Moraleda, Samy Khalil
Synopsis:Inspired by the real story of the Ninth Company, a unit of the allied army formed entirely by Spanish exiles from the civil war who fought united in the Second World War, They was protagonists of the liberation of Paris. One of them, Manuel will join to the Ninth Company to save his daughter from Paris occupied by the Nazis.
The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God,Israel,2018
Director:Rita Borodiyanski
Writers:Rita Borodiyanski
Producers:Rita Borodiyanski
Key Cast:David Ziselson, Doron Tzabari, Roberto Polak, Mira Suri
Synopsis:The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God is a comic drama that tells the story of Eddie, a failed cook who is desperate to find love.
Stigma,United Kingdom,2018
Director:Kyriakos Rontsis
Writer:Kyriakos Rontsis
Producer:Kristiyan Georgiev
Ket Cast:Jon Birkbeck
Synopsis:Before the curtain falls, a young man weeps without remembering why. How long does a birdsong last? How much silence descends with a caress? How much black is needed to contaminate white? A drop will do.
Capitán Kinesis,Spain,2018
Director:Carles Jofre
Writer:Carles Jofre
Producer:Francisco Jime´nez
Key Cast:Jaume Pla, Eduard Josep Go´mez, Pepe Mediavilla
Synopsis:Sebastián is a retired superhero who lives alone in a small flat. He leads a quiet life and it’s ages since he last used his superpowers, but an unexpected visit puts his world at risk and he Will forced to defend it.
Hallowed (Mistigri),France,2018
Director:Fabrice Chiambretto
Writer:Fabrice Chiambretto
Producer:Anforea productions, Les Jardins de Meyzieu ODYNEO
Key Cast:Sean Ruffier des Aimes, Frank Halison, Libert Saïd Meydan, Sandra Lentini, Fatimzohra Zemel, Charlotte Robin
Synopsis:Paul, a homeless man is invited to dinner in a unit for people with disabilities. He will find himself trapped in a cruel game, led by four residents. A fantastic experience where life and death clash to be swallowed or arise !
Line Of Duty,India,2018
Director:Mayank Malhotra
Writer:Mayank Malhotra
Producers:Ankita Batra, Mayank Malhotra, Ishaan Sarine, Shivangel Gandhi
Key Cast:Priyanshu Painyuli, Sayan Banerjee, Naresh Malik, Ganapathy Aiyar
Synopsis:A Young recruit of the Indian army posted at a remote bunker, is asked to forego his principals of humanity against the rigid border regulations. With a natural calamity at hand, are all regulations applicable?
Nothing To Lose,United Kingdom,2018
Directors:Toby Reisz
Writers:Toby Reisz
Producer:Noor Lawson
Key Cast:Christopher Hunter, Fen Wilson
Synopsis: Adam is about to turn 60 and the world suddenly doesn’t make sense anymore. As he tries to connect with colleagues, his son – even his wife, he becomes increasingly frustrated in his attempts to understand and be understood. Maybe an encounter with a complete stranger will prove more successful.
The Boy At Platform,Germany,2017
Director:Michael Daniel Vetter
How to build a cloud,Mexio-Spain-United-States,2018
Director:Carlos Baraquin
Just after midnight,France,2017
Director: Puga Anne-Marie
Nora, Spain
Duration: 16:00
Director: Edgar Montserrat Torres
Synopsis: Vicente, a lawyer who is about to move out of town for work, receives a visit from Nora, a young girl who reaches out to him due to a case of workplace harassment. Vicente will relive an error from the past he already had forgotten about.
2028, Finland, 2018
Director: Petter Sandelin
Synopsis: 2028 is a dystopian short film that plays out in Ostrobothnia, Finland in the year 2028. The world is has undergone a catastrophe due to pollution and war and the survivors after the upheaval are no longer able to live on the outside. There is an elite that rules over the survivors and society. This elite wants to create a better world and raise a new humankind that won’t destroy the Earth, but their methods are questionable. The survivors are imprisoned by the elite, working and living together in pairs. They are held isolated from others, closely monitored and are expected to work for the greater good of society and the women are artificially impregnated to bear children for the new world. They are trapped in a daily routine of performing meaningless chores and giving birth to children that they will never see again.
Noe som skjedde på jobben
Director:: Mathias Dahlstroem
Synopsis: Kai Ove works at a desolate gas station. When he is put in charge of the register for a couple of hours, he suddenly receives more responsibility than he ever wanted as a woman shows up, fleeing from her violent ex-husband
Keep It Light, Switzerland, 2018
Director: Malika Pellicioli
Synopsis: Beibhinn, a young American, meets Côme during her trip in Europe. It’s love at first sight! But not only between them. For her, life in Switzerland suddenly makes sense. That’s why she decides to follow her natural exuberance and to marry this young man she barely knows…
My Boy Oleg, Australia, 2018
Duration: 19:00
The forest, Norway, 2018
Duration: 20:00
The Glorious Peanut, Belgium, 2018
Duration: 18:00
Synopsis: “The Glorious Peanut” is not a story about a peanut, it’s the story about Patrick. And Patrick is not a peanut, he’s a 30 years old bald lumberjack. It’s important to say he’s bald because that’s why he’s very unconfident. But his lack of confidence is also due to his Father, who crushes him like a peanut. Patrick dreams about having friends, and above all about having a girlfriend… Griet for example, the young flemish farmer girl from the village, whom he fancies since forever. But being bald, he will never get friends, let alone Griet. But one day gets to eat a peanut and that will change his life….
Director: Yan Haitao
Synopsis: Faith in heart tells the poor man zhao zhi who was inpoverished and depressed by a car accident. But with the help of deputy mayor Li Yang. He overcame the difficulties and regained his happiness. The film with plain realistic perspectine of the masses, vivid display of the party committee, the image of the government in the minds of the masses. Although the protagonist Li Yang is a fiction character, but she is the epitone of the local poverty alloviation cadres image. From her, we can not only see the love, carefuless, pationce and confidence of Zun Hua’s grassnots party members and cadres who always keep the masses warm in mind and serve the people who leheartedly.
FLEETING TIME, China, 2018
Hello,Jingjiang, China, 2018
Director: kissfox Cui
Synopsis:The protagonist of the story, Xiao Nan ( female ), went abroad with her parents when she was 9 years old and never returned to her hometown. The beauty of the hometown has also been fixed in her mind. Until one day, Xiaonan’s company had an eco-tourism project and intended to invest in Xiaonan’s hometown, Jingjiang. She was sent here as a matter of course. This is the first time she has set foot on the road home in many years … She returned to her hometown, nostalgia and curiosity led her to start this trip to Jingjiang. The hometown is still beautiful, but it has changed dramatically. She ran into a teacher and a friend who had a deep memory of her childhood, and at the same time saw Jingjiang’s beauty and hope. The company’s eco-tourism investment project was finally signed in Jingjiang, and Xiao Nan is determined to stay in her hometown …
Hormone Distress, China, 2018
Director: Karen Hsu
Synopsis:Jimmy is an elderly office worker. Everyday he sticks to the same routine; gets on and off work at the same time and commutes between the same spots in the city just like other young people. Although he’s not young anymore, that doesn’t keep him from having youthful hobbies like listening to pop music, dancing at the clubs, racing, boxing, eating fast food, social networking… Life’s not grand but enjoyable. But recently, something unusual seems to be happening in his life. Jimmy feels like he keeps seeing optical illusions; everytime he looks in the mirror, he feels as though he looks like someone else. This is sometimes called “his soul is trapped in another body” in some folk tales. On the way back from working overtime late one night, the mystery finally became clear…
The Island, China, 2018
Director: Tony Wu
Synopsis: There is no summer solstice in June, and the lotus flowers in Weishan Lake are gradually in full bloom. The fishing villages along the lake are facing the development of lake island resources, illegal sand dredging, and deforestation. A Yuan family was a family who came to this village many years ago because of the flooding of the village. The mother farmed the lotus woven fishing nets to take care of the children all the time, praying for the Buddha to bless a family. The father and brother Shun Zishu lived out of the boat all the year round to make a living. The fifteen-year-old confused rural teenager Ayuan (eldest son) has been secretly in love with his father, who came to the town from the city to study in the autumn. Ayuan wants to invite her to find the island he used to dream about as he once visited. I haven’t gotten a response yet, but Ayuan’s dissatisfaction with the “Boss” horsepower and partner mouse and fat soldiers in the class ridiculed his love for Aqiu’s emotions. In the Dean’s Office, he was surprised to learn that Aqiu is about to transfer to foreign countries. After school, they were retaliated by horsepower and they broke completely. The frustrated A Yuan returned home and was eaten by his father and Shun Zishu who accidentally kicked their legs when they were running the boat. They learned the hardships of the family and the cruelty of reality, and the parents’ A kind of helplessness in life, A Yuan, who accompanied the wine and sleepiness, gradually entered the dream. In the dream, his family and friendship have returned, and with Aqiuyi. Looking for the mysterious island by boat, he gradually discovered that this unpredictable and cloud-covered island is home to some people. Many of the traces of life and the damage caused by migration, A Yuan realized that The autumn world is different from what I imagined, and I found that my homeland could not go back. Aqiu gradually disappeared into the fog on the island…
After waking up, A Yuan seems to accept the different future direction of Aqiu and his partner. With the panic and anxiety about the future, plus the family’s imperfections, after sending away good friends glasses with his partner, Ayuan rides a bicycle. Say goodbye to the shipyard where the father who is about to leave by the cargo ship, and finally Ayuan alone went to the lake to row the boat to find the island in his heart…
Will to fly, China, 2018
Director:Shi Xiangde
Synopsis:On a birthday party, a little girl wished her birthday “First, I want everyone to be happy every day, the second, I want to learn to dance, and the third…” Dad quickly intervenes to ask her daughter to rest her third wish. . But this seemingly simple desire has opened the journey of this family to a positive and negative argument. The father’s wholehearted support, but her mother has the opposite opinion. So Dad bought a beautiful set of ballet clothes for her daughter, combed her hair for her daughter, took her lacing, took her daughter, allowed her to stagger away with her toes, and even went to bed, and my dad was sleeping with her daughter and practicing ballet dancers. Finger movements. Dad often persuaded her mother to help her daughter, and her mother took her daughter’s practice as a routine. One day at a dinner, my mother watched their father feed her daughter and eat at the dinner table. The father and the daughter played while they were eating. Dad even asked for her daughter to go to the dance classroom to practice with other children. So my mother made a grumpy tantrum and my mother felt that Dad should measure her daughter’s age and strength. Yu went into the room and hid herself in the room. When Hao comforted his daughter’s emotions, he entered the room and gently kissed his wife’s forehead. He told her to go to bed to see her daughter. The daughter slept. Yu entered her daughter’s room. When her father had already gone to sleep and was about to turn off the lights for the two, the daughter called her mother and told her mother earnestly that the third wish of her birthday was to be like a normal child. She also wanted to learn from her heart. Everything, I hope I can stand still. After listening to her tears and her mother’s heart tumbling, all this time, I recalled that my dad had been trying to make her daughter feel like she was a normal child, and she seemed to be completing a small dream when she was rejuvenating and combing her hair. Looking back at her daughter’s habit of shrinking her fingers with SMA, Dad just wanted to make her gesture like dancing. The pain that was diagnosed at the time had caused her mother to lose her smile, but her mother seemed to realize it. One day, just as Hao and Joy were practicing (rehabilitation) as usual, Yu pushed an electric wheelchair, my mother picked up her daughter in a wheelchair, Hao played music, and took his daughter’s laps. Dancing in the living room, from this moment, their smiles prove that they are like all normal people and they also have a happy home.
My Mother’s Eyes, United Kingdom,2018
Director:Jenny Wright
Synopsis:A story about motherhood and loss in an abstracted world of childhood memory.
Balance Singapore,2018
Director:Raymond Limantara Sutisna
Synopsis:Balance is a 2D animated short film about a boy and a girl fighting for painting space, both refusing to give in until the mess they create goes out of control. They then realise the only way out is to work together and strive for coexistence.
Candra-Sasa (Moon-Rabbit),India,2018
Director:Rahul Yadav
writers:Rahul Yadav
Producers:Aditya Bharadwaj
Key Cast:Shruti Sharma, Rohini
Synopsis:A country where food, cloth and shelter comes as priority to education of a child, Article 21a of Indian constitution seems frivolous. This is a story of an Indian citizen who instead of seeking her primary education even after 70 years of independence is walking miles from her home to school, not to receive education but to find some food. While this problem remains old but the solution is spars and India remains a third of worlds illiterate. This girl too is trying hard to bring all the arithmetic she knows to earn her livelihood . The Short Film ‘10 Ka 4” revolves around the character of a 7year old girl who is trying to make a living for her family by selling stationary outside a high class English medium school. The movie is also trying to show the two different strata’s in the society, and how one of them is very vigorously fighting to reach where the others are. The film also sheds light on child labour & right to education which are very prominent in today’s society.
Candra-Sasa (Moon-Rabbit),India,2018
Director:Navodit Mandal
Writer:Navodit Mandal
Producers:IDC, School of Design, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
Key Cast:Rashi Gupta, Rahul Sharma, Prabhat Negi, Nikhil Singh, Navodit Mandal
Synopsis:The Jataka Tales were written for mankind to gain knowledge and morality.So after going through so many Jataka Tales and I took the tale of “Hare on the Moon”. It is the story when Buddha, in a previous life, was born as a Rabbit; and lived in a jungle with three friends a jackal, a monkey and an otter. They all resolved to practice alms giving on the day of the Full moon(Upostha), believing a demonstration of great virtue. I have taken the essences of the story which are Compassion, Self Sacrifice, Goodness of giving alms and treating everyone with same respect and honor. This short animation film is a humble effort to evoke these feelings of being a good being .
Tess & Tim,United Kingdom,
Director:Sam Ogunsola
Writer:Sam Ogunsola
Producers:Sam Ogunsola
Synopsis:Twins Tim and Tess frequently fight, but later realise how bad taking each other for granted can be.
Slides,United States,2018
Director:Andres Padilla
Writer:Andres Padilla
Synopsis:A man has an argument with his girlfriend that spurs a journey through his past–with the help of a childhood toy–to fix his present and their future.
Director:Lynn Laor
Writer:Lynn Laor
Producer:Lynn Laor
Key Cast:Roni Dotan, Ohad knoller
Synopsis:Drama. While Tel Aviv comes under missile attack, Shira’s pregnancy test comes up positive.
Out of Image,Germany,2018
Directors:Jason Stewart
Writers: Jason Stewart
Key Cast:Ariel-Nil Levy, Catalin Jugravu
Synopsis:At the gallery, a searching young man (LESTER) stumbles into an intimate experience with the eccentric photographer (MARK), finding himself suddenly on the wrong side of power in this relationship as well as behind the delusional scenes of his artistic work.
Director:Anna Sobolevksa
Writers:Anna Sobolevska, Alina Semeryakova
Producers:Vladimir Yatsenko, Anna Sobolevska
Synopsis:Once upon a time in the nearest future humanity overcome the death by digitizing the human’s souls. So, we will be granted with Eternity. But what happened if Eternity faced with Love?
Director:Laura Pop
Writer:Laura Pop
Producer:Laura Pop
Synopsis:Living a constant adolescent drama with the monster inside her mind, a young girl embarks on a spiritual journey in order to make peace with herself and with the ones around her.
Awake,United Kingdom,2018
Director:Shan Yang
Writer:Shan Yang
Producer:English National Opera
Synopsis:Shadow of Jack the Ripper has been haunting Whitechapel for a long time, threatening the local impoverished women’s lives, and such sufferings have paralyzed their will to survive. One day, as the danger finally approaches and tries to take away a little girl’s life, all the silent women decide to stand up and fight.
Bangkok 2032,Thailand,2018
Director:Pongkiti Manityakul
Writer:Pongkiti Manityakul
Producer:Khomthong Rungsawang
Key Cast:Nino Wang, Matthew May
Synopsis:In the year 2032, amidst the arrival of another great flood in the capital of Thailand, two brothers, Nino and Non, are forced to relocate and drive back towards their childhood home situated in the north. While there, they must set their opposing beliefs on the matter aside as they prepare to face the inevitable.
The Youngest,Israel,2018
Director:Rachel Elitzur
Writer:Rachel Elitzur
Producer:Racheli Vaserman
Key Cast:Smadar Kilchinsky, Daniel Gal, Maya Har Zion, Melech Zilbershlag
Synopsis:Ultra-Orthodox young Leah works in her mother’s store. She has come of age and would like to marry, but her widowed mother won’t let go. When the two women light Hanukkah candles together, a small miracle begins to unfold.
Spring afterwards,China,2018
Director:Gang Wong
Writer:Gang Wong
Producer:Yuxin Zhang
Key Cast:Guowen Tang, Wanshan Ma, Yongxian Luo
Synopsis:March is the rainy season of Guangzhou. The warm and rainy weather often comes with high humidity, which brings an unpleasant sticky feeling. The Luo family, who live in the old neighborhood, are busy preparing for the upcoming wedding. Wen, the son is a young writer who has published books and won some awards before. After ending a relationship, he remains unemployed and is writing at home for half a year. Unwilling to move on to the future, he often goes to bars, drinking alone and thinking about the past. His elder sister, Shan, who has got divorced, is taking care of her son alone, and she feels nervous but determined towards her second marriage. The father, whose wife died many years ago, brought up Wen and Shan by himself. Before the wedding, the Luo family, staying together, are giving support and encouragement to each other. It rains heavily in the Guangzhou at the night before the wedding. The bride and her family are waiting at home for the coming of the groom and his team till dawn. At this time before Shan leaves home, every one of this family has his own concerns in mind.
Director:Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Writers:Andrés Hernández Covarrubias
Producers:Andrés Hernández Covarrubias, Leonardo de Rodas
Key Cast:Luis Román, Silverio Chávez, Jorge Covarrubias
Synopsis:Edgar Wilson is a lonely clerk with a monotonous life. One night an advertising spot offers him to change his life but he rejects it. What he does not know is that he has been selected to be replaced by an unknown being.
XXX.,United States,
Directors:Danial Khan, Jean Foissac
Writers:Danial Khan, Jean Foissac
Producers:Clayton Horwitz, Caleb Brigham, Sean Gill
Synopsis:Ethan, a 17-year-old student finds a sex tape of his hot teacher, but realizes that he doesn’t have a VHS player so his journey begins to find one.
Good Boy, South Korea
Duration: 20:00
Director: Jóhannes Markús Magnússon
Synopsis: Junwoo is a 14 year old boy that lives with his mother, in his youth he was fascinated by football and was a very promising player, things however go downhill for him after his parents divorce and he gets into conflict with DU-HO who is the leader of his friend group and as a result stops playing football, he becomes isolated and starts shifting his focus in life to video games, things however start to look-up for him when he gains a new friend whom wants to help him get back to his old self. The good boy is however not ready to face his problems and by his attempt to avoid confronting them, a much bigger problem is created as Junwoo, through unexpected events brings a gun along to a football practice.
The violet scar, Belgium, 2018
Duration: 17:46
Synopsis: During summer time, an 11-year-old girl with hearing impairment, seizes a chance to hang out with a special friend whom she leans on, but an unexpected event recurs her haunted past.
Director:Brenda Lopez
Synopsis:ABEO is a hard hitting mixed media animated short that depicts the journey of Nadia and Lupe, two immigrants who risked their lives to cross the Arizona desert in search for a better life.
Trap,New Zealand,2018
Director:Paul James
Producer:Kahra Scott-James
Key Cast:Tony Leslie
Synopsis:A young girl fights for a sense of belonging.
Rex Factor – The Animated Show,United Kingdom,2018
Directors:Tom Sanders, Mike Foster
Writers:Graham Duke, Ali Hood
Producer:Tom Sanders
Synopsis:A rip roaring, comedic ride through the history of the notoriously infamous King Richard III… but is it time to rethink the legend? A one off film bringing to life the internationally successful history podcast Rex Factor.
DEATH VAN,Canada,2017
Director:Michael Enzbrunner
Writer:Adam Gurfinkel
Synopsis:The fictitious space-rock duo DEATH VAN tours through a miniature world inhabited by surreal creatures that are haunted and terrorized by a menacing and mischievous entity.
Director:Claudius Gentinetta
Writer:Claudius Gentinetta
Producer:Claudius Gentinetta
Key Cast:Peter Bräker, Cécile Brun, Arzu Saglam
Synopsis:After the premiere in Locarno in 2018, SELFIES has been invited to over 40 international film festivals and won seven awards. The film is now selected for the 38th Brussels Animation Film Festival / 29th Cinequest Film & VR Festival, USA / 26. Internationalen Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart / MONSTRA – Lisbon Animation Festival and 28th Florida Film Festival, USA Swiss Youth Award at FANTOCHE 16. Int. Festival für Animationsfilm, CH Jury – Laudatio: ‘Selfies gives a general overview of our society and its decadence. We liked how we are shown, how we browse through our newsfeed, without really paying attention to anything. This is currently for the young generation. We also liked the fast pace and crescendo of situations and themes: sex, death, birth. This film impressively shows what Social Media does to us. » Best Film of the Festival at FILMETS 28th Badalona Film Festival. Spain Jury-Laudatio: «Selfies’ is a short film that sends a critical message towards our society today, where everybody feels the urge to photograph every moment to certify that what they experience is really happening. And, above all, it is a film where life appears pointless, in its positive as well as negative aspects, if it is not part of a selfie, however absurd this may be.» Jury Award at KROK 25th Int. Animated Film Festival. Ukraine Laudatio: «For the best group selfie of humankind».
It Starts With,United Kingdom,2018
Director:Laura Nasir-Tamara
Writer:Laura Nasir-Tamara
Producer:Random Acts
Synopsis:‘It starts with’ is a 2D animation short in mixed media about people falling in and out of love, and also making tiny teacups.
The Dance,United States,2019
Director:Dan Pinnolis
Writer:Dan Pinnolis
Key Cast:Dan Pinnolis, Hannah Greendofer
Synopsis:This stop-motion short depicts a man’s search for connection in the digital age.
The Blissfull Accidental Death,Romania, 2017
Duration: 15.00
Director: Sergiu Negulici
Talent Scout,Spain,2018
Director:Jose Herrera
Father of Akka,Germany,2018
Directors:Katja Tauber, Vera Grinblat (co-director)
Writer:Katja Tauber
Producers:Katja Tauber, Marius Kimmel
Key Cast:Isa Isa, Sadan Ashqar
Synopsis:Abu Akka tells us his story as a mosaic of memories as we stroll through his hometown. He grew up in a far from perfect neighborhood. There is a shadow over Abu Akka’s Past – a prank he pulled as a child that went disastrously wrong. He was consequently sent to prison as a small child and still faces the consequences of that day. But he also remembers the good times in this fisherman town. There he met his first and only love: Céline, a Swiss backpacker.
Director:Francesca Draghetti
Writer:Roberto Stoccchi
Producer:Fool in the Box
Key Cast:Andrea Pirolli, Veruska Rossi, Alessio Morese, Giancarlo Cosentino, Roberto Stocchi, Mauro Conti
Synopsis:Two garibaldini ghosts live back their magic night in the Roman Revolution of 1849. A story of war and love, dreaming “Peace and Freedom”.
Portrait of a Block,Bulgaria,2018
Director:Veselin Zografov
Writers:Mariana Sabeva, Veselin Zografov
Producer:Bambashak Lts
Synopsis:An experimental approach towards the creation and development through the years of a panel block. Why things got the way they are?
Synopsis:A personal perspective on coming home after nearly a decade abroad and finding that something is off in the familiar paradise. A warning that profound change is coming. Change that will influence future generations. This shortfilm centers on climate change in southern Greenland, told from a personal yet historical stand point.
Elk!,United States,2018
Director:Remington Daron
Synopsis:Starting with a vision to create a wildlife documentary, things quickly take a turn for the worse due to unforeseen circumstances.
Paradigm Now: The Albizia Project,United States,2018
Director:Rob Lau
Writer:Emily Lau
Producer:Joseph Valenti
Synopsis:Is the albizia tree a destructive force disrupting native ecosystems and communities in Hawai’i, or the material that can awaken new paradigms through thoughtful design? PARADIGM NOW dives into the journey undertaken by Joseph Valenti, architect and founder of The Albizia Project. In pioneering the housing prototype named Lika, Valenti has opened the door to sourcing timber locally, restoring ecosystems, and designing for future island resilience.
Pas à Pas,France,2018
Director:Lachaud Marie
A stop to Santiago,Portugal,2017
Director:Barbara Tavares
Michel’s flight, Spain, 2018
Director: Jesus de frutos ayuso
Duration: 20:00
Director: Carla Alonso
State of grace,Switzerland,2018
Duration: 11:00
Director: Luc Godonou Dossou
The European Dream:Serbia, Spain,2018
Director:Jaima Alekos
Wake Up!What would you do to change the world?,Spain,2018
Prints, Argentina
Director:Eugenia Gonzalia
Synopsis:It is shuddering that an specific event can turn, move, jump throw the pieces off the board. This is exactly what happened to Javier’s family and friends. A young man who was 20 years old, had a lot of dreams to fullfill, being a pilot between them, departed this life in a plane collision. How can you overcome this chaos? What to do with those feelings?. Here is where the social network found place and purpose.
Hedi Mohr, Germany, 2018
Duration: 15:00
Final Show, China, 2018
Director:Chen Jiarui
Synopsis:This film is about the process of creating a graduation drama for the whole class of the senior performing class of the Kede College of Capital Normal University. In the beginning, the students did not understand many of the teachers. After a heart-to-heart meeting, the rehearsals not only gradually entered the state, but also the relationship between the teacher and the students became more and more friendly. The atmosphere of the entire class was very harmonious, and difficulties followed one after another. Their class defeated the difficulty once and for all, and finally it showed a drama that belonged to 23 people in the class.
Never rare, China, 2018
Director:Chen yanv
The Hunters,Poland,2018
Director:Diana Zamojska
Writer:Diana Zamojska
Producer:Diana Zamojska
Key Cast:Jakub Stolecki, Pawel Gil, Mateusz Rusin, Piotr Zurawski, Jacek Beler, Diana Zamojska
Synopsis:A brother and a sister make a hunting trip round a big city (Warsaw) in pursuit of a right candidate for the girl’s boyfriend (and possible future husband). The main reason of such a weird behavior, we can give away now, is simple and obvious – ‘everyone needs someone to love’ and a caring brother cannot let his sister stay miserable. Is he going to succeed?
Explore Poland – a Hyperlapse Journey,Poland,2018
Director:Tomasz Walczak
MOLD,United States,2018
Director:Sujin Kim
Writer:Sujin Kim
Synopsis:Negative words, such as oppression, fear, and insult can be heard at the beginning of the piece, and heavy shouts are heard throughout. Along with people who dance perfectly in sync, a moving cubic appears throughout the piece. Human movements look like a struggle to escape from that cubic structure. However, to escape is impossible because the cubic structure freely transforms in size and shape, like a living creature, more alive than the human bodies. Human bodies just repeat the same choreography, like a passive creature. A woman, whose body is transformed into an eagle, shows human desire for freedom from that limitation.
Director:Hiroshi kizu
Writers:Nobutaka Shimoda / Hiroshi kizu
Producer:Nobutaka Shimoda
Key Cast:Honoka
Synopsis:The fear of being hurt, You are alone The desire to be released from its shell Expressed an emotional changes through dance The action emphasized by editing it becomes a sound and forms a rhythm in the head of who sees this Experimental video where the image became a rhythm track.
Adlais,United Kingdom,2018
Director:James Davoll
Synopsis:The Dyffyn Nanttle valley has been quarried for slate since the 14th century. This activity has all but ceased in the 21st century. The sound of industry breaths ever quieter, the legacy left is both tactile and aural. The gradient lines have shifted due to the physical change in the geography. Nature has returned and the wildlife no longer competes to be heard. The echoes of this past activity however are evident in all directions. The roads change in direction to navigate around the works, the tip piles contrasting the green foliage. Adlais seeks to explore this unique landscape by extracting sounds and visuals directly from it.
Then Anthropocene,United Kingdom,2018
Director:Julia Souchtchinskaia
Writer:Josh Jenkins
Key Cast:Hella Stichlmair,Adam Sabatti
Synopsis:Two sewage factory-workers decide to take a walk after work, discussing life on the way.
Perfect Fit,Finland,2016
Director:Jesse Haaja
Writers:Jesse Haaja, Bianca Bradey
Producer:Jesse Haaja
Key Cast:Bianca Bradey, Rami Rusinen
Synopsis:Quirky story of a girl searching for her perfect fit in the fruit-market of life.
A P E X,United Kingdom,2018
Director:Stuart T Birchall
Writer:Stuart T Birchall
Producer:Numinous Pictures
Key Cast:Pixie Le Knot
Synopsis:“Emergence of a hybrid human-alien consciousness from the void” APEX explores the emergence of a higher life form, the convergence of intelligence and higher consciousness in the primordial void of infinite potential. A portal through which something greater and far more malevolent has emerged. This conceptual film was inspired by a love of the ‘Alien’ franchise and the work of H.R Giger. I wanted to explore the Alien concept set in a future abstraction. We witness a genetic hybrid emerging from the void, composed of the alien and human DNA. The creature: a biological zenith represents the pinnacle in biological evolution and higher consciousness, the being represents balance, a queen and creator, the APEX of being. I employed symbolism to build a subtext, using light (illumination) that symbolises the beginning or awareness or consciousness, the cube (structure) that represents the totality of human intelligence, alongside the blackness in both liquid and solid form to represent the void.
Directors: Sil Van Der Woerd,Jorik Dozy
The Cry,Czech Republic,2018
Director:Nikita Dovzhenko
Producer:Milan Steigerwald
Key Cast:Žánti, Kamil Strihavka
Synopsis:Music video starring Žánti (Zhanti), who plays the girl possessed by the devil. Her fellow villagers wish to burn her alive. Her only hope to survive is to get to the secluded church hidden in the forest. Pastor of the church is a great man, known for his ability to exorcise the devil.
Director:Benjamin Esterlis
Key Cast:Efrat Grinshpan
Synopsis:A music video for Van Der Blüte’s cover version to Peter Gabriel late 70’s classic – a visual gesture to the 90’s CD-R & DIY culture.
Rhiannon – summer ballad about poor Louise,Austria,2018
Directors:Martin Zillner, Erik Kohlbauer, Cordula Meßenböck
Writer:Max Meßenböck
Producer:Roman Schett
Key Cast:Wolfgang Putz
Synopsis:Francois Villon’s „summer ballad about poor Louise” is a late-medieval poem, translated into German by the expressionistic poet Paul Zech, reflecting the multidimensional thinking of medieval artists and writers. The overemphasis of emotion and pathos in a story about poverty and war, was most interesting for the band to adapt it in form of a song and of course for us as a music video. Many well-known participants from the Austrian reenactment community came together to make this narrative music video possible, shot in various history-charged locations like medieval outdoor museums and restored castles as well as ruins. The video shows the fate of a woman, living in solitude, seemingly without possibilities for social advancement. She keeps imagining, being a tree in the wind, symbolizing her state of mind, going through better times, becoming a damsel and deciding to end her life as it becomes a frozen nightmare of loneliness again. The video is a reflection about the momentum, minor lucky events can gain in a life of abstemiousness, about the small timeframe that can open up to enjoy life, and the fatal fall after this small glimpse of happiness has been taken away. A lifetime spent in hopelessness, transforming into a state of wary contentment, shattering in the confrontation with the contingent events of medieval every day life.
Up in the Sky,Spain,2018
Directors:Sami Natsheh, Arly Jones
Spokke,United Kingdom,2018
Director:Jim Archer
Writers:Tim Grewcock, Shaun Lowthian
Producer:Jack Harris
Key cast:Tim Grewcock, Shaun Lowthian, Lorna Shaw
Synopsis:A crime occurs on the boundary between two police forces, but all is not as it seems. Two weary policemen from either side of the county line must work in tandem, learning that two heads (and wheels) are better than one.
Director:Ian Johnston
Writer:Ian Johnston
Producer:Ian Johnston
Key Cast:Ian Johnston
Synopsis:Sunday morning in a sleepy Texas town.
Sex With Los Ángeles,United States,
Sex Night,2018
Director:Daryl Grizzle
Writer:Daryl Grizzle
Producer:Stephen Steele
Key Cast:Jade Samuels, Paul Findlay
Synopsis:”A short black comedy about the intimacies of sex within the bonds of a long term relationship.
At its core, its about how sex can become more functional and much less romantic when navigating it in a world where children and work commitments often take priority.
The couple love each other but have reached an understanding that regardless to how tired or busy their individual schedules maybe, Thursday night is and will always be ‘sex night’.”
The Killer Postman Trailer,United States,2018
Director:Micah Ellars
Writers:Reginald Buchanan, Micah Ellars
Producer:Reginald Buchanan
Key Cast:Jessie James Locorriere, Mykie Fisher
Synopsis:For revenge a deranged mail carrier uses a screwdriver as the murder weapon to inflict punishment on specific customers. Not only are the police baffled by these brutal murders, but they also must stop a psychotic transvestite who poisons her/his victims for personal reasons. This is a chilling murder mystery with a showdown between these two serial killers in the end.
Connection,Russian Federation,2018
Synopsis:What connects all people, phone, random circumstances, or fate?
Director:Remo Pini
Writer:Carolyn Pini
Key Cast:Lara Tokay, Athina Dervenis, Jorinde Heusser, Raquel Forster, Nico Bokardo
Synopsis:Although a refugee girl is relentlessly mobbed by an entitled brat, she changes her world through her courage.
The Deepest Cut,United States,2018
Director:Alexandra Guillossou
Writer:Alexandra Guillossou
Producer:Alexandra Guillossou
Key Cast:Greg Ghosh, Matthew Ghosh, Darlene Ghosh, T.K. Ghosh
Synopsis:A documentary short about a father with secondary-progressive MS, who struggles with his father’s inability to cope, his mother’s guilt for passing multiple sclerosis to him, and his fear for the future of his two sons. The Deepest Cut alludes to the emotional conflict parents face when dealing with the mortality of their child.
Undone,United Kingdom,2018
Director:Sam Brewster
Writer:Sam Brewster
Producer:Sophie Keyte
Key Cast:Sean Van Lee, William Lake, Isabel Patterson, Davinia Hamilton
Synopsis:After seeing his best friend die in a horrific accident, we see a man struggling to maintain a grip on reality, whilst he musters up the courage to break the news to his best friend’s fiancé.
Cosmic Adventures,New Zealand,2018
Director:Bailey Poching
Writer:Bailey Poching
Producer:Maronui Taimana
Key Cast:Kurt Utai-Laurenson, Bryn Henry
Synopsis: Kent Lasershaft is a superhero for the ages. A defender of the weak and hero of the innocent. He’s also the creation of Kent Edwards, a quiet nerd who finds solace in his fantasy creation: the world of Cosmic Adventures! But what Kent does not realize is that the biggest threat to his fantasy world is not his fictitious villains, but rather, the hubris of its own creator. Log line: Cosmic Adventures is about a young scifi fan and told through the perspective of his heroic avatar.
The Carpark,Singapore,2018
Director:Nor Hisham
Writer:Nor Hisham
Producers:Nor Hisham, Lim Li Yin
Key Cast:Firdaus Sani, Lim Li Yin, Tia Andrea Guttensohn, Nor Hisham A
Synopsis:A troubled man in search of the truth, inevitably resorts to lying to his Wife.
BLUE SWEEP,United States,2018
Synopsis:A forensic detective contemplates the historical implications of truth, justice, law and faith after totemic clues from a strange new case unearth reflections on the dark history of a city.
Writer: JACK
LONDON (short story), SEAN MEEHAN (adaptation)
Cinematographer: SEAN MEEHAN
Ket Cast: Martin Dubreuil, Gerald Auger, Morris
Synopsis: Adapted from the Jack London
story: A fur thief must think fast to escape the terrible, protracted death
that awaits him at the hands of the native tribe he had helped enslave.
Taste of Love | China | 2018 | 24’
Director: Jinwu HE
Writers: Tao ZHENG, Xiangxin LI
Producer: Min ZHANG
Key Cast: Luqi PENG, Yinzhang ZHU
Synopsis: The Taste of Love tells a story
about the male lead, Jianjun played by Yingzhang Zhu. He came from an
unprivileged family, making a living by selling crispy ducks, but he was
longing to change his fate. Yinhe, the female lead played by Luqi Peng, went to
Guizhou with her parents when she was 20. She gradually fell in love with
Jianjun, the country boy, whom she found simple, authentic and unpretentious,
and she wanted to be with him.
(Tommy) | Spain | 2017 | 12’
Cinematographer: LAURA CACCIA
Synopsis: Firing someone is an easy task.
Unless that person has been in the company for 12 years, has a flawless CV and
his name is Tommy.
| Canada | 2018 | 9’
Actor: Dizzy Daniels
Director: Dizzy Daniels
Writers: Dizzy Daniels
Producers: Dizzy Daniels
Key Cast: Dizzy Daniels, Caroline Therrien,
Mario, Mario Simon Fortin Gauthier
Synopsis: Our hero spends the day playing
golf, but has to contend with pesky newspapers and getting his ball stuck in
mud. Later on, he proposes to the girl of his dreams – but loses her to her
irate boyfriend.
| Finland | 2018 | 21’
Actress: Alexandra Mangs
Director: Petter Sandelin
Synopsis: 2028 is a dystopian short film
that plays out in Ostrobothnia, Finland in the year 2028. The world is has
undergone a catastrophe due to pollution and war and the survivors after the
upheaval are no longer able to live on the outside. There is an elite that
rules over the survivors and society. This elite wants to create a better world
and raise a new humankind that won’t destroy the Earth, but their methods are
questionable. The survivors are imprisoned by the elite, working and living
together in pairs. They are held isolated from others, closely monitored and
are expected to work for the greater good of society and the women are
artificially impregnated to bear children for the new world. They are trapped
in a daily routine of performing meaningless chores and giving birth to
children that they will never see again.
| Russian Federation | 2018 | 16’
Director of
Photography: Nikolay Orlov
Director: Elena Ryabtseva
Writer: Elena Ryabtseva, Friederike Brin
Producers: Elena Ryabtseva, Alexey A.
Synopsis: A folklore student arrives in a
remote village, but the only informant there refuses to help. Eventually, they
discover their life stories are peculiarly complementary.
| United Kingdom | 2018 | 11’
Director: Sir Franz Pagot, Rizwan Wadan
Editor: Rachel Durance
Writers: Ashley Chin, Rizwan Wadan
Producers: Rizwan Wadan
Ket Cast: David Schaal, Aaron Taylor
Synopsis: Our first short film, shot in
London, looks into the characters that make up this wonderful city and how
importantly judging someone by their appearance defines us more than it defines
them. It centres on how our true characters ultimately shine through and
breakdown the prejudices and racial barriers that we often put up around us.
| Spain | 2017 | 16’
Synopsis: In a small forsaken village, a
woman prepares the funeral of her husband with utmost care. She wants
everything to go according to plan, since for her it is very important to give
a good impression to the guests.
– Monitor against mexicans over nationwide | Mexico – Uruguay | 2016 | 5’
Director:Alejandro Damiani
Writer: Ale
Damiani, Santi Vecino, Juan Andrés Fontán, Javi Cruzado & Enrique Codesio
Cinematographer: Diego Rosenblatt
Editing: Mathías Chumino
Animation/vfx: Marcelo Torterolo, Javier
Torterolo, Edgardo Fernandez, Ale Damiani, Pablo Torterolo, Camilo Veliovich,
Fabio Santini, Pablo Torterolo
Synopsis: While Donald Trump is undergoing
heart surgery, a portal to another reality opens. Latinos start falling from
the sky to the desert, on the Mexico – US border, divided by an enormous wall.
An hilarious war breaks between a Trump-like mecha robot and several
stereotypical Mexican Latinos.
| Ukraine | 2018 | 24’
Director: Anna Sobolevksa
Writers: Anna Sobolevska, Alina Semeryakova
Producers: Vladimir Yatsenko, Anna
Synopsis: Once upon a time in the nearest
future humanity overcome the death by digitizing the human’s souls. So, we will
be granted with Eternity. But what happened if Eternity faced with Love?
afterwards | China | 2018 | 26’
Director: Gang Wong
Writer: Gang Wong
Producer: Yuxin Zhang
Key Cast: Guowen Tang, Wanshan Ma, Yongxian
Synopsis: March is the rainy season of
Guangzhou. The warm and rainy weather often comes with high humidity, which
brings an unpleasant sticky feeling. The Luo family, who live in the old
neighborhood, are busy preparing for the upcoming wedding. Wen, the son is a young writer who has
published books and won some awards before. After ending a relationship, he
remains unemployed and is writing at home for half a year. Unwilling to move on
to the future, he often goes to bars, drinking alone and thinking about the
past. His elder sister, Shan, who has got divorced, is taking care of her son
alone, and she feels nervous but determined towards her second marriage. The
father, whose wife died many years ago, brought up Wen and Shan by himself.
Before the wedding, the Luo family, staying together, are giving support and
encouragement to each other. It rains
heavily in the Guangzhou at the night before the wedding. The bride and her
family are waiting at home for the coming of the groom and his team till dawn.
At this time before Shan leaves home, every one of this family has his own
concerns in mind.
(Moon-Rabbit) |India
| 2018 | 6’
Director: Navodit Mandal
Writer: Navodit Mandal
Producers: IDC, School of Design, IIT
Bombay, Mumbai, India
Key Cast: Rashi Gupta, Rahul Sharma,
Prabhat Negi, Nikhil Singh, Navodit Mandal
Synopsis: The Jataka Tales were written for mankind to
gain knowledge and morality.So after going through so many Jataka Tales and I
took the tale of “Hare on the Moon”. It is the story when Buddha, in
a previous life, was born as a Rabbit; and lived in a jungle with three friends
a jackal, a monkey and an otter. They all resolved to practice alms giving on
the day of the Full moon(Upostha), believing a demonstration of great virtue. I
have taken the essences of the story which are Compassion, Self Sacrifice,
Goodness of giving alms and treating everyone with same respect and honor. This
short animation film is a humble effort to evoke these feelings of being a good
SELFIES | Switzerland | 2018 | 4’
Claudius Gentinetta
Claudius Gentinetta
Claudius Gentinetta
Key Cast:
Peter Bräker, Cécile Brun, Arzu Saglam
SELFIES is a fireworks display of grinning people who lose themselves in the
abysses of human existence. A selfie race around the world.
à Pas | France | 2018 | 28’
Director: Lachaud Marie
Synopsis: Step by step is a film that immerses itself
in a team of young Marseillais tightrope walkers, the highliners of the
country, to understand at best what is teeming behind their passion. They dream
of flying and this strap is placed as their personal freedom, and their present
life .
SHORT FILM FACTORY aduce filme cu intrare liberă în peste 20 de orașe din România și în Praga, Cehia – Februarie 2019
FILM FACTORY (by STTP) te provoacă la film, în cadrul unui eveniment lunar care
aduce filme de autor, cu intrare liberă, în peste 20 de locații alternative de
proiecție din România dar și în Praga,Cehia.
cinematografia îmbrăca hainele de nou născut, filmele erau foarte scurte,
uneori durau un minut sau chiar mai puțin. După cortina de catifea a scurt
metrajelor, creativitatea îmbrățișează strâns imaginația, libertatea și curajul,
reușind să vă ofere o călătorie diferită de fiecare dată. SHORT FILM FACTORY (by
STTP) vă invită să vă cunoașteți. Pentru că viața bate filmul.
scurtmetraje vor rula în peste 20 de spații alternative din tot atâtea orașe
din țară și Praga, Cehia, în ultima săptămână a lunii februarie 2019. O
selecție de 120 de minute de film, povești spectaculoase , care continuă o
tradiție de peste 10 ani de proiecții speciale, oferind publicului din România
șansa unică de a urmări filme scurte multi-premiate, cu intrare liberă.
diferite ne țin captivi în episoade cu personaje ale căror identitate o
confundăm asedeori. Închipuirile fac parte din scenariu și amplifică suspansul
și stările de panică. Cu toate astea trăirile au intensitatea unui serial. Mai
ales când facem un pas înapoi, în timpul celorlalți. Curiozitatea de a-i
cunoaște, de a fi contemporani cu ei, chiar și preț de câteva clipe, adaugă
adrenalină pasiunii de a inventa un mijloc de transport incomod pentru
majoritate. Să regăsim bucurii mici în monotonii zilnice poate fi dezideratul
unui capitol care pare că adună cuvintele fără noimă. Evadările pot fi tipărite
în penel când pasiunile își găsesc numitorul comun. Când pierdem controlul
însă, absența pare că durează o veșnicie. Între timp, se întâmplă o viață de
om. Om care-și lipește azurul privirii de neputința în care, uneori, fără voie,
alunecăm, adulmecând iz de lumină.
farsă a destinului adună veștile pe care refuzăm să le credem. Vești care,
precum semnul de carte, ne amintesc în fiecare zi, unde am rămas atunci când
zâmbeam. Cortina anunță finalul, însă acceptarea pune în scenă noi acte ale
imaginației, distorsionând paragrafe deja tipărite.
înflorite-n inimi ce caută iubire atrag ca un magnet repetări vicioase care
garantează debutul dezamăgirilor în care curcubeul își regăsește doar nuanțele
de gri. Durerea stârnește de fiecare dată puterea vivantă a convingerii de a nu
care vor găzdui proiecții și spațiile de proiecție sunt: Alba Iulia,
Alexandria, Arad, Bacău, Baia Mare, Botoșani, București, Buzău, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Câmpulung Muscel, Cluj-Napoca,
Craiova, Deva, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Hunedoara, Iași, Odorheiu Secuiesc,
Oradea, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Piatra Neamț, Sibiu,
Sighetu Marmației, Suceava, Târgoviste, Târgu Jiu, Târgu Mureș,
Timișoara, Tulcea, Vama Veche, Chisinau (MD). Aici puteti gasi detalii legate
de locatiile STTP:
de scurtmetraj sunt organizate de Short to the Point (International Short Film
Festival) – o reţea internatională de distribuţie, difuzare şi promovare a
filmelor de scurtmetraj. În ultimii ani SHORT FILM FACTORY (by STTP) a reușit
să creeze o punte de legătură intre filmmakeri, cinefili și spectatorii
ocazionali, având ca scop construirea unui nou tip de comunitate urbană.
în anul 2009 sub forma unei caravane cinematografice în 28 de orașe din România,
STTP a devenit un festival lunar la care se înscriu filme din toate colțurile
lumii. Festivalul Short to the Point oferă lunar 13 categorii de premii celor
mai bune scurt metraje înscrise, urmând ca acestea să fie proiectate în cadrul
evenimentului național Short Film Factory by Short to the Point.
Pentru mai multe informații vă
invităm să ne vizitați aici:
This is the list of the films screened at Short Film
Factory (by SHORT to the Point) in February 2019.
Ten minutes tops
Director: Antoine de Bujadoux
Country: France
Duration: 06:16
Synopsis: A man and a woman sit at a table
together. They have ten minutes to talk and lots of things to say.
Director: Miltiades Christides
Country: Greece
Duration: 08:44
Synopsis: Alarmed by area crime, Ellie
panics when a hooded man enters her apartment.
The Time Machine
Director: Gabriel Radu , Bogdan Marinescu
Country: Romania
Duration: 09:17
Synopsis: In 1981, in comunist Romania, a
simple worker invented the time machine…his whole life changes after that.
Adult Supervision
Director: Daniel Castro, Rinee Shah
Country: United States
Duration: 01:37
Synopsis: A love letter to the competent
adults that help us navigate the tricky waters of life.
The Damsels
Director: Delphine Corrard
Country: France
Duration: 19:36
Synopsis: Laurenne is an old lady in a
retirement home. Discreet and obedient, she is quietly getting depressed. That
is until she meets Sylvie, a forty-year-old woman freshly hired in the
establishment. As they become friends, Laurenne finally discovers what boldness
Things Were Better Before
Director: Lu Pulici
Country: Italy
Duration: 06:00
Synopsis: Lost in the deep and polluted
ocean, the captain of a submarine is trying to find a place for saving his
friends and his little fish. Music video of the song Things Were Better Before
by the English band Tankus The Henge.
Director: Sophie Gueydon
Country: United Kingdom
Duration: 12:45
Synopsis: Emma (9) and her Mum recently
moved to a new flat in London. Mum suffers from depression. Emma takes care of
both herself and her mother, struggling between being a child and looking after
her Mum’s needs.
The First Day of April
Director: Shauly Melamed
Country: Israel
Duration: 16:06
Synopsis: Guli wakes up in the middle of
the night and finds her father, Uri, preparing a prank for April Fools’ Day
(April 1st), which begins that next morning. When she awakens in the morning
she is surprised to hear that her father died during his morning jog at the
kibbutz where they live. While her family is busy with the funeral preparations,
Guli finds clues that maybe her father is playing a practical joke on everyone.
Director: John Gray
Country: United States
Duration: 07:48
Synopsis: A young morgue attendant encounters
an unwelcome visitor.
Director: Natalia Rojas Gamarra
Country: Peru
Duration: 19:48
Synopsis: Julia, a 27 year old woman, has
been dumped. This has left her in a pretty vulnerable situation that led her
into making bad decisions that have ended up turning her into a love kamikaze.
Director: Pari Antoniou
Country: Greece
Duration: 08:13
Synopsis: The story is about the hopes and
dreams of a girl who is about to pass away, slowly dying just like her country
around her ,the beautiful moments are the ones that stay with her until the
Date Night | Romania | 2017 | 17’
Director: Stela Pelin
Writer: Stela Pelin, Ioachim Stroe
Producers: Stela Pelin, Alexandru Mihai, Claudiu Mitcu, Ioachim Stroe , Robert Fița
Cast: Ionuț Niculae, Ilona Brezoianu
Synopsis: Andrei works at a crummy car-wash. Due to a series of unfortunate events he get’s fired. This is terrible news for Andrei giving the fact that he is getting married soon. At home the couple gets in quarrel and Andrei tells a story to avoid the fight. Who knew this was going to be a bad idea?
Geeble: a short film | United States | 2018 | 16’ Director: John Jeffrey Martin Writer: John Jeffrey Martin Producer: John Jeffrey Martin Cast: John Jeffrey Martin, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Marcus Neville, Brandon Raines Synopsis: “Geeble” is an immigrant, new to the USA. He is in love with the big city. His innocence makes him a target, however, and he truly is challenged, on this day.
The Test | United States | 2019 | 04’ Director: Rani Deighe Crowe Writer: Rani Deighe Crowe Producer: Rani Deighe Crowe Cast: JR Pierce, Sonja Mata Synopsis: When a guy needs the answers for a test, he gets a girl to let him cheat.
One Up Australia | 2019 | 07’
Director: Alexander Lorian
Writer: Alexander Lorian
Producer: Alexander Lorian
Cast: Ashlyn Burley, Amri Mrisho, Jesse Hislop, Codey Finlay
Synopsis: A woman who’s date robbed her goes to get back what’s hers, but finds that he too is the victim of a similar crime.
GREENKEEPER | Germany | 2019 | 03’
Director: Lisa Pozo Nunez
Writer: Lisa Pozo Nunez
Producer: Daniela Drewke
Cast: Reinhold Moritz, Thorsten Rodenberg, Daniel Schmidt, Arne Löber, Tommy Wiesner
Synopsis: Guenther is a greenkeeper with body and soul. Unfortunately his soccer club stays far behind his ambitions. Since they are about to relegate again, it is on him to save the honor of his team.
Director: Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix
Writer: Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix
Producer: Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix
Cast: Françoise Miquelis, Sara Verhagen, Nancy Tate, Sylvain Savard
Synopsis: A young woman goes with her mother for a routine medical check-up, that turns out to be full of surprises
Short Drama – Official Selection – January 2019
Sea at Night | Germany | 2017 | 26’
Director: Kim Fabienne Hertinger
Writer: Kim Fabienne Hertinger
Producer: Kim Fabienne Hertinger
Cast: Peter Kotthaus, David Steffen, Laura Bettinger, Monika Schiefer
Synopsis: “Meer bei Nacht” (Sea at Night) tells the story about a man, whose disease took away his self-determination, reputation and social support. His tendency to get lost in memories of his past, leads him to a momentous decision.
Life! | Ghana | 2017 | 04’
Director: Ramesh Jai
Writer: Ramesh Jai
Producer: Ramesh Jai
Cast: Frimpong Kwame Daniel, Jane Acquah
Synopsis: Once the only hope of his loved ones back in the village, today Kweku struggles to make ends meet in the city. Heʼs fallen and heʼs given up. He contemplates suicide… Life! was shot in Accra, the capital city of Ghana and stars non-professional actors. The main character played by Frimpong Kwame Daniel hadnʼt faced the camera before.
Look Baba I’m Happy | Germany | 2018 | 26’
Director: Nish Gera
Writer: Nish Gera
Producer: Salli Rebecca Martin
Synopsis: Gulzar, a gay Afghan man, returns to Berlin after the death of his troubled father. He and Baba had not seen each other in eleven years. As he is picking up the pieces in Baba’s flat, he must reckon with dark memories, with everything that happened as Baba’s life spiralled down shortly after their family moved to Germany from Afghanistan, and the ghosts of all that is left unsaid between them in these eleven years.
Sukran | Turkey | 2019 | 13’
Director: Fırat Kaya
Writer: Onur Doğan
Producer: Fırat Kaya
Cast: Pervin Bağdat, Rewşan Çeliker
Synopsis: Fatma is a young teacher living in the oppressive years following the 1980 coup. Police is looking for a militant woman named Şükran and they take Fatma into custody despite knowing that she is not her. Fatma is tortured during the interrogation and finally admits that she is Şükran. When Şükran is captured and sent to the same prison, Fatma confronts her and rejects her existence.
UMBRA | Islamic Republic of Iran | 2018 | 15’
Director: Saeed Jafarian
Writer: Saeed Jafarian, Fatemeh Abdoli
Producer: Rambod Javan
Cast: Goli Alafar, Banipal Shoomoon
Synopsis: A few minutes after midnight, the young lady realizes that her partner disappeared after they had sex. She goes out worried to seek her partner in the darkness of streets.
AUGUST | Islamic Republic of Iran | 2017 | 15’
Director: Samira Norouznaseri
Writer: Samira Norouznaseri
Producer: Samira Norouznaseri
Cast: Nooshika Khodashenas, Nika Sadeghi, Mahin Sadri
Synopsis: Arghavan is excited to see her father on her 9th birthday.
BLOCK | Islamic Republic of Iran | 2018 | 15’
Director: Mostafa Rabbani
Writer: Mostafa Rabbani, Farshad Najafi
Producer: Mostaf Rabbani
Cast: Farhang Omrani
Synopsis: Ehsan, a 16-year old teenage boy, takes a prostitute home for the first time in the absence of his religious family and with the support of his friend. The prostitute gets into trouble by accident. Ehsan who fears the consequences does something irreversible…
DOWN (A TERRE) | France | 2019 | 17’
Director: Arnaud MIZZON
Writer: Arnaud MIZZON
Producer: Arnaud MIZZON, Julien MIZZON
Cast: Arnaud MIZZON, Medi SADOUN, Astrid ROOS, Walid BenMabrouk
Synopsis: Marc lost everything. Without any solution to fill the financial bankruptcy that led to the loss of his relationship, he decided to join a band of outlaws to make a robbery.
A SNAKE MARKED | Canada | 2019 | 14’
Director: Juan Riedinger
Writer: Adam Lolacher, Juan Riedinger
Producer: Adam Lolacher, Juan Riedinger, Matthew Smith Lyons
Cast: Adam Lolacher , Howard Siegel , Christian Convery , Marissa Raylene Burton
Synopsis: A convict receives a surprise visit, forcing him to face his past, blurring the lines of his present reality.
ANGEL’S MIRROR | China | 2018 |14’
Director: Cheng Chao
Writer: Cheng Chao
Producer: Shi Qi, Zhang Lei
Cast: Hao Yiming, Zhang Zhijing, Zhang Lei
Synopsis: In China, in the early 1990’s, a little boy and his family have just come to live in a large factory complex. As he explores his new surroundings, he comes across other boys his age playing ping-pong — and discovers that they are fascinated by a cute little girl who spends her days looking out from the window of an upstairs apartment. Wanting to know more about the girl, he comes up with his own unique way of starting a friendship with her.
BITTER SEA | United Kingdom | 2017 | 15’
Director: Fateme Ahmadi
Writer: Fateme Ahmadi
Producers: Emma Parsons, 60 Degrees
Cast: Ada Condeescu, Belle-Marie Ochiana, Jeff Mirza, Raghad Chaar
Synopsis: An immigrant single mother has recently fled to London to build a better future for her daughter. She’s found a job and place to live, but the landlord has a strict “no children allowed” policy. Trapped in an impossible situation, she has to find a way to hide her daughter being in the flat.
DER BESUCH – THE VISIT | Germany | 2018 | 15’
Director: Christian Werner
Writer: Michael Knoll
Producers: Thomas Springer, Talin Özbalik, Simon Albin, Christian Werner
Cast: Matthias Brenner , Helena Pieske , Peter Schneider , Cornelia Heise
Synopsis: Klaus (60) works voluntary as a Santa Claus in a shopping mall. After an exhausting day, he considers to hang up his job. But then, he gets a call from the children’s intensive care unit.
IRGENDWER – SOMEONE | Germany | 2017 | 15’
Director: Marco Gadge
Writers: Marco Gadge, René Jacob
Producers: Mike Brandin, Marco Gadge, Francis Fulton-Smith
Synopsis: Germany, at the end of WWII. The Red Army fight for every inch of ground in the streets of the city. Greta and her family are hiding in a cellar hoping for mercy. Greta’s father, however, intuits for a very good reason that the Soviets will take brutal revenge. The short film “Irgendwer” (“Someone”) shows that a beginning is still possible, always and everywhere. The film is based on a true story.
THE WIND PHONE | United States | 2019 | 16’
Director: Kristen Gerweck
Writers: Kristen Gerweck
Producer: Linda C. Riedmann
Cast: Megumi Kabe, Hitoshi Masaki, Yukina Takase, Miho Ando, Hiroshi Watanabe
Synopsis: Inspired by true events, THE WIND PHONE intimately follows the emotional journeys of seven strangers. Each is drawn to the same remote and eerie phone booth on a Japanese cliffside, although their conversations couldn’t seem more different. Whereas one caller seeks forgiveness for a fatal transgression and another grapples with a twisted betrayal, others’ motivations are not clear at first. It is not until one of the callers extends a consoling hand to another, that we begin to understand that they are all connected by one harrowing reality.
AURORA | Germany | 2017 | 25’
Director: Philip Escobar Jung
Writers: Lydia Bernhardt & Philip Escobar Jung
Producer: Maximilian Plettau
Cast: Aurelia Schikarski, Julia Schacht, Patrick Kalupa, Roland von Kumman, Iván Sáinz-Pardo, Kathrin von Steinburg, Renate Schauss
Synopsis: 1979. Aurora, ein kleines Mädchen, das in den Bayrischen Alpen lebt, macht mit ihrem Vater Valentin einen Ausflug in die Berge, um einen Sternschnuppenregen zu beobachten. Aurora und Valentin machen von dem Ereignis Fotos, die Aurora am nächsten Tag ihrer Mutter Sylvia zeigen will. Doch beim Abstieg passiert etwas Unerwartetes, dass für Auroras innere Welt eine große Herausforderung sein wird…
BLADGOUD – GOLD LEAF | Netherlands | 2018 | 27’
Director: Vincent Tilanus
Writer: Randa Peters
Producers: Max Eggink, Josephine Moen, Eefje Helmus
Cast: Samuel van den Broek, Lilou Dekker, Hanna Obbeek, Anneke Blok
Synopsis: Owen, a twenty-something couch surfer, is forced to stay at his sister’s home for a few days. His growing deceptions begin to tarnish the image that he is presenting to others. Driven by a growing despair, Owen tries to do everything possible to keep up his appearance and conceal his truth at all costs.
Short Horror – Official Selection – January 2019
Lena | Poland | 2019 | 12’
Director: Jędrzej Gorski
Writer: Jędrzej Gorski
Producers: Maciej Ślesicki, Warsaw Film School
Cast: Weronika Humaj, Olga Miłaszewska, Bartosz Sak
Synopsis: “Lena” tells a story of a young, pregnant girl who lives in a Warsaw’s tenement. Tired of being constantly left alone in her flat, she develops paranoia: she starts hearing someone breaking in and sees words written on the mirror telling her to abort a child. Crushed by this unreal experience, she turns against the father of her child – Konrad, claiming he is responsible for all the bad things in her life, and that he wishes to get rid of a baby. Is it all in her mind or is Konrad really out to get her.
Hauntings And Hallucinations: Three Tales Of Terror | Australia | 2018 | 20’
Director: Joel Stephen Birnie
Writer: Joel Stephen Birnie
Producer: Joel Stephen Birnie
Cast: Fabian Barraza, Renee Joy Faggion, Joel Stephen Birnie
Synopsis: Hauntings and Hallucinations: Three Tales of Terror (2018). A trilogy of my silent horror/comedy short films bringing together an all new remastered Director’s Cut of The NecRomancer, The Experiment of Dr Lebensmittel and Monsieur and the Medium, and now boasting all original scores by Roger Menichelli (The NecRomancer) and Christian Birkedal (The Experiment of Dr Lebensmittel/Monsieur and the Medium). All three films starring the slapstick talents of Fabian Barraza and actress Renee Faggion in her featurette debut. Written, Produced, Edited and Directed (including all other aspects of production) by Joel Stephen Birnie.
ALTITUDE | Austria | 2019 | 11’
Director: Nicole Scherer
Writer: Nicole Scherer
Producer: Alexander Frühling
Cast: Teresa Bönisch, David Miesmer
Synopsis: For two alpinists the hike up to a mountain cabin turns into a life- threatening battle between reality and illusion.
HOMBRE | Chile | 2017 | 22’
Director: Juan Pablo Arias Muñoz
Writer: Juan Pablo Arias Muñoz
Producers: María Ignacia Melo & Maximiliano Scheleff
Cast: Franco Tapia, Daniel Candia, Eduardo Reyes
Synopsis: It’s been several days of cross-country for Miguel and his father. Despite of them walking deep into the wild, they can’t find any animals to hunt. Exhausted by the boorish demands of his traveling companion, Miguel enters the forest during the night, finding a strange monster that dwells there. The boy decides not to reveal the episode and hide the fear he begins to experience. Miguel is torn between his deepest fears and the desire to be a “real man” as dictated by his father, putting his own identity and nature in question.
SALVATION – FRELSUN | Iceland | 2017 | 25’
Director: Thora Hilmarsdottir
Writer: Snjolaug Ludviksdottir
Producers: Eva Sigurdardottir, Thora Karitas Arnadottir, Kristin Olafsdottir
Cast: Unnur Ösp Stefánsdóttir , Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir , Valur Freyr Einarsson , Ingvar E. Sigurðsson , Dóra Jóhannsdóttir
Synopsis: Katrin wakes up in the hospital after a serious car accident to find that she has received a life-saving blood transfusion. However, the religious cult she belongs to forbids such things. As Katrin struggles to reconcile this conflict with her church and family, she begins to become obsessed with the stranger whose blood is now flowing through her veins.
Short Fantasy/Sci-Fi – Official Selection – January 2019
Birthday | Italy | 2017 | 15’
Director: Alberto Viavattene
Writer: Alberto Viavattene
Producers: Claudio Bronzo, Lorenzo Lotti, Alessandro Regaldo
Cast: Roxane Duran, Sydne Rome, Stewart Arnold, Viola Sartoretto , Loredana Armanni
Synopsis: Night. An abusive nurse wanders through the halls of a nursing home. She integrates her salary by secretly selling prescription drugs to junkies and stealing from the most vulnerable patients. The only thing she hates more than her job is old people. Upon entering room 12, occupied by three sisters, she discovers that one of them has just turned one-hundred years old: there must be a birthday present somewhere… that will change their lives forever.
Eikasia | Portugal | 2018 | 25’
Directors: Francisco Morais, Miguel Pinto
Writers: Francisco Morais, Miguel Pinto
Producers: Dinis Pereira, Inês Mingote
Cast: Francisco Morais
Synopsis: A young adult is living in an abandoned world. His dreams and memories are his escape from reality. After some strange events, he begins a journey looking for answers.
Ponderosa | Canada | 2018 | 17’
Director: Julien Gregoire Peloquin
Writer: Julien Gregoire Peloquin
Producer: Sébastien Croteau
Synopsis: A day in the life of Ponderosa, a young woman who cannot escape the daily exploits brought upon her by tainted, yet lustful, showgoers. What do they truly seek?
LAGE DER NATION – STATE OF THE UNION | Germany | 2019 | 22’
Director: Keno Bueltena
Writer: Keno Bueltena
Producer: Keno Bueltena
Cast: Sebastian Mirow , Jannik Büddig, Marthe Lola Deutschmann , Valentin Mirow
Synopsis: Germany in the year 2033: Europe has collapsed. Rebels plan an attack against the far-right regime. It fails – because one of the rebels is a traitor. Hope lies with a young journalist to fight against the terror regime.
LEKAIME | Spain | 2018 | 17’
Director: Xanti Rodriguez
Writer: Xanti Rodriguez
Producer: Yara Vergara
Cast: Oihana Maritorena, Amaia Lizarralde, Asier Hernandez, Carmen Paz
Synopsis: Lekaime is a project born in the studios of Xanti Rodriguez, a short lm set in the 40s after Hitler’s visit Franco in Hendaye. Title of fantastic terror surrounded by occultism, black magic and touching the controversy of the theft of neonates by a part of a small ecclesiastical collective.
MUFFIN | Greece | 2019 | 17’
Director: Daniel Bolda
Writers: Marilena Karamolegou, Daniel Bolda
Producer: Matina Konstantinidou
Cast: Giorgos Gallos, Sofia Kokkali, Kostas Laskos, Katerina Lipiridou, Andeas Kodopoulos
Synopsis: Willing to pay the price for a new life, a man stops his car in the middle of nowhere and forces his father out, leaving him all alone in the woods; Haunted by his regrets, he then tries to cancel the agreement and bring his father back. What a surprise: there is no such thing.
THE BOOGEYWOMAN | United States | 2018 | 17’
Director: Erica Scoggins
Writer: Erica Scoggins
Producers: Sinah Ober, Dakin Cranwell, Ian Flannery
Cast: Amélie Hoeferle , John Henry Ward, Katherine Morgan , Raquel Ascension , Grace Turner , Nathan Ford Jr. , Keenan Carter
Synopsis: Late blooming Sam Rains finally gets her first period at the annual all-night skate. At first a triumph, her new condition brings strange side effects. An erie electrical problem has the kids teasing about “the Boogeywoman,” a local legend, a sorceress who feeds on men’s souls and eats little girls. When a friend leaks about Sam’s period, the boys tell her she’s fair game for The Boogeywoman. With an expected tryst derailed, Sam leaves the skating rink in a fever only to meet the legend in the flesh. Instead of a monster, Sam finds a mother, a goddess, a mentor–opening the door to womanhood.
THE VISITOR | Australia | 2018 | 11’
Director: Justin Olstein
Writer: Justin Olstein
Producer: Clea Frost
Cast: Felicity Soper, Kasia Kaczmarek
Synopsis: In present-day Melbourne, Naomi is awakened by a frantic young woman on the run. Naomi grapples with a situation that defies reality and as the night unfolds, she must decide how far she can go to protect her visitor from rapidly encroaching danger.
Narrative Short – Official Selection – January 2019
Neon Hearts | The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | 2019 | 17’
Director: Ana Jakimska
Writers: Ana Jakimska, Diana Voinea
Producers: Lazar Sekulovski, Petar Antevski
Cast: Jordan Simonov, Gordana Endrovska, Simeon Moni Damevski
Synopsis: Petar is a middle aged man who spends a lot of time on the road with his truck. Away from home and his family, he lives a secret life in which he is free to be himself. However, one night, in one of the motels he visits, he is met by somebody who will put an end to his routine.
Champion | Sweden | 2015 | 19’
Director: Måns Berthas
Writers: Daniel Burman, Måns Berthas
Producers: Måns Berthas, Daniel Burman
Cast: Sten Ljunggren
Synopsis: Harsh midwinter. A frozen marriage in a remote cabin. An man from the past returns to seek revenge, and long lost feelings come alive. A wordless battle begins and the eternal triangle finally comes to an end.
Bitchboy | Sweden | 2016 | 15’
Director: Måns Berthas
Writers: Måns Berthas, Daniel Burman
Producers: Måns Berthas, Daniel Burman
Cast: Manne Gidlund, Lo Kauppi, Lena Strömdahl
Synopsis: Lukas, a young dedicated metal head, is visiting his recently departed grandfather at the hospital. Despite the bloodline, he doesn’t want the old man to be buried in the family grave. Dark secrets come to light, and when opportunity comes, he seeks revenge.
Fatta male (Damaged Goods) | Italy | 2017 | 15’
Director: Ludovico Bossi
Writers: Ludovico Bossi, Savino Genovese
Producers: Savino Genovese , Viren Beltramo
Cast: Savino Genovese , Viren Beltramo
Synopsis: Cinzia and Filippo meet in person for the first time after having met on chat. A badly cooked dinner, a few extra drinks, a constant alternation of attraction and embarrassment. They reveal themselves one word at a time, until Cinzia falls in her own usual trap, the one she triggers when she feels insecure. It is easy to relate to this story, in which diversity is only a detail. And it is on the viewer’s eye to decide whether this detail makes a difference.
Melodi | Singapore | 2017 | 12’
Director: Michael Kam
Writer: Michael Kam
Producer: Mabelyn Ow
Cast: Julian Kam, Asmara Abigail, Hock-Chuan Kam , Sunny Pang
Synopsis: An awkward, lonely boy is infatuated with his new neighbor, a young caregiver. In his own way, he reaches out to her…
Il tratto (The Line) | Italy | 2017 | 15’
Director: Alessandro Stevanon
Writers: Claudio Giordano , Alessandro Stevanon
Producers: Daniele Segre , Daniele De Cicco
Cast: Mattia Musa, Mohamed Ba, Eleni Molos, Jean Paul Dal Monte
Synopsis: Federico is an introvert and lonely child. A meeting with an old artist coming from Senegal helps him discover his talent and learn to see others for what they are. “The line” is a tale of a friendship that is founded on those differences that make each of us unique, and of the art of telling the story of ourselves through each other.
Un cortometraje sobre la educacion | Chile | 2017 | 19’
Director: Sebastián Nemo Arancibia.
Writer: Sebastián Nemo Arancibia.
Producers: Sebastián Nemo Arancibia, Valentina Roblero, Javiera Zurita
Cast: Alejandro Trejo, Joseff Messmer , Benjamín Silva
Synopsis: Jorge is a fifty-year-old math teacher who is hired at a school with serious bullying issues. His feeling of powerlessness will lead to his own morals being corrupted.
Little bull | Argentina | 2018 | 13’
Director: Laura Litvinoff
Synopsis: A fishing day between a father and his son. The love, the power, a failed fantasy and a song from infancy that replays itself like a repetitive song and constantly.
Uncle Ted | United Kingdom | 2018 | 12’
Director: Bruno Catarino
Writers: Louise Johnson, Bruno Catarino
Producer: Louise Johnson
Cast: Soolaya-Rose Yusuf, Abdoulie Mboob, Janet Kamara, Trevor Mann, Jacqui Lofthouse
A girl of humble heritage and with big dreams moves to London with the man she loves, but soon finds out not everything is rosy in the big city.
The Moor | United Kingdom | 2018 | 12’
Director: James Everett
Writer: James Everett
Producer: Paul Olavesen-Stabb
Cast: Corin Stuart, Dan Antopolski, Erin Hillyer
Synopsis: Oliver has taken his daughter Heather to the moor to find a May Day celebration but when she disappears he believes a mysterious huntsman has snatched her. As he searches for her, the moor becomes an endless nightmare. Just when it seems Oliver is defeated, he meets the huntsman who tells him his daughter is at a May Day celebration over the hill. Assured by his kind eyes, Oliver thanks the huntsman and goes to the celebration where he finds Heather but a dreadful twist of fate awaits.
The Last Christians | Germany | 2018 | 27’ David Lichtenauer Daniel Grave, J. David Hinze, Michael S. Ruscheinsky, Pavel Fieber, Thomas Richter, Falko Luniak
Ardentia | Brazil | 2018 | 15’ Director: Thed Oliveira Writer: Thed Oliveira Producers: Thed Oliveira, Leonardo Justiniano Cast: Ghilherme Lobo, Michel Joelsas, Giovanna Moreira Synopsis: Trying rid himself of his anguish, Arthur burns poetry and songs made with his former partner. However, Isa’s presence makes him remember and feel everything that he wants to destroy.
Mulette | France | 2017 | 22’ Director: Lara Hirzel Writer: Lara Hirzel Producers: Jeanne Ezvan, Marthe Lamy Cast: Iliana Zabeth, Grégoire Montana Haroche, Frank Williams, Delphine Hecquet Synopsis: Summer 1606. Young Clodomir is sent to keep a close eye on a small river in which a group beautiful young women are fishing for mussels. They are searching for pearls that will be used to bedeck the dress of Marie de Médicis. Clodomir succumbs to the charm of one of them, Mulette.
Edith and Henry | France | 2018 | 15’
Director: Clémence Lebatteux
Writer: Clémence Lebatteux
Producers: Arhtur Goisset, Bastien Daret, Robin Robles
Cast: Maryvonne Schiltz, Jacques Boudet
Synopsis: After 50 years of marriage, Edith discovers that Henry consults porn websites on the computer they just bought. She decides to lock herself in her room but her husband is watching her through the keyhole… A naughty game is about to start between them.
Scooter boy | France | 2018 | 21’
Director: Florence Hugues
Writer: Florence Hugues
Producers: Arthur Goisset, Bastien Daret, Robin Robles
Cast: Bérangère Delobelle, Lucas Henaff, Déborah Grall, Franc Bruneau
Synopsis: Judith’s lover has passed. Her family and friends are being supportive, trying the best they can to make her life back to normal. But how to keep going ? A few days after the funeral, something strange happens. A scooter comes to life and starts to make signs to her.
Private eye | France | 2018 | 23’
Director: Constance Meyer
Writer: Constance Meyer
Producers: Robin Robles, Judith Nora, Priscilla Bertin, Bastien Daret , Arthur Goisset
Cast: Florence Loiret Caille, Pauline Coffre, Hugues Duchêne, Quentin Maussang, Gérard Depardieu , Luana Duchemin
Synopsis: On the Swiss border, a detective is asked to follow a woman whose comings and goings worry her husband. Everything seems normal, until night falls, and the tail begins.
Maksimka | Russian Federation | 2018 | 27’
Director: Ilya Kazankov
Writer: Ilya Kazankov
Producer: Anastasiya Kazankova
Cast: Mickail Porechenkov, Igor Kluchnikov, Ivan Efremov, Aleksander Bukovskiya, Dmitriy Repin
Synopsis: For violation of discipline, friends-students are serving their sentence in the military kitchen for cleaning potatoes and sharing their dreams …
Pillowface | Hungary | 2018 | 11’
Director: Péter Vácz
Writer: Péter Vácz
Producer: Bálint Zágoni
Cast: Dezső Derzsi, Anna Sándor
Synopsis: An introverted man creates a pillow friend in his hotel room to ease his loneliness but this new friendship is short-lived when the maid makes the bedding again and again…
Fire Flames | Canada | 2019 | 05’
Directors: Briggs Ogloff, Tiana Franks, Erin O’Connor
Writer: Erin O’Connor
Producer: Erin O’Connor
Cast: Isla Pouliot, Owen Brackman
Synopsis: During summer’s final moments, Bill reflects on his mother leaving.
Open | Turkey | 2018 | 16’ Director: Kerem Altın Writer: Kerem Altın Producer: Kerem Altın, Alihan Karagül Cast: Polat Bilgin, Mehmet Ulay, Murat Sağlam, Tuğba Kürükoğlu, Kadir Külekçi Synopsis: Adem, builds himself a boat to go to an island. At the beach, he meets randomly with retired lighthouse keeper Turgut and Ufuk who has problems with his lover, Seher. They joins to boat’s building process. The kid in the beach plays with his sand castle. While boat is building, Turgut has his questions.
AURORITA OF MY EYES – AURORITA DE MIS OJOS | Colombia | 2018 | 24’ Director: Natalia Chinchilla Writer: Natalia Chinchilla, Bernardo Chinchilla, Bernardo H. Chinchilla Producer: Bernardo Chinchilla Cast: Edgar Durán Jr., Paola Rodríguez Olaya Synopsis: Raul lost his mind. Aurorita, the love of his life had left him without saying a word. Six months later, chance will make them run into each other again. Together, they will both begin a trip through Cundinamarca countryside, which all in just one day they will find out their love’s destiny.
BLUE | United States | 2018 | 15’
Director: Samantha Severin
Writer: Samantha Severin
Producer: Andrew Nisinson
Cast: Veronika Vilim, Mick Spence
Synopsis: A girl goes online at night and speaks to strangers on her webcam.
DIE WILDEN – THE SAVAGES | Switzerland | 2018 | 18’
Director: Joachim Schloemer
Writer: Anja Delz, Milena Keller, Lou Meilli, Joachim Schloemer
Producer: Peter Kraut
Cast: Sandrine Zenner, David Brückner, Stefan Schönholzer, Julius Schröder, Yi-An Chen
Synopsis: An artist wants to part with her agent and the previous artistic partner and invites her along with her boyfriend for a last meal. After the two have learned the news, a tug begins and draws around their person. This long-hidden injured vanity, artistry and intricate love relationships come to light.
HANS IM PECH – HAPLESS HANS | Germany | 2018 | 30’
Director: Rena Dumont
Writer: Rena Dumont
Producers: Rena Dumont / Dumontfilms, Neue Horizonte Film
Cast: Markus Hering, Igor Chmela, David Prachař, Lucie Polišenská, Jean Luc Bubert
Synopsis: The grumpy factory employee Hans Himmelreich has to travel behind the Iron Curtain into a profoundly communist Czechoslovakia of the sixties to have his deceased grandmother buried. Despite prejudice he unexpectedly finds happiness in this Sudeten German province.
LE ROSE ET LE VERT – THE MISSING PIECE | Switzerland | 2018 | 15’
Director: Julien Chavaillaz
Writers: Adrien Gaillard , Julien Chavaillaz
Producers: Vincent Borcard, Pierre Stadler, Adrien Gaillard
Cast: Arthur Choisnet , Olivia Csiky Trnka , Paul Courlet
Synopsis: Baptiste, a lonely outsider, is in love with Mina, the girl from the sex hotline. One day, Baptiste gathers his courage and succeeds in convincing the young woman to accept a rendez-vous at a café in town…
LOVE, LIES & LARCENY | United States | 2018 | 13’
Director: TJ Sansone
Writer: JP London
Producers: Tom Brown, TJ Sansone
Cast: Edoardo Ballerini, Nicol Moeller, Rebeka Choudhury, Ray Longo
Synopsis: Max is a good guy with an average life. But when a devastating circumstance shatters his reality, he’s left with no plan or resources to put it back together again. What does a good person do when bad things happen? They do what needs to be done.
MAKE ALIENS DANCE | Belgium | 2018 | 24’
Writer: SEBASTIEN PETRETTI, Fredrik Mjell
Producers: Giuseppe Conti, Paul Meranger, Sebastien Petretti
Cast: Alastair Natkiel (Mike), Calvin Dean (Murphy) , Eileen Pollock (Lilli), Bob Goody (Dan), Colin Spaull (Commentator), Carol Robb (Boss)
Synopsis: * Gillingham, UK, 2018. Mike, a music producer in free fall, Dan, a sound engineer who is tired of his job, Murphy, the autistic brother with his headphones fixed to his ears, and, Lilli, the mother, are going through a rough time in their lives. Mazzy, the youngest sibling, a singer with a superb voice, has disappeared. What do they have left of her? Hours of recordings: her magnificent voice was recorded onto countless tapes, which are carefully stored and filed in the family studio.
MENUETT | Germany | 2018 | 11’
Directors: Wolfgang Aichholzer & Felix Karolus
Writers: Manu S. Scheidt & Felix Karolus
Cast: Senta Berger, Thomas Thieme, Marlene Morreis, Nara Knöpfle
Synopsis: For Charlotte (Senta Berger) it is like any other Sunday, until the doorbell rings and a stranger (Thomas Thieme) surprises her with an exceptional demand.
Director: Alexander Frank
Writer: Alexander Frank
Producer: Julia Terrey
Cast: Florian Mania, André Meyer, Sophie Breitenröder
Synopsis: Two rebellious clown doctors bring moments of joy and happiness to the terminally ill inhabitants of a hospice for children. But when they encounter Lena, a young girl that vehemently refuses to step into their world of clownery, the two put on the show of their lifetime to fulfil Lena’s last wish.
ONE DAY AT THE SEA – UNE JOURNÉE À LA MER | France | 2018 | 18’
Director: Jonathan Borgel
Writer: Jonathan Borgel
Producers: Santiago Amigorena, Christophe Loizillon
Cast: Nina, Honoré, Thibault, Ferdinand
Synopsis: After years of absence, Agatha returns to the sea resort of her childhood, in Normandy, with her six years old son, Honoré. On edge, loaded with memories, she paces along the boardwalks of Deauville, while her son stays alone in the car. To his few questions, she gives no answers. On the wide beach of Trouville, in front of the old Hôtel des Roches Noires, she leaves him one more time. The film is freely inspired from Marguerite Duras’s play, Agatha.
PLAY | Greece | 2017 | 30’
Director: Vangelis Liberopoulos
Writer: Thomas C. Dunn, Avraam Sekerglou
Producers: Stelios Cotionis, Vangelis Liberopoulos, Rodolfos Valentinos Kriezis
Cast: Yannis Drakopoulos, Nikos Georgakis, Panis Kalofolias, Yiorgos Kentros, Sofia Kokkali
Synopsis: Most adults dream of staying in childhood forever and going through life like in a game, free of society’s rules and restrictions. Five employees in a metal company put this dream into effect. What they find is that you may escape the rules but you can’t escape the consequences or your personal responsibility.
RELICIOUS Italy | 2018 | 09’
Directors: Eugenio Villani, Raffaele Palazzo
Writer: Raffaele Palazzo
Producers: Eugenio Villani /Haselwurm Produzioni Film Commission Piemonte
Cast: Raffaele Palazzo, Giancarlo Palazzo, Manolo Elia, Maryan Pasar
Synopsis: An intellectual dress style man is shopping at the supermarket. After he bought the essential goods, he moves toward the refrigerated section to choose the yogurt to buy. The man realizes with amazement that each one of the yogurt cups has stamped on it the name of a religion instead of the yogurt brand…
SPORTS DAY | China | 2018 | 11’
Director: Lin Tu
Writer: Lin Tu
Producer: Sol Ye
Cast: Jingling Li, Jing Jin, Xiaojun Gong
Synopsis: On an ordinary, hot summer day, Bai and Zhao decide to escape their high school’s mandatory event “Sports Day” to spend some private time. But at the moment Bai walks into an 80s-style rented room that Zhao found, she knows that this room’s got something bizarre and unexplainable going on. As Zhao gets too excited and aggressively forces himself on Bai’s body, she panics and asks Zhao to get condom as an excuse. After Zhao leaves, Bai is left alone. She starts to observe the room with caution and great curiosity. She soon realizes that her instinct is right: there’s someone else in this room, secretly observing her with great interest as well…
THE 100TH VICTIM | Canada | 2018 | 20’
Director: Anthony von Seck
Writer: Anthony von Seck
Producer: Anthony von Seck
Cast: Devon Graye, Anthony von Seck, Tamara Duarte, Tymothy Paul Coderre
Synopsis: A truck stop diner, a killer confesses his bizarre experiments to a blogger for the LA Times. An unassuming middle-aged man shares his appetite for twisting fate and playing God. He has polaroids of his ninety-nine victims, by the end of their meal, one of them will be the next.
THE REMIGRANT | Kosovo | 20’
Director: Astrit Alihajdaraj
Writer: Astrit Alihajdaraj
Producer: Astrit Alihajdaraj
Cast: Leze Qena, Ilire Vinca, Veton Osmani, Florist Bajgora
Synopsis: The Remigrant tells a story about Bashkim (50) and his son Besnik (17). They have a lot in common. They both had to leave their homes at their young age. The father had to flee to Austria because of the war in Kosovo and his son has to go back to Kosovo at the request of the father. The return to Kosovo after seventeen years in Vienna is a hard growing up test for both of them. The strong desire for the place of childhood connects and separates father and son alike.
THE SCORPION’S TALE | United States | 2018 | 23’
Director: Jhosimar Vasquez
Writers: Brandon Lee, Maximiliano Hernandez, Tammy Anne-Fortuin
Producer: Jaime Carbajal
Cast: Maximiliano Hernandez, Adam Irigoyen, Anthony Starke, Ness Bautista, Hayley Keown, Eric Aragon
Synopsis: Greed, revenge and death all impact one another in this taught crime drama. Nothing is what is seems in this film written and produced by Maximiliano Hernández and directed by newcomer Jhosimar Vasquez.
TOMBÉ | Armenia | 2018 | 20’
Director: Diana Kardumyan
Writers: Vahram Martirosyan, Diana Kardumyan
Producers: Ani Vorskanyan, Edgar Karapetyan
Cast: Narine Grigoryan, Tatev Ghazaryan, Tatev Hovakimyan, Armen Margaryan
Synopsis: Kara works in the «Goldfish» eatery all day long washing dishes. Her life has become a closed circle of grey days far from the colors of the big city. Every day she walks home alone at night. She saves money for family. But one night an unexpected incident changes her daily routine.
CLAC! | France | 2018 | 20’
Director: Fabien Ara
Writer: Fabien Ara
Producer: Fabien Ara
Cast: Geneviève Emanuelli, Marie Boissard, Capucine Lespinas, Serge Barbagallo, Juliette Savary
Synopsis: A family dinner at a Chinese restaurant. MOTHER : « I have Alzheimer. I am going to kill myself. Tonight. » The last meal of a family ready to blow and freaking out.
Student Short – Official Selection – January 2019
Call me as you want | Bulgaria | 2019 | 19’
Director: Rositsa Trayanova
Writer: Rositsa Trayanova
Producer: Zlatka Keremedchieva
Key Cast: Zornitsa Georgieva, Yoana Pavlova, Zlatka Keremedchieva, Nikolay Ivanov
Synopsis: Everyone carries their own ego and its consequences.
Alexa, a rebel in her twenties, with open sexuality, wears the bruises made by her father, until she realizes that this is the smallest problem. In the trap of public values and prejudices, her girlfriend, Mel, is stuck between her family’s expectations and her choice to be in a relationship with a woman, a fact she does not dare to admit. Fear of happiness often costs more than the happiness itself.
Impuls | Germania | 2018 | 19’
Director: Lisa Reich
Writer: Josef Zeller, David Benke, Maya Duftschmied
Producer: Emilia Möbus
Key Cast: Petra Michelle Nerette, Aaron Arens, Laura Curenca Serrano
Synopsis: The newly engaged couple Katrin (30) and Martin (27) have chosen “Heartbeat” rings to celebrate their love. Each can now feel the actual heartbeat of the other. What starts as a romantic symbol of their new intimacy is soon both monitoring tool and lie detector.
Dreamland | Poland | 2019 | 19’
Director: Natasza Parzymies
Writer: Natasza Parzymies
Producer: Maciej Ślesicki
Key Cast: Krzysztof Rogucki, Sylwia Gola, Wojciech chorąży
Synopsis: When 19-year-old Boy takes up a job at a local amusement park, he falls in love with a much older Girl who works as his replacement as a bear mascot. There is just one ploblem- The Girl is in a long-lasting toxic relationship with the Boss of the theme park.
Phlegethon | Finlland | 2018 | 13’
Director: Silva Kuusniemi
Writer: Silva Kuusniemi
Producer: Silke Riihinen
Key Cast: Roosa Vuokkola, Gabriel Haratani, Sanna Riihinen
Synopsis: Armed with her book “The ABC of Seduction”, a bored and romantic teenage girl disrupts her lazy summer by befriending a mysterious new boy who moves next door – leading to romance and potential damnation.
Secret | USA | 2018 | 6’
Director: Ysabel Congying Li
Writer: Ysabel Congying Li
Key Cast: Jay Shipman, Ysabel Congying Li
Synopsis: This is a student project. It is a 2D animated short about the theme of “Peeping Tom”. The story moves from one character to another and arrives back to the first character, a man who sells recorded videos of people. It tries to reflect contemporary issues involving digital media and personal privacy.
Flouty Express | Lebanon | 2018 | 23’
Director: Muriele Honein
Writer: Muriele Honein
Key Cast: Lynn Yassine, Anwar Azzi, Philippe Kaï
Synopsis: Their plan was simple: he drives, she marries the dead guy, then they share the inheritance. Oh, and, I’m the dead guy.” Road Movie, Dark Comedy Lebanon
Maids | Argentina| 2018 | 06’
Director: Sofia Castro
Writer: Sofia Castro
Producer: Sofia Castro, Delfina Cocciardi
Cast: Julieta Ferraro, Marlon Nazate
Synopsis: Inspired by Las Criadas de Monterroso (Monterroso’s Maids), this short film combining fiction and screendance presents a maid ballerina embodying the voices of two stock radio drama lovers who plan to murder her with their own hands. On a theatrical setting and in one circular travelling shot, objectivity becomes biased as the body struggles to expose all that is incorporeal, and the question arises as to where the limits between mind and expression are.
Blue sky, clean Earth | Islamic Republic of Iran | 2017 | 11’ Director: Mahyar Mandegar Writer: Mahyar Mandegar Producer: Mahyar Mandegar Synopsis: Massoud is a small time thief who is being charged with terrorism.
DANTE VS. MOHAMMED ALI | Netherlands | 2018 |28’
Director: Marc Wagenaar
Writer: Marc Wagenaar
Producer: Bettie Warnier, Dominique Hoogendoorn, Hanna Burkhardt
Cast: Bas Keizer, Gijs Blom, Helmert Woudenberg, Olga Zuiderhoek
Synopsis: Twenty-year-old Wolf is living in the boxing village of the Netherlands. When he has to fight against his best friend Alexander during a weekly match, he refuses. A rematch is confirmed, which brings Wolf’s feelings and emotions to a boiling point. He tries to convince Alexander to join him leaving the village, but his overly romantic message runs into a wall.
ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM | Switzerland | 2018 | 20’
Director: Chanelle Eidenbenz
Writer: Chanelle Eidenbenz
Producer: Filippo Bonacci
Cast: Doris Schefer, Johannes Hegemann
Synopsis: Without understanding why, Irna senses that the relationship with her son Jago is getting more and more hopeless. She seeks refuge in her own world, whose center is Elias, a rubber doll. While Irna holds on to her own reality with all her might, Jago is desperately trying to make his mother understand.
BOT | Germany | 2018 | 23’
Director: Daniel Hoffmann
Writer: Daniel Hoffmann
Producer: Daniel Hoffmann
Cast: Björn von der Wellen, Tara Fischer, Dietmar Wunder
Synopsis: A middle-aged programmer (Noel) stands in front of the ruins of his marriage. With the help of a new intelligent language assistant, Noel tries to redirect his professional and private life into the right path. The artificial intelligence not only assists him in coping with everyday life, but also arranges an appointment with the much younger Claudine.
Director: Bernhard Wenger
Writer: Bernhard Wenger
Producers: Florian Bayer, Clara Kö nig, Bernhard Wenger
Cast: Rasmus Luthander, Anna Å strö m, Elli Tringou, Carl Achleitner
Synopsis: A Swedish couple is on a wellness trip in the Austrian mountains, but after an argument, Aron’s girlfriend leaves, and slams the door behind her. Now, Aron is looking for his girlfriend but can’t find her anywhere. He dives into the bizarre world of the alpine wellness resort and drifts along until the question arises if Aron is looking for his girlfriend or really himself.
IVAN | Greece | 2018 | 10’
Director: Pangiotis Kountouras
Writers: Taxiarchis Deligiannis, Vasilis Tsiouvaras
Producers: Taxiarchis Deligiannis, Vasilis Tsiouvaras, Panagiotis Kountouras, Christos Stergioglou
Cast: Christos Sterioglou
Synopsis: Can you consume your human nature in a meal? When hidden instinct is transformed into morbid obsession, then self-preservation turns into a meaningless ritual of imitation, an act of empty logic.
Director: Anna Ludwig
Writer: Anna Ludwig
Producer: Doris Wedemeier
Cast: Jonas Kellner, Vincent Kuplien, Stephanie Kellner, Tobias Lange, Elisabeth Rass, Zeynel Alkis, Peter E. Funck
Synopsis: A single mum is very sad as she isn’t able to afford to hire a Father Christmas on Christmas Eve for her children this year – a typical tradition in this family and parts of Germany. The brothers just notice that mum is unhappy as Father Christmas won’t be coming around. Their conclusion: Mum still believes in Father Christmas. Now it’s up to them to organize a Father Christmas in order to make mum happy again.
SOLITAIRE | Russian Federation | 2018 | 19’
Director: Elena Brodach
Writers: Zeferino Villarreal, Elena Brodach
Producers: Elena Brodach, Yuri Grachevski, Vyacheslav Murugov, Grachevski Film
Cast: Cecile Pliege, Pierre Bourel, Aleksey Yudnikov
Synopsis: Alexandra, a French architect working on a significant project in Moscow, is an intelligent, driven and independent career woman. But when her life’s desire turns to having a child, and with her biological clock ticking, she is suddenly faced with a serious choice: does she have the time to wait for love or must she take responsibility to have a child alone?
THE ACT OF DEVOURING | Czech Republic | 2018 | 24’
Director: Emir Ziyalar
Writer: Emir Ziyalar
Producers: FAMU International, Emir Ziyalar
Cast: Zdenek Rumpík, Andreas Berg, Martin Drozd, Karel Seidl
Synopsis: A troubled man is forced to repeat a grim task in 1940’s Czechoslovakia. Over time, he starts to fail his task and work on his grotesque secret instead. The fear of his secret being discovered slowly becomes unbearable.
TILL THE END OF THE WORLD | Netherlands | 2018 | 27’
Director:Florence Bouvy
Writer: Jessie Tiemeijer
Producers: Eefje Helmus, Charlene Vos
Cast: Linde van der Storm, Juda Goslinga, Gino Mutunda, Fred Goessens, Mike Libanon, Elisa Beuger
Synopsis: Marie is eight years old and loves her dad. In a world where playful dreams can suddenly turn into empty eyes that don’t seem to see her, she tries to stand her own. A story about the strength of a child fighting for the unconditional love of her father.
WELTSCHMERZ | Denmark | 2018 | 29’
Director: Jesper Dalgaard
Writers: Jesper Dalgaard, Denniz Göl Bertelsen
Producer: Niclas Caroc Warner
Cast: Anne Sophie Lübeck, Christian Mollerup, Janick Phil Nielsen, Marie Jensen
Synopsis: While the world is ablaze, a blind director asks her theater group to help her process her broken heart. In a chaotic and iconographic role play, the group embarks on its search for love’s true nature, while the fear of the physical world’s limitations are buried deep underneath the stage floor.
Empty Skies | United States| 2018 | 19’
Directors: Wenting Deng, Luke Fisher
Writers: Wenting Deng, Luke Fisher
Producers: Patrick Reasonover, Matt Edwards, Victoria Hills, Michael Arter, Curt Chatham
Cast: Arthur Welch, ViviAnn Yee
A boy and his new friend hunt their village’s last sparrow for a reward to save his sick Grandma during Communist China’s Great Leap Forward (1958-1961).
Children Short – Official Selection – January 2019
Vacant Rooms | Poland | 2019 | 27’
Director: Bartłomiej Jakubiak
Writer: Bartłomiej Jakubiak, Katarzyna Górat-Rzepka (dialogs)
Producers: Maciej Ślesicki, Warsaw Film School
Cast: –
Synopsis: 11- years old girl called Zosia – the girl from the rich family, who came to visit her aunt in a small village. Everything seems normal except the fact that her aunt’s mansion is known to be haunted. At the beginning Zosia doesn’t really like neither the place nor her aunt. But when she meets a boy at her age and it turns out that they get along really well she seems to enjoy her vacations a little bit more. But one day they decide to take a risk and solve the mystery of that mansion by doing everything what her aunt told her not to do.
Double Presents | United States | 2018 | 10’
Director: Carlos N. Cerutti
Writer: Carlos N. Cerutti
Producers: Eva Herndon, Carlos N. Cerutti
Cast:Audrey Edwards, Aidan Wonderling, Zak Kinnard, Natalie Younger
Synopsis: Two children try to split up their parents to get double presents on Christmas
WATCH ME! | Islamic Republic of Iran | 2018 | 04’
Director: Reza Mehranfar
Writers: Mona Shahi, Gholamali Mikaeli
Producer: Maryam Sanei
Synopsis: A little boy lives in a world full of Anxiety and fear. A fear that does no mining to others. The normal world is in progress but everything for him is loneliness and darkness.
Animation Short – Official Selection – January 2019
Framed | Italy | 2017 | 07’
Director: Marco Jemolo
Writers: Marco Jemolo, Paola Savinelli
Producers: Marco Jemolo, Nicoletta Cataldo, Grey Ladder, Eleonora Diana
Cast: Guglielmo Favilla, Dario Penne
Synopsis: FRAMED is a noir animated short-film, which explores the sensitive subject of alienation in society.
Vending Machine | Netherlands | 2019 | 06’
Director: Luke Bouwhuis
Writer: Luke Bouwhuis
Producer –
Cast: Luke Bouwhuis, Sqeaks, Bendor
Synopsis: When an alligator named Chris, burdened by social-anxiety, finds his favorite coffee-shop’s vending machine to mysteriously be out of order, he’s met with the task of facing his fears and heading inside. There he meets the baristas Alfie and Andy, the latter being particularly friendly toward Chris.
The Follies of H. Dwiggins Ostrich | United States | 2018 | 20’
Director: Jaime L.B. Schell
Writer: Jaime L.B. Schell
Producers: Jaime L.B. Schell, Alicia Kraus
Cast: Charlene Sher, Jamie Muffett
Synopsis: H. Dwiggins Ostrich has never left the comfort of his aristocratic London world. That is, until he embarks upon a journey to learn more about his ancestors in South Africa. When the trip descends into folly and mayhem, Dwiggins just wants to fly away from it all. But, being a flightless bird, he can’t simply take flight when things get tough. What follows is a fun and heartwarming romp that teaches Dwiggins not only about where he comes from, but about where he’s going.
Tangle | Islamic Republic of Iran | 08’
Director: Malihe Ghloamzadeh
Synopsis: A life of a girl in war
You Died | United Kingdom | 2019 | 03’
Director: Sam Shaw
Cast – Guy Harris
Synopsis: You’ve kicked the bucket. This handy video will help you.
Waka Huia | Belgium | 2019 | 16’
Direcor: Laurent Leprince
Writer: Laurent Leprince, Philippe Carreau
Producer: Geert VAN GOETHEM, Thierry Zamparutti, Serge Kestemont
Cast: –
Synopsis: An old man of Maori origin crosses the world between dream and reality in the footsteps of his grandfather killed in Belgium during the First World War.
Director: Daniela Opp
Writer: Kai Rönnau
Producer: Daniela Opp
Cast: Béatrice Barth, Astrid Schulz, Aliyah Obid, Tobias Schaller , Marit Persiel, Kai Rönnau, Lilly Tamm
Synopsis: The 20th Century was still young when Italian mountaineers conquered Germany with a sensation: gelato! Tiny stalls developed into beautiful ice cream shops. But suddenly sunny days of childhood turned into dark years of war. The love story between Rosa and Paolo ended before the seventh summer had even started… Up until little Molly decides to take matters into her own hands almost 60 years later.
Dancing With Scissors | United States | 2019 | 07’
Director: Steven Vander Meer
Synopsis: Dancing With Scissors is 365 seconds of stream-of-consciousness animation. Twelve drawings (one second of animation) were done by hand each day from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018. Original music was composed and recorded by three musicians in one day.
Missing | United Kingdom | 2019 | 03’
Director: Wanling Chang
Synopsis:The story is about a man who loses his dog and misses it dearly. The narrative will take you on a journey of his grievance, following the emotional turmoil of the separation. From denial to anger, depression to bargaining and finally…the acceptance.
Introduction to Epilogue | Latvia | 09’
Director: Indra Sproge
Writer: Indra Sproge
Producer: Janis Zarzeckis
Synopsis: “Introduction to Epilogue” is a colorful, allegorical film about the fear from death. Life will always last lifetime and it will always end in death. And the end will always be a new beginning.
Documentary Short – Official Selection – January 2019
A Family in the Sinkhole | China | 2018 | 30’
Director: Zubiao Yao
Writer: –
Producer: Zubiao Yao
Cast: –
Synopsis: Daguoquan which was a leprosy town, is the biggest sinkhole in Yunnan province, China. It is well-known by outside world through the media. This place is so beautiful just like the heaven. The government there is developing Daguoquan and called on the villagers to do cleaning in order to attract more travellers. Yang Xiuxiang, a local villager, answered that call and eagered to do cleaning. But He Pingxiu, Yang’s mother , became the biggest barrier .She liked to store the rubbish , and raised a pig in the hole. 2016,which was her year of fate, she refused to do cleaning and move the pigpen firmly. On account of a pig, the son and the mother spent an extraordinary year.
The Puppet Free Library | United States | 2019 | 06’
Director: Jared Leong
Writer: –
Producer: Stefan Linhares, Jared Leong
Cast: –
Synopsis: Located in the heart of Boston, in a hidden alley-way between a church and hotel, the Puppet Free Library remains one of the few homes for the dying art of puppetry. Created in 1976, the library has been an important part of Boston life, providing puppets for city-wide parades and events, local school performances, and even curious young puppeteers. Sara Peattie, a legendary puppeteer, continues to run the library, keeping puppetry and the local Boston gem alive.
Dünyam | Greece |2018 | 14’
Director: Thanos Liberopoulos
Writer: –
Producer: Thanos Liberopoulos
Cast – .
Synopsis: For Ali the world is as far as he can see. As he grows up, his will to discover other worlds grows with him. He’s leaving behind Kurdistan, and roams in European Turkey before crossing the Hellenic borders. A new world unfolds and it will be his dünya.
What Constitutes Home? | United Kingdom | 2019 | 07’
Director: Alex Williams
Synopsis: The discovery of 8mm home movies shot in the 1960s instigates a conversation between three family members about what, and where, ‘home’ is.
Director: Tomas Leach
Writer: Tomas Leach & Alba Semper
Producer: Tomas Leach
Cast: Alba Semper
Synopsis: An intense, intimate and beautiful journey into the mind of Alba, a 16-year-old ballet dancer at the acclaimed Corella Dance Academy in Barcelona. Her inner thoughts start to question the life she is leading, her lost adolescence, and her place in the world.
INTO MY LIFE United States | 2018 | 15’
Director: Ivana Hucîková, Sarah Keeling, Grace Remington
Writer: –
Producer: UnionDoc
Cast: Cassandra Bromfield, M. Elaine Bromfield
Synopsis: Growing up in the largest affordable housing cooperative in Brooklyn, Cassandra’s world was artfully framed by her mother’s Super-8 camera. Today, Cassandra examines and edits these films, gaining insight into the challenges her mother faced as a creative black woman and the importance of her vision.
LOVE THE MOST – LO QUE MÁS AMAS | Finland | 2018 | 19’
Director: Antti Seppänen
Writer: Antti Seppänen
Producer: Hill Diaz
Cast: María del Carmén, Hernández Skewes Maria
Synopsis: The Finnish filmmaker Antti Seppänen arrives in the old mining town of Real del Monte in Mexico. His two simple yet difficult questions for the people he encounters bring about varied and compelling responses concerning love, life and death.
Director: Johan Palmgren
Writers: Johan Palmgren, Julian Antell, Mattias Grosin
Producer: Johan Palmgren
Cast: Georg Tökös, John Wick
Synopsis: A traffic separating device is installed in the middle of Stockholm. It is supposed to keep normal cars away and only let buses pass. It turns into a disaster as normal cars continue to go there and hundreds of cars get destroyed every week. Tragic and funny situations occur and we follow the whole mess of human failures.
TRÄNEN DER OLIVE – TEARS OF THE OLIVE | Germany | 2018 | 15’
Director: Johannes Ziegler
Writer: Johannes Ziegler
Producer: Johannes Ziegler
Cast: Martin
Synopsis: Tears of the Olive takes the viewer on a magical journey into the ancient culture of olive oil production. What is the secret of olive oil and how is it won? What distinguishes the olive tree? And what significance does the olive have for human culture? On the Podere Usignolo, in Tuscany, sustainability and harmony with nature are practiced and a special olive oil is produced together with diligent helpers. Exactly this unique atmosphere and this beautiful piece of earth presents this film. In the soft glow of the autumnal sun, olives are picked with bare hands. At the End the question arises, what does quality mean, what is the value of the work and how does it affect our personal happiness.
TÜREN – DOORS | Germany | 2018 | 25’
Director: Claire Walka
Writer: Claire Walka
Producer: Claire Walka
Cast: Henning Geisler
Synopsis: Henning has two tough jobs: He works as a bouncer in the notorious neighborhood St. Pauli and in a psychiatric ward for teenagers addicted to drugs or computer games.
Director: Zoe Borzi
Writer: Zoe Borzi
Producer: Jonathan Steiniger
Cast – .
Synopsis: After dropping out Kat doesn’t know what to do with her life. Art is her passion but can you make a living of working as an artist? The documentary „The art to survive“ follows four characters through their lives, showing us the ups and downs of living as an artist.
Director: Luis Alejandro Yero
Writer: Luis Alejandro Yero
Producer: Ana María Pulido
Cast – Antonio (Tatá) Cordobé González , Esperanza González Pérez
Synopsis: Tatá and Esperanza witness the elections of the first Cuban president in more than half a century without the Castro surname. At almost 90 years old, they silently observe the end of one of their many lived cycles. As two lighthouses of a remote era.
MAUERRUFE – WALL CALLS | Germany | 2018 | 09’
Director: Katharina Bintz
Writer: Katharina Bintz
Producer: Katharina Bintz
Cast – .
Synopsis: A park in summer. Every day a woman comes with her children to call her husband. In the park she is well, for one or two hours. She may not be able to see her husband, but she can hear him. A wall separates the two.
Experimental Short – Official Selection – January 2019
Gloom // Bloom | France | 2019 | 10’
Director: Etienne Perrone
Writer: Etienne Perrone
Producer: Etienne Perrone
Cast: –
Synopsis: The world like I knew it was gone. Everything was dry, lean, harsh and collapsing. My brain was translating images of destruction and death. Only seeing traces of old habits remaining in ruins. Sometimes I could hear distant noises of social movements, like radiations of a parallel universe evolving around me. But I it felt like too far away to be reached. What happened to these potentials ? My mind was covered in sand and dust, slowly disappearing for ever…
DISCONNECTED | Germany | 2019 | 05
Director: Tarek Shayne Tabet
Writer: Tarek Shayne Tabet
Producer: Tarek Shayne Tabet
Cast: Lenard Lenzing, Thorsten Kania
Synopsis: Disconnected is a visual trauma. We adopt the point of view of a nameless protagonist, as he slowly descends into despair.
THE DIVINE WAY | Germany | 2018 | 15’
Director: Ilaria Di Carlo
Writer: Ilaria Di Carlo
Producer: Ilaria Di Carlo
Cast: Ilaria Di Carlo
Synopsis: “The path to paradise begins in hell” — Dante Alighieri Loosely based on Dante’s Divine Comedy, The Divine Way takes viewers along on the protagonist’s epic descent through an endless labyrinth of staircases. As the woman journeys deeper, the staircases mutate and she is trapped and pulled into their dangerous landscape, conducting us through more than fifty magnificent locations.
NOVEMBER | Denmark | 2018 | 20’
Director: Kasper Møller Jensen
Writers: Mie Schou, Kasper Møller Jensen
Producer: Iben Søtang Jacobsen
Cast: Theresa Frostad Eggesbø, Mikkel Becker Hilgart, Mathias Bøgelund Christiansen, Anna Nøhr Tolstrup
Synopsis: A nameless Norwegian woman tries to make it as a writer in the Danish film industry. Unfortunately, she has already run out of ideas. Yet, like all cinematic meta-narrators before her, she is good for a self-conscious voice-over and a montage of frustrated writer’s block gestures. If only all those thoughts could amount to one good idea.
ACTING | Germany | 2018 | 07’
Director: Christine Jezior
Writer: Claudia Birkholz and Julina Nishimine
Producer: Christine Jezior
Cast: Claudia Janet Birkholz, Jacek Kapturek, Nico Seemann, Julina Nishimine, Emilie Nishimine
Synopsis: Perfect pictures are given to us every day: The optimal body, the optimal nutrition, the optimal life – everything within reach. All we have to do is make an effort and show some discipline – so the message. Self-tuning is necessary to belong to. And caution: don’t show any weakness.
SONATA | Germany | 2018 | 04’
Director: Christine Jezior
Writer: Christine Jezior
Producer: Christine Jezior
Cast: Claudia Janet Birkholz
Synopsis: Like shells on the beach“ John Cage has found his sounds. For his work „Sonatas and Interludes“ he fixed bolts, screws and rubber between the strings of his grand piano. This is how he created the tender, gamelan-like sounds he used to compose this piece of music. Everywhere are things waiting to be found, if you only dare to go unfamiliar paths and visit unfamiliar places. Old houses with overgrown entrances, fragile stairs, dusty attics. Whoever dares to search here will find unexpected treasures with which a futuric soundexperience can be produced on a traditional concert grand.
Music Video – Official Selection – January 2019
EL AMOR REMIX | United States | 2018 | 04’
Director: Nicole Alexander
Writers: Daniel Alejandro, Nicole Alexander
Producers: Daniel Alejandro, Thurz, Kate Myers
Synopsis: Love is a space where there is no place for anything that is not loving, it is something between you and I.
Step by step | France | 2018 | 05’
Director: Simon Lehembre
Synopsis: From time immemorial, you have been wanting to reach the moon. Step by step, you climb mountains, always higher. An eternal leap towards the moon, an eternal downfall into darkness. You fail, you fail, always to start over!
Pulses | Spain | 2018 | 04’
Director: Carlos García-Vidal
Writer: Carlos García-Vidal
Producer: Carlos García-Vidal
Cast: Silvia Magallares, Mario Rebollo, Amanda Ríos, Javier Camañez, Alicia Lescure, Chema Villalba, Marta Martínez Arranz
Synopsis: Pulses, ideas, cultures, flesh, differences, fear, power, violence. Come and tell me your truth.
Fool | United States | 2018 | 05’
Director: Al Kalyk
Writers: Al Kalyk, Edward John Drake
Producer: Maeve Geismar
Cast: Kane French, Anastasia Chernaya, Amira Gray, Thomas Hartmann, Zach Smith
Synopsis: A middle-aged man is forced to confront their gender identity.
Juseph – Great Isaac | Portugal | 2018 | 07’
Director: Mário Costa
Writer: Mário Costa
Producer: Mário Costa
Cast: Daniela Moreira, Filipa Ferreira, Pedro Bastos, Leandro Sousa, Marcos Martins, Pedro Simões, Rafael Soares
Synopsis: “It has been claimed that a full moon causes unusual sounds to be heard on the small island”.
THIRSTY EYES – 838 | Austria | 2018 | 06’
Director: Ioan Gavriel
Writer: Ioan Gavriel, Samuel Ebner
Producer: Ioan Gavriel
Cast: Samuel Ebner, Marcin Morga
Synopsis: 838 is a music-video taking place in its own dark & obscure Eastern European world, a constant escape from oneself in a schizophrenic nightmare. Triggered by a sudden encounter on a lonely road, the protagonist’s grasp of reality starts to fall apart — at fast pace.
Mini Short – Official Selection – January 2019
Beautiful Colors | 2018 | 03’
Director: J. A. Moreno
Cast: Naomi Morillo
Synopsis: Beautiful Colors is a glimpse into a forgotten way of seeing. As we make our way into adulthood, the intensity of how we experience the world as children gradually fades away. Flavours are not as sharp, smells are not as pungent, and colors are not as beautiful. This is what director J.A. Moreno visually illustrates with his latest short film. Inspired by Tennyson’s Favorite Things, Beautiful Colors tells us of how we’ve become tainted by society, losing focus of the dreams, hopes and goals we initially set out with. Helped by those who have managed to stay true to themselves, Beautiful Colors is a reminder of those special moments when we are finally able to truly see again.
Passion/Project – Balanced | Italy | 2018 | 02’
Director: Serena Merega
Synopsis: Passion Project is a serie about sports passions and how they change our lives. In this episode, Giovanni shows us how he balances his life between his work at the university and his training and teaching in the art of Kung Fu.
L’Americano | Italy | 2019 | 03’
Director: Nicola Schito
Writer: Michela Lillo
Producer: Elisa Capetti
Cast: Angelo Corbetta, Enzo Edgardo Filipetti
Synopsis: “L’Americano” tells the meeting of two stories connected with passion: the dedication of a boxer, who succeeds after sacrificing his own life to boxing, and the creativity of a barman, able to invent a cocktail with the inspiration of an artist. The film resumes the story according to which the Campari Americano is a tribute to the grandeur of Primo Carnera, reinterpreting it in a modern key, through a transposition to nowadays. It seems an evening like the others: an empty bar, the noise of the city in the background, the quiet of the closing time. But suddenly the bell rings and a living legend walks in the bar. The boxer challenges the barman asking him to be amazed with a drink. The barman accepts it and puts all of himself in the preparation of a cocktail worthy of the great boxer. A dreamlike moment in which a sound crasis makes its way: the bar and the gym merge into one place, where the concentration of the boxer is transformed into the light touch of the barman, the lemon peel sliding on the edge becomes the dry sound of the velcro of the gloves, and the power of the punches on the bag is mixed with the ice clinking inside the glass. This is the birth of “Americano”, a cocktail which has made history just like the Italian boxer who has become the Heavyweight Champion in America. The challenge is over. The boxer leaves the bar, unable to hold back the smile of someone who has found an opponent as good as him.
Harvest fest | Sweden |2018 | 01’
Director: Olof Berghe
Writer: Olof Berghe
Producer: Olof Berghe
Cast: Peter Frykstrand, Dan Lind
Synopsis: “Bertil is a man whose relationships are important to him. Some he nurtures specially.” Bertil sits in his kitchen when the phone starts ringing. The man on the phone is a neighbour who asks Bertil to come over and watch TV. But Bertil has bigger plans.
ABOUT STEVEN | Spain| 2018 | 02’
Director :
Writer: Monty Scholz
Producers: Daniela Kampka and Phil Janke
Cast: Steven Akkersdijk
Synopsis: Steven’s reason to ride.
Mobile Phone Short – Official Selection – January 2019
Rise of the Avalanche: Revenge from the Shadows | United States | 2018 |
Director: Antoine M. Dillard
Writer: Antoine M. Dillard
Producer: Antoine M. Dillard
Cast: Gavin Fullerton, Isaac Villarreal, Adam Griggs
Synopsis: Sequel to the award-winning Neo-Noir film Rise of The Avalanche (2017), Rise of the Avalanche: Revenge from the Shadows is about a gangster by the name of Alvin “Avalanche” Steele who is freed from prison and executes his plans to take back his city. Meanwhile, the Supercop that put him behind bars (Antoine “Megki” DeLord) is hell-bent on sending him back to prison where he belongs. While Avalanche is distracted trying to take back his city and doing everything he can to keep the cops off his trail an old rival who he left for dead is out to exact revenge from the shadows.
2FACES | Martinique | 2018 | 1’
Director: Amingo THORA
Writer: Amingo THORA
Producer: Amingo THORA
Cast: David-Alexandre Fatna, Malaï Lise
Synopsis: A couple preparing a love journey …
Amateur Short – Official Selection – January 2019
Cypher | United States | 2018 | 13’
Director: Corey Clark, Yasmin Akhtar
Writer: Ian Thompson, Stephen Yun, Yasmin Akhtar
Producers: Trisha Nguyen, Yasmin Akhtar, Matthew Balthrop
Cast: Jonathan Sison, Max Olarinde, Jake Curry, McKenzie Wolsey, Yasmin Akhtar
Synopsis: CYPHER, a new mobile ARG, tasks players with finding clues that lead them to specially marked bags. The winner of the game is promised a grand prize. 6 weeks into the game, things begin to go south as some players take the game too seriously.
Stockholm Noir | Sweden | 2019 | 05:09
Olof Sylvén
Olof Sylvén
Olof Sylvén
Jenny Berg, Gino Estéra
Jonas is Stockholms most gruesome assassin. When the mother to Jonas daughter Julia, suddenly dies in a car accident, his fate becomes tied to a woman: The Queen.
Series (Web/TV) – Official Selection – January 2019
In bed | Russian Federation | 2018 | 05’
Director: Shota Gamisonia
Writer: Shota Gamisonia
Producers: Elizaveta Matrosova, Iakov Dubrovskiy, Shota Gamisonia
Cast: Svetlana Kamynina, Valeriy Prusakov, Nino Ninidze , Kirill Kaganovich , Denis Shvedov, Dasha Belousova, Varya Shmykova
Synopsis: This is a story about relationships between men and women in bed, particularly about exhausting sex life of Anya and Andrey, about joyful and emotional love of Larissa and Denis , about Katya’s loneliness and promiscuous sex life of Jenya.
Two Housemates | United Kingdom | 2018 | 18’
Director: Sean Joseph Young, Ryan Watson
Writer: Sean Joseph Young
Producer: Sean Joseph Young
Cast: Sean Joseph Young, Sean Joseph Young, Holly Earl, Mark Gatiss
Synopsis: A boy and a girl in their mid-twenties attempt to live life without causing too much chaos for themselves.
Fashion Short – Official Selection – January 2019
CNMI – WOOLMARK | Italy | 2018 | 00:02’
Director: Matteo Grimaldi
Writer: –
Producers: Antonio Guarrella, Alessandro Maffi
Cast: –
Synopsis: Created as a collaboration between Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana and Woolmark, CNMI-Woolmark celebrates creativity with a conscious mind. The film was shot for Milano Moda Graduate, an event for Italian fashion schools designed to confer visibility to the work and talent of future generations. During the event, designers discovered the benefits of Merino wool, a natural and sustainable fibre. With the support of The Woolmark Company and Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana each designer developed a woollen outfit, featured in the film, demonstrating the countless properties of this fibre Shot by the Milan-based creativity factory The Blink Fish, CNMI-Woolmark was inspired by the Greek myth of Ariadne, with the woollen thread becoming the guiding element for students on their journey. Featuring designs by Francesco Salvi, Alejandra Rendon Felix, Clone, Simona Pedone, Rodriguez Munoz, Martina Trezzi and Cecilia Juarez Balta.
COPYCAT | Bulgaria | 2019 | 05’
Director: Yo Vo
Synopsis: A visual metaphor which deals with the recurrent theme of “blind” adoration within our culture. A seemingly hypnotized girl enters the uncharted territory of following a mysterious character through her otherworldly behaviour. Attracted to her new surreal aura she turns into a blind imitator, but soon comes face to face with the realisation that her copycat act will cost her more than her autonomy.
Moncler Fragment Hiroshi Fujiwara | Poland | 2018 | 02’
Director: Michal Socha, Kuba Socha
Writer: Michal Socha, Kuba Socha
Producers: Ron Diamond ACME Filmworks, BrosFX
Cast: –
Synopsis: Film is a part of Moncler genius immersive event that took place in September in Milan. Ispired by collection Hiroshi Fujiwara, our idea was to destroy old to create new. Surrealistic mix of animated scenes in another dimension, different world including defragmented element such as fire, water, wind . Revolution brings defragmented chaos that evolve to an new world and order.
Commercial/Ad/TVC – Official Selection – January 2019
Passion for hair and color | Switzerland | 2018 2’
Director:Piero Calicchio
Synopsis: Commercial film for schwarzkopf & linea Daniele
Autotorino. A history of passion. | Italy | 2018 | 1’
Director:Carlo De Agostini
Synopsis: A history of passion. It’s the 1960s, little Frank looks astonished at his father’s car every time he leaves the garage. He dreams of having one when he grows up. As the years go by, Frank grows and lives his experiences, car for him means freedom, passion, and work. Just while on duty during the deliveries as a messenger, he meets Stella at her flower shop. Between them blossoms a tender love, soon they get married and have a son named Leo. Years later on an ordinary morning, something magic happens. Leaving the garage, Frank sees little Leo through the windshield, looking enthralled an off-road car parked in the backyard, at the same house where Frank was born and raised. Frank has a dejavu, he sees in his son the same passion that he fed as a child. Happy thoughts run in his mind. Years pass, times change, but the passions always remain the same.
Be Ready | Italy | 2018 | 2’
Director: Giacomo Boeri e Matteo Grimaldi
Synopsis: The Milan-based production company The Blink Fish returns with the latest fashion film produced for the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (National Chamber of Italian Fashion). Shot to celebrate Milan Fashion Week SS/19 (18-24 September, 2018), Be Ready sees Ukrainian model Nastya Timos determined to be in top shape for the upcoming Milanese fashion season. Frantically trying on outfits, rehearsing for selfies and relentlessly working out, the result is a humorous and light-hearted interpretation of the excitement taking place during fashion week and the preparation involved. As is customary for the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, Be Ready supports the local design scene by featuring a wide range of brands based in Italy, from emerging to more established, namely Arthur Arbesser, Gabriele Colangelo, GCDS, Giannico, Lucio Vanotti, Marco de Vincenzo, Paula Cademartori, Sara Battaglia, Stella Jean and Vivetta. The Blink Fish and the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana have been collaborating since 2016, developing an increasingly strong online presence with fresh and relevant video content with each fashion season. Some of their most recent works, such as Start the Buzz and Waiting Room, have been internationally recognised and selected by several film festivals, including Berlin Fashion Film Festival, Aesthetica Short Film Festival and the Muse Creative Awards.
Synopsis: Most adults dream of staying in childhood
forever and going through life like in a game, free of society’s rules and
restrictions. Five employees in a metal company put this dream into effect.
What they find is that you may escape the rules but you can’t escape the
consequences or your personal responsibility.
Synopsis: Most adults dream of staying in childhood
forever and going through life like in a game, free of society’s rules and
restrictions. Five employees in a metal company put this dream into effect.
What they find is that you may escape the rules but you can’t escape the
consequences or your personal responsibility.
Canada | 2018 | 20’
Director: Anthony von Seck
Writer: Anthony von Seck
Producer: Anthony von Seck
Cast: Devon Graye, Anthony von Seck, Tamara Duarte,
Tymothy Paul Coderre
Synopsis: A truck stop diner, a killer confesses his
bizarre experiments to a blogger for the LA Times. An unassuming middle-aged
man shares his appetite for twisting fate and playing God. He has polaroids of
his ninety-nine victims, by the end of their meal, one of them will be the
Un cortometraje
sobre la educacion | Chile | 2017 | 19’
Synopsis: Jorge is a fifty-year-old math teacher who is
hired at a school with serious bullying issues. His feeling of powerlessness
will lead to his own morals being corrupted.
CLAC! | France | 2018
| 20’
Actress: Geneviève Emanuelli
Director: Fabien Ara
Writer: Fabien Ara
Producer: Fabien Ara
Synopsis: A family dinner at a Chinese restaurant. MOTHER
: « I have Alzheimer. I am going to kill myself. Tonight. » The last meal of a
family ready to blow and freaking out.
Synopsis: Most adults dream of staying in childhood
forever and going through life like in a game, free of society’s rules and
restrictions. Five employees in a metal company put this dream into effect.
What they find is that you may escape the rules but you can’t escape the
consequences or your personal responsibility.
Synopsis: During summer’s final moments, Bill reflects on
his mother leaving.
Champion | Sweden
| 2015 | 19’
Director: Måns Berthas
Writers: Daniel Burman, Måns Berthas
Producers: Måns Berthas, Daniel Burman
Cast: Sten Ljunggren
Synopsis: Harsh midwinter. A frozen marriage in a remote
cabin. An man from the past returns to seek revenge, and long lost feelings
come alive. A wordless battle begins and the eternal triangle finally comes to
an end.
Date Night |
Romania | 2017 | 17’
Director: Stela Pelin
Writer: Stela Pelin, Ioachim Stroe
Producers: Stela Pelin, Alexandru Mihai, Claudiu Mitcu,
Ioachim Stroe , Robert Fița
Cast: Ionuț Niculae, Ilona Brezoianu
Synopsis: Andrei works at a crummy car-wash. Due to a
series of unfortunate events he get’s fired. This is terrible news for Andrei
giving the fact that he is getting married soon. At home the couple gets in
quarrel and Andrei tells a story to avoid the fight. Who knew this was going to
be a bad idea?
BLOCK | Islamic
Republic of Iran | 2018 | 15’
Director: Mostafa Rabbani
Writer: Mostafa Rabbani, Farshad Najafi
Producer: Mostaf Rabbani
Cast: Farhang Omrani
Synopsis: Ehsan, a 16-year old teenage boy, takes a
prostitute home for the first time in the absence of his religious family and
with the support of his friend. The prostitute gets into trouble by accident.
Ehsan who fears the consequences does something irreversible…
HOMBRE | Chile | 2017 | 22’
Director: Juan Pablo Arias Muñoz
Writer: Juan Pablo Arias Muñoz
Producers: María Ignacia Melo & Maximiliano Scheleff
Cast: Franco Tapia, Daniel Candia, Eduardo Reyes
Synopsis: It’s been several days of cross-country for
Miguel and his father. Despite of them walking deep into the wild, they can’t
find any animals to hunt. Exhausted by the boorish demands of his traveling
companion, Miguel enters the forest during the night, finding a strange monster
that dwells there. The boy decides not to reveal the episode and hide the fear
he begins to experience. Miguel is torn between his deepest fears and the
desire to be a “real man” as dictated by his father, putting his own identity
and nature in question.
Birthday | Italy |
2017 | 15’
Director: Alberto Viavattene
Writer: Alberto Viavattene
Producers: Claudio Bronzo, Lorenzo Lotti, Alessandro
Synopsis: Night. An abusive nurse wanders through the
halls of a nursing home. She integrates her salary by secretly selling
prescription drugs to junkies and stealing from the most vulnerable patients.
The only thing she hates more than her job is old people. Upon entering room
12, occupied by three sisters, she discovers that one of them has just turned
one-hundred years old: there must be a birthday present somewhere… that will
change their lives forever.
Pillowface | Hungary
| 2018 | 11’
Director: Péter Vácz
Writer: Péter Vácz
Producer: Bálint Zágoni
Cast: Dezső Derzsi, Anna Sándor
Synopsis: An introverted man creates a pillow friend in
his hotel room to ease his loneliness but this new friendship is short-lived
when the maid makes the bedding again and again…
THE WORLD | Netherlands | 2018 | 27’
Director:Florence Bouvy
Writer: Jessie Tiemeijer
Producers: Eefje Helmus, Charlene Vos
Cast: Linde van der Storm, Juda Goslinga, Gino Mutunda,
Fred Goessens, Mike Libanon, Elisa Beuger
Synopsis: Marie is eight years old and loves her dad.
In a world where playful dreams can suddenly turn into empty eyes that don’t
seem to see her, she tries to stand her own. A story about the strength of a child
fighting for the unconditional love of her father.
Dreamland | Poland
| 2019 | 19’
Director: Natasza Parzymies
Writer: Natasza Parzymies
Producer: Maciej Ślesicki
Key Cast: Krzysztof
Rogucki, Sylwia Gola, Wojciech chorąży
Synopsis: When
19-year-old Boy takes up a job at a local amusement park, he falls in love with
a much older Girl who works as his replacement as a bear mascot. There is just
one ploblem- The Girl is in a long-lasting toxic relationship with the Boss of
the theme park.
Vacant Rooms | Poland | 2019 |
Director: Bartłomiej Jakubiak
Writer: Bartłomiej Jakubiak,
Katarzyna Górat-Rzepka (dialogs)
Producers: Maciej Ślesicki, Warsaw Film School
Synopsis: 11- years old girl called Zosia – the girl from the rich
family, who came to visit her aunt in a small village. Everything seems normal
except the fact that her aunt’s mansion is known to be haunted. At the
beginning Zosia doesn’t really like neither the place nor her aunt. But when
she meets a boy at her age and it turns out that they get along really well she
seems to enjoy her vacations a little bit more. But one day they decide to take
a risk and solve the mystery of that mansion by doing everything what her aunt
told her not to do.
Tangle | Islamic
Republic of Iran | 08’
Director: Malihe Ghloamzadeh
Synopsis: A life of a girl in war
States | 2018 | 15’
Director: Ivana Hucîková, Sarah Keeling, Grace Remington
Producer: UnionDoc
Cast: Cassandra Bromfield, M. Elaine Bromfield
Synopsis: Growing up in the largest affordable housing
cooperative in Brooklyn, Cassandra’s world was artfully framed by her mother’s
Super-8 camera. Today, Cassandra examines and edits these films, gaining
insight into the challenges her mother faced as a creative black woman and the
importance of her vision.
THE DIVINE WAY | Germany | 2018 | 15’
Ilaria Di Carlo
Ilaria Di Carlo
Ilaria Di Carlo
Ilaria Di Carlo
“The path to paradise begins in hell” — Dante Alighieri Loosely based on Dante’s Divine Comedy, The
Divine Way takes viewers along on the protagonist’s epic descent through an
endless labyrinth of staircases. As the woman journeys deeper, the staircases
mutate and she is trapped and pulled into their dangerous landscape, conducting
us through more than fifty magnificent locations.
THIRSTY EYES – 838 | Austria | 2018
| 06’
Director: Ioan Gavriel
Writer: Ioan Gavriel, Samuel Ebner
Producer: Ioan Gavriel
Cast: Samuel Ebner, Marcin Morga
Synopsis: 838 is a music-video taking place in its own
dark & obscure Eastern European world, a constant escape from oneself in a
schizophrenic nightmare. Triggered by a sudden encounter on a lonely road, the
protagonist’s grasp of reality starts to fall apart — at fast pace.
Beautiful Colors | United States | 2018 | 03’
J. A. Moreno
Naomi Morillo
Beautiful Colors is a glimpse into a forgotten way of seeing. As we make our
way into adulthood, the intensity of how we experience the world as children
gradually fades away. Flavours are not as sharp, smells are not as pungent, and
colors are not as beautiful. This is
what director J.A. Moreno visually illustrates with his latest short film.
Inspired by Tennyson’s Favorite Things, Beautiful Colors tells us of how we’ve
become tainted by society, losing focus of the dreams, hopes and goals we initially
set out with. Helped by those who have
managed to stay true to themselves, Beautiful Colors is a reminder of those
special moments when we are finally able to truly see again.
Martinique | 2018 | 1’
Amingo THORA
Amingo THORA
Amingo THORA
David-Alexandre Fatna, Malaï Lise
A couple preparing a love journey …
Stockholm Noir | Sweden | 2019 | 5’
Olof Sylvén
Olof Sylvén
Olof Sylvén
Jenny Berg, Gino Estéra
Jonas is Stockholms most gruesome assassin. When the mother to Jonas daughter
Julia, suddenly dies in a car accident, his fate becomes tied to a woman: The
This is a story about relationships between men and women in bed, particularly
about exhausting sex life of Anya and Andrey, about joyful and emotional love
of Larissa and Denis , about Katya’s loneliness and promiscuous sex life of
Moncler Fragment Hiroshi Fujiwara | Poland |
2018 | 02’
Michal Socha, Kuba Socha
Michal Socha, Kuba Socha
Ron Diamond ACME Filmworks, BrosFX
Synopsis: Film is a part of Moncler genius
immersive event that took place in September in Milan. Ispired by collection
Hiroshi Fujiwara, our idea was to destroy old to create new. Surrealistic mix
of animated scenes in another dimension, different world including defragmented
element such as fire, water, wind . Revolution brings defragmented chaos that
evolve to an new world and order.
Be Ready |
Italy | 2018 | 2’
Giacomo Boeri e Matteo Grimaldi
The Milan-based production company The Blink Fish returns with the latest fashion
film produced for the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana (National Chamber of
Italian Fashion). Shot to celebrate
Milan Fashion Week SS/19 (18-24 September, 2018), Be Ready sees Ukrainian model
Nastya Timos determined to be in top shape for the upcoming Milanese fashion
season. Frantically trying on outfits, rehearsing for selfies and relentlessly
working out, the result is a humorous and light-hearted interpretation of the
excitement taking place during fashion week and the preparation involved. As is customary for the Camera Nazionale
della Moda Italiana, Be Ready supports the local design scene by featuring a
wide range of brands based in Italy, from emerging to more established, namely
Arthur Arbesser, Gabriele Colangelo, GCDS, Giannico, Lucio Vanotti, Marco de
Vincenzo, Paula Cademartori, Sara Battaglia, Stella Jean and Vivetta. The Blink Fish and the Camera Nazionale della
Moda Italiana have been collaborating since 2016, developing an increasingly strong
online presence with fresh and relevant video content with each fashion season.
Some of their most recent works, such as Start the Buzz and Waiting Room, have
been internationally recognised and selected by several film festivals,
including Berlin Fashion Film Festival, Aesthetica Short Film Festival and the
Muse Creative Awards.
SHORT FILM FACTORY aduce filme cu intrare liberă în peste 20 de orașe din România și în Praga, Cehia – Martie 2019
FILM FACTORY (by STTP) te provoacă la film, în cadrul unui eveniment lunar care
aduce filme de autor, cu intrare liberă, în peste 20 de locații alternative de
proiecție din România dar și în Praga,Cehia.
cinematografia îmbrăca hainele de nou născut, filmele erau foarte scurte,
uneori durau un minut sau chiar mai puțin. După cortina de catifea a scurt
metrajelor, creativitatea îmbrățișează strâns imaginația, libertatea și curajul,
reușind să vă ofere o călătorie diferită de fiecare dată. SHORT FILM FACTORY (by
STTP) vă invită să vă cunoașteți. Pentru că viața bate filmul.
scurtmetraje vor rula în peste 20 de spații alternative din tot atâtea orașe
din țară și Praga, Cehia, în ultima săptămână a lunii martie 2019. O selecție
de 120 de minute de film, povești spectaculoase , care continuă o tradiție de
peste 10 ani de proiecții speciale, oferind publicului din România șansa unică
de a urmări filme scurte multi-premiate, cu intrare liberă.
singur punct lumea întreagă ademenește prin culori diferite de cele pe care
lumina le conturează în fiecare zi. Suntem prizonieri în aceleași culori până
când ultima picătură nu-și mai găsește
locul în pahar. Curajul devine prieten de nădejde și-l luăm de braț țintind
orizonturi pline de libertăți.
în lumi paralele pe care nu le putem păstra pentru totdeauna, căutăm acceptarea
în ochii celorlalți. Visele ne dau șansa
să credem că realitatea este doar cea pe care ne-o dorim.
seducției odihnește pe lungimi ascuțite amestec de dorinți ce prind viață brusc
atunci când banalului i se schimbă culoarea. Riscul ca totul să fie în zadar
este asumat. Inconștient. Redecorarea pune pe tapet emoții noi și cadre în
unghiuri ce nu avantajează de ficare dată ambii protagoniști. Dar acțiunea
începe conform regiei deja stabilite. În pielea altora totul pare mai simplu..
prin întâlniri râvnite, descoperim limite și coperți fără titlu. Mirare,
nesiguranță, intrigare, curiozitate și renunțare. Înghesuite într-o singură
Cu ce
font se semnează iubirea? Care este prețul trădării? Întunecată de scenarii
imaginate, mintea devine aliat în decizii care încheie capitole. Dreptul la
viață anulat de acțiuni egoiste aduce în oglindă personaje pe care nu le-am
văzut prezente la prima întâlnire.
pierdută rămâne fragilă și-și caută ancore în dovezi ce par de cele mai multe
ori inutile. Acceptăm să ne prefacem că singurul adevăr pe care-l vedem este al
celor care trebuie să aibă dreptate.
valize de care nu mai avem nevoie și ne întrebăm de ce pașii sunt înceți,
zilnic. Viteza cu care fugim de acceptări nu ne apropie de senin. Împăcarea
vine pe neașteptate atunci când voința de a merge înainte fără bagaje în plus,
ne ajută să renunțăm la ele, pur și simplu.
care vor găzdui proiecții și spațiile de proiecție sunt: Alba Iulia,
Alexandria, Arad, Bacău, Baia Mare, Botoșani, București, Buzău, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Câmpulung Muscel, Cluj-Napoca,
Craiova, Deva, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Hunedoara, Iași, Odorheiu Secuiesc,
Oradea, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Piatra Neamț, Sibiu,
Sighetu Marmației, Suceava, Târgoviste, Târgu Jiu, Târgu Mureș,
Timișoara, Tulcea, Vama Veche, Chisinau (MD). Aici puteti gasi detalii legate
de locatiile STTP:
de scurtmetraj sunt organizate de Short to the Point (International Short Film
Festival) – o reţea internatională de distribuţie, difuzare şi promovare a
filmelor de scurtmetraj. În ultimii ani SHORT FILM FACTORY (by STTP) a reușit
să creeze o punte de legătură intre filmmakeri, cinefili și spectatorii
ocazionali, având ca scop construirea unui nou tip de comunitate urbană.
în anul 2009 sub forma unei caravane cinematografice în 28 de orașe din România,
STTP a devenit un festival lunar la care se înscriu filme din toate colțurile
lumii. Festivalul Short to the Point oferă lunar 13 categorii de premii celor
mai bune scurt metraje înscrise, urmând ca acestea să fie proiectate în cadrul
evenimentului național Short Film Factory by Short to the Point.
Pentru mai multe informații vă
invităm să ne vizitați aici:
Synopsis: Polka, the eccentric visionary
designer who introduced the world to the polka dot, finds her legacy in
jeopardy when dots are declared ‘dead’ by the industry digest. She must evolve
to survive, but breaking free of her circular empire is not easy. To prevail,
she must rise above all that she knows and see the world from a different point
of view.
Director: Antoine Laurens
Country: France
Duration: 15:25
Synopsis: Adaptation after comic book by
Director: Aimiende Negbenebor Sela
Country: United States
Duration: 15:00
Synopsis: Utopia is a surreal drama about
an aspirational, blond young lady who wakes up from a coma in Uganda. And, no
— nothing is as it seems.
The Master of Cuchillo
Director: Rodrigo Sebastian Gonzalez
Country: Mexico
Duration: 11:26
Synopsis: Timoteo, a chef that knows
perfectly what he doesn’t wants to be, has an obsession for juggling knives.
The loss of one of his fingers constantly reminds him how dangerous is his
obsession. He is fully aware of his problem, he tries so hard to control
himself all the time. His father suffers from the same obsession and together
try to overcome it. But they are some detonators that exceed all forces.
Timoteo will be tempted when he discovers his platonic love ‘Lucrecia chef’,
visiting his restaurant. The life of Timoteo will depend by the fate of a knife
in the air.
Director: Emilios Avraam
Country: Cyprus
Duration: 08:55
Synopsis: When Leonidas (Makis
Papadimitriou) pursues an home renovation contract, he quickly comes to find
that his potential new client is very insistent that everything must be done
according to her demands.
It’s a Match!
Director: Schnabel Annabella
Country: Hungary
Duration: 13:42
Synopsis: This is the bizarre story of a
Tinder date that is getting more and more amplified by the participiants’
anxiety throughout their first encounter.
This One’s for You, Alice
Director: Patrick Hanser
Country: Brazil
Duration: 11:03
Synopsis: When Joaquim, a frustrated writer
living in the 70s, finds out his recently wed wife is cheating on him, he
starts writing a suicide letter along with preparing a surprise for his wife to
find when she gets home from her lover’s arms.
The Ball
Director: Fernando G. Pliego
Country: Spain
Duration: 08:22
Synopsis: During a football match with his
friends, two kids stole Angel’s new ball. Charo, a friend of Angel, says that
she knows where one of the thieves lives. Angel and his father go there to try
to recover the ball. But things get complicated when Angel’s father realizes
that the house owner is the main client of his modest business.
On My Mind
Shirley Zhou
United States
Synopsis: A loser-in-love’s struggle to
move on is personified by a pesky crow.
The Beast Underneath
Director: Anaëlle Morf, Alexandre Rufin
Country: Switzerland
Duration: 13:25
Synopsis: On the 27th of February 2016, in
the city of La Baie, Quebec, the famous fisherman Marc Gagnon discovered a new
species of halibut that could reach several meters. Because the man is always
looking for controlling the nature. How far his megalomania is going to take
Lucky Fish
Director: Philippe Bensadon
Country: Israel
Duration: 07:36
Synopsis: The past 22nd of July, six
players played a remarkable poker hand. Their goal was to compete with each
other and win as much money as they could. However only one of them managed to
leave the table as a winner. Was it skill?
The Reaper
Director: Bartosz Lukasiuk
Country: Poland
Duration: 03:30
Synopsis: Short film about a farmer from
Director: Ekaterina Volovich
Country: Russian Federation
Duration: 01:29
Synopsis: No blemish worse, than spiritual
emptiness. Oscar Wilde.
Director: Nawal Kaffouf
Country: France
Duration: 07:02
Synopsis: Tom enters a hospital, asks to
see his father who is in a very critical state but visits are forbidden for
this prisoner. A policeman stands in front of the bedroom door, Tom has to find
a way to get in …
Children Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Lilly Goes Fishing | Canada | 2018 | 08’
Director: The Bum Family
Writer: The Bum Family
Producer: Xstine Cook
Cast: The Bum Family
Synopsis: Lilly, a giant orange monster, embarks on an adventure at a lakeside fishing camp with her friend Fluffle. Will Lilly discover the mysterious secret that lurks below the surface of the lake?
L’appuntamento (the date) | Italy | 2019 | 07’
Director: Marco Di Gerlando, Ludovica Gibelli
Writer: Marco Di Gerlando, Ludovica Gibelli
Producer: Scuola di cinema per ragazzi ZuccherArte
Cast: Allievi Scuola di cinema per ragazzi ZuccherArte
Synopsis: Erika deve incontrare Paolo, un ragazzo di cui è innamorata. Sostenuta dalle amiche deve dichiarargli il suo amore… Erika has to meet Paolo, a boy she is in love with. Supported by her friends, she must declare his love …
I Didn’t Like Hubert | Australia | 2019 | 06’
Director: Henry Smith
Writer: Genevieve Clay-Smith
Producer: Briana Miller
Cast: Hubert
Synopsis: Sometimes the person you least expect to be friends with can open up a world of possibilities you never dreamed of! Created for interactive play for kids on the iPad, ‘I Didn’t Like Hubert’ is a story that encourages children to see past their differences in order to make extraordinary bonds with those who might be different to themselves.
They Hunt | United Kingdom | 2018 | 13’
Director: Rhys Byfield
Writer: Rhys Byfield
Producer: Hannah Lee Miller
Cast: Baylee Frank, Pedro Caxade, Jake Hawley
Synopsis: In a world filled with monsters sits a heavily protected diner. A young, outgoing waitress works there for her uncle, the chef. She sees that their monsterous food supply is at an all time low. So she decides to take matters into her own hands and prove that she’s not a kid anymore. Driving off into the desert on the hunt she ends up biting off more than she can chew, unleashing a whole host of trouble.
I Love Happiness | 2018 | Taiwan | 2017 | 14’ Director: Chun-Hsu Su Writer: Connie Ma Producer: Bruce Yao Synopsis: “I Love Happiness” is a 3D animation series based on the stories from Fo Guang Shan “Humanistic Buddhism” books by Hsing Yun. The stories cater to the problems faced by today’s children, and present the “Three Acts of Goodness – Do good deeds, say good words, think good thoughts” through exciting and fun animation production. “I Love Happiness” has contemporary elements and linkage to the everyday life of modern society, as well as issues that the audience can relate and generate huge respond.
Operation First Light | United States | 2018 | 16’
Director: Irving Nestor
Writer: Irving Nestor
Producer: Kelsey Waddill, Emily Trendle, Irving Isaiah Nestor
Cast: Jefe the Entertainer, Will McManus, Ben Spragg, Brody Schrepfer, Graham Rifkin, Jayden Briggs-Belt, Ashara Wilson, William Mantzaris, Eliana Costello, Xander Alvarez, Reid Murphy
Synopsis: In this creative, high-energy story, a group of boys at summer camp plan a mischievous raid on the girls’ cabins only for the advantage to be reversed as the boys face an ambush unleashed by a ruthless, well-oiled pranking machine.
Student Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Unhappiness | Germany | 2018 | 21’ Director: Tobias Sauer Writer: Tobias Sauer Producer: Samuel Nerl Cast: Christoph Türkay, Alma W. Bär Synopsis: Blumfeld seems to be unhappy. But who is to blame? His surroundings, which create conflicts constantly? Or he himself who is unable to bridge the rift that separates him from these surroundings – and who is perhaps “happily unhappy”? These are just a few of the questions that come up while we observe Blumfeld in a series of absurd situations in which he is confronted with the difficulties of dealing with closeness and distance. For example, balls are suddenly bouncing around in his apartment – and then a ghost appears. Based on texts by Franz Kafka.
Night Scenes | Canada | 2018 | 11’
Director: Farhad Pakdel
Writer: Farhad Pakdel
Producer: Farhad Pakdel
Cast: Ekaterina Elport, Igor Shamuilov
Synopsis: Katerina feels nauseous. Michael used to be an alcoholic. They are a couple living in Toronto. Katerina is pregnant, and her father is dying. Michael has lost Katerina’s trust. He is awkwardly trying to make things right.
Rally ON/OFF | Russian Federation | 2019 | 09’
Director: Aleksandra Artemeva
Writer: Aleksandra Artemeva
Producer: Aleksandra Artemeva
Cast: Vladimir Permyakov, Natalia Shvetc
Synopsis: A group of people sells their votes at the rally. Having received money, they leave, exposing their frauds. Will the heroine prove that “the future is in our hands” ?!
The Death of Don Quixote | United Kingdom | 2018 | 14’
Director: Miguel Faus
Writer: Miguel Faus
Producer: Nathalie Lamprecht
Cast: Jamie Paul, John O’Toole, Dermot Caravan, Michael Watson-Gray
Synopsis: London, 1968. Alphonse, a young and ambitious filmmaker, attempts to complete his greatest cinematic work yet, “The Death of Don Quixote”. But with his ageing star, Patrick Quincey, falling ill, it’s unclear what will die first: his vision, Patrick or Don Quixote. “It’s brilliant!” (Terry Gilliam)
Once More, From the Top | Canada | 2018 | 06’
Director: Evan Friesen
Writer: Tavish Kelpin
Producer: Madison Friesen, Evan Friesen
Cast: Sean Mahaffey, Ziyana Vasaya
Synopsis: In this date-gone-wrong comedy involving the pausing and rewinding of time, Mark tries again and again to answer his girlfriend’s trick question. He navigates through an escalating and repeating sequence of events, trying to find an answer that doesn’t lead to disaster.
Kapital | Russian Federation | 2017 | 22’
Director: Ivan Perekatov
Writer: Ivan Perekatov
Producers: Ivan Perekatov, Natalia Bannikova
Cast: Igor Sergeev, Arseniy Topolaga, Dmitriy Kartashov, Yulia Sereda, George Kuzubov, Gulnara Sabitova, Marianna Vasilieva, Sergey Bataev, Marianna Barskaya, Dmitry Orlovich, Ilia Silchuk, Michael Edlis, Igor Gutzu, Ekaterina Gracheva
Synopsis: The tramp-marxist named Kapital roams through Moscow with fanatic glimmering in his eyes. He seeks his stolen shoes, wich are necessary for his surviving, and at the same time any place at the Earth, where the indisputable dogmats of communism have embodied. But instead at the end of his journey, he gets the immeasurably greater Eternal Value.
Mental Facade | United States | 2018 | 19’
Director: Tyler Schlipf
Writer: Tyler Schlipf
Producers: Dr. Baron Bell, Ethan Derner, Shelly Lipkin
Cast: Sean McCarthy, Paul Bright, Ally-Jo Frush, Elizabeth Zimmerman
Synopsis: Matthew, a seemingly ordinary man, is plagued by an unusual ailment: an aggressive and hateful alter ego who delights in assaulting Matthew’s mental state. Looking for relief, Matthew speaks with a psychologist and learns that the unwanted friend may be more a part of himself than he would like to admit. However, in reaching out for help, hope remains that he will find the peace of mind he is looking for. This film was produced as the final senior thesis for the Art Institute of Portland, which closed its doors permanently shortly after the film’s completion.
M LIKE MOBIUS | Islamic Republic of Iran | 2018 | 08’
Director: Faranak Moradi
Writer: Faranak Moradi
Producer: Faranak Moradi
Cast: Faranak Moradi
Synopsis: Lili is a waitress and obsessed with sound. she can’t stand her loneliness more than before.
The Nanny | Israel | 2018 | 13’
Director: Lee Nechushtan
Writer: Lee Nechushtan
Producer: Mor Tsivion
Cast:Yael Levental, Inbar Marco, Yarin Perry, Shagi Nehamkin , Noa Evyasaf, Etel Littman
Synopsis: A day in the life of Miriam, a devoted and loving nanny of three children who upon finding out her 17-year-old daughter has been regularly missing school, tries to get her daughter’s life back on track. Along the way she questions whether she has been a better mother to the three children she works with or to her own daughter.
S’more To It | United States | 2018 | 06’
Director: Micaela Edwards
Writer: Micaela Edwards
Producer: Luca Rohr
Cast: Chloe deVries , Kendall Slocum
Synopsis: A cowboy must convince his aspiring country singer wife, who is questioning her decision to marry so young, that they have everything they need to build a life together.
Enid’s Crow | United Kingdom | 2018 | 12’
Director: Aphra Evans
Writer: Aphra Evans
Producer: Aphra Evans
Cast: Matthew Christmas, Bethan Leyshon
Synopsis: An elderly woman looks back on her life-long – and eventually, adulterous – romance with Donald Crowhurst, whose attempt to become the first man to sail non-stop and alone around the world ends in tragic circumstances.
Chaos Toad | United Kingdom | 2018 | 9’
Director: Carlos Lopes
Writer: Joanna Benecke
Producer: Tomm Coles
Cast: Tomm Coles, Beverly Klein
Synopsis: Stuck living as a full-time carer for his distant mother Andy receives a surprise intervention from his fabulous childhood imaginary friend.
Styopa | Russian Federation | 2018 | 15’
Director: Svetlana Solnechnaya
Producer: Svetlana Solnechnaya, Mihail Buntov, Svetlana Haylo
Cast: Anastasia Dobrynina, Alexander Volkov
Synopsis: The storm catches the young merchant on the way to his family estate. He stops at the Inn, where he meets a young girl, who seduces, taking advantage of her naivety. The film based on a novel of the Russian literature classic Ivan Bunin.
LATE | United States | 2018 | 9’
Director: Anton Saich
Writer: Anton Saich
Producer: Anton Saich
Cast: Tom Kilgallen, Carly Williams
Synopsis: A young girl waits to get picked up from soccer practice when an unexpected stranger arrives.
At Home in The Village | Netherlands | 2019 | 27’
Director: Tom Roggen, Casper Slotboom
Writer: Tom Roggen, Casper Slotboom
Producer: Tom Roggen, Casper Slotboom
Cast: Felix Roosenstein, Gitta Overmaat, Martin Prins, Nadia Cornelisse, Johan Visser
Synopsis: Original Amsterdammer Felix (75) has found his passion in the small village of Pingjum and continues to devote himself every day with heart and soul to the village. Together with him we will show what is so special about living in a village.
Bluebirds | United States | 2019 | 16’
Director: Zolian Yunfan Hu
Writer: Richard Alfredo
Producer: Nick Sakai
Cast: James Chen, Ayesha Adamo
Synopsis: Casey, a wealthy architect, frustrated by the confinement of his wheelchair confronts his wife, Jayne, about his assumption that she has been unfaithful. A quarrel erupts over the nature of their marriage, and whether or not to adopt a child into a household where there is already misplaced caretaking. The fight escalates into physical violence leaving them both with a new understanding of their relationship to one another.
Narrative Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Úrs | Belgium | 2018 | 20’
Synopsis: During an audition, a young actor stares the eye of the camera. He then recalls his last night unusual encounter. A man in front of a supermarket, in the middle of the night…
Wasteland | Sweden | 2019 | 04’
Director: Gustav Bondeson
Writer: Gustav Bondeson
Cast: David Digman, Max Shore, Hedvig Lannsjö
Synopsis: Wasteland portrays a broken relationship between two men and the emotional (non) processing of it. The story follows two persons conversation about life where the main character in the conversation realises that he never has allowed himself to feel sorrow.
No Deer for Dinner | United States | 14’
Director: Yuhang Chen
Writer: Otoniel Walker
Producers: Yuhang Chen, Xiaoran Wu
Cast: James Mcfarlane
Synopsis: A small town located in Nevada mountains that has a very strange things happening that last 36 years. Each year, one person missing and nobody ever found the body or any belongings. A young couple breaks into an old couples house after they robbed a bank. They want the help from the old couple but the things that are waiting for them is way beyond than they can imagine……
Between Time | Canada | 2018 | 18’
Director: Agostino Leone
Writer: Agostino Leone
Producer: Agostino Leone
Cast: Michael MacEachern, Cara Pantalone
Synopsis: In an unknown subway station, Oliver, a young man discovers he is trapped in the space not knowing how or why. He meets a woman called The Custodian, who holds the key to exiting the station and allowing Oliver to move on.
WHATEVER IT TAKES | France | 2019 | 15’
Director: Pierre Amstutz Roch
Writer: Pierre Amstutz Roch
Producer: Olivier BERLEMONT
Cast: Lionel Abelanski , Camille Japy , Phillipe Duquesne
Synopsis: Stéphane, 50, loses his job. Desperate to get a new job, he makes up a plan with his wife Fiona to take down his rival. Their bad luck and clumsiness won’t make it easy..
AMERICA | Romania | 2019 | 02’
Directors: George ve Gänæaard, Horia Cucută
Writer: Ron Riekki
Producers: Ayrton P. Bryan, Horia Cucută, Alin Boeru, Valentin Paduraru, Vlad Ghinea, Ron Riekki
Cast: Daniel Popa, Octavian Boțel, Eli Lester
Synopsis: Frederik’s attempts at creating the safest place possible, where he is protected by his lovely walls in a room filled with guns. A story of uNRAveling.
Strong Desire | France | 2019 | 07’
Director: Nikolai Saoulski
Writer: Nikolai Saoulski
Producer: Who You Art Production
Cast: : Sophie Garmilla, Victoria Erulin, Amaranta Pedrani, Nikolai Saoulski
Synopsis: A pregnant woman questions her choice, whilst a boy wonders about his mother’s intention. A narrative and poetic amble on the idea of kinship.
Barber Fight | United Kingdom | 2019 | 9’
Director: Blake Ridder
Writer: Blake Ridder
Producer: Blake Ridder
Cast: Linda Louise Duan, Barry He, Ling Whye Hang
Synopsis: Edward is new in the city and needs a haircut. Walking into the first Barber Shop he can find, his simple grooming mission suddenly becomes a fight for his life.
Ada | China | 2018 | 10’
Key Cast
YOU or ME | United States | 2019 | 07’
Director: Yana Zinov
Writer: Drew Schrum
Producer: Tessa Rocha
Cast: Drew Schrum
Synopsis: A New Yorker comes face-to-face with an unwanted guest forcing him to choose…YOU or ME
Fashion Short – Official Selection – February 2019
GAL 9000 (a set odyssey) | United Kingdom | 2019 | 05’ Director: Boldizsar CR Writer: Boldizsar CR Producer: Imola Fedor Cast: Ella McRobb, Sian Scale, Fang, Ruinan Synopsis: Boldizsar CR teamed up with Pier Fioraso and Premier Model Management in this new Fashion Film called GAL 9000 (a set odyssey). The film is a dark, jaded view on the everyday life of the new face model in the big cold city. Looks like a bad start of a rainy London day when models missing each other and maybe even followed by a shadowy figure. While haunted by inner voices similar to Kubrick’s HAL 9000 in Space Odyssey, a chaotic Fashion shoot is unfolding. The film is playing with merging subjective realities and daydreams with the often not glamorous reality of being on set. Unlike in the movies many times it means being in competition with strangers, submitting to demanding people who act like bosses in a chaotic environment with dubious results. And of course nobody remembers anybody else’s name. All hail the stamina and bravery of models!
Warrior with a Crown | Italy | 2018 | 05’
Director: JMP
Writer: Francesco Cuizza
Producer: Azziuc
Cast: Francesco Cuizza
Synopsis: “In an armour of scars, I fight the illusion of my fears. I’m a warrior” In the quest to excel in life, a man battles with his own failures. Expressing the weight that every person must carry, Warrior with a Crown addresses how our need to conquer is just a fight within ourselves, with the journey itself becoming the real conquest. Warrior with a Crown is based on the belief that failure is the fuel for one’s success. Director JMP and screenwriter Francesco Cuizza take the viewer on the journey of becoming aware that fear and failures are but manmade illusions. Shot in Malibu (California) on the beach in the eerie early hours of the day, the film employs movement and original choreography to unfold its narrative. In Warrior with a Crown, the viewers are presented with two different types of failures. The first brings a man to his knees, overwhelmed by his lack of experience and knowledge. But the second time failure does not fell the man; he has learnt from his mistakes and is able to stand once again, aware that he has become a warrior capable of withstanding the challenges of life.
Amateur Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Inspired | Finland | 2019 | 14’
Director: Aku Savolainen
Writer: Minna Salpio
Producers: Aku Savolainen, Jaana Salpio, Jape Ahonen, Minna Salpio
Cast: Minna Salpio, Jape Ahonen, Aku Savolainen
Synopsis: A middle aged Sanna lives alone in Helsinki city. She has an interesting, but very hectic job which takes all of her time and energy. Sanna decides to listen to her heart and make a radical move. Is it worth it?
Low Tide | United Kingdom | 2019 | 10’
Director: Alex Kavanagh
Writer: Alex Kavanagh
Cast: Andrew Georgiades
Synopsis: A lonely man stranded in the wilderness seeks to escape from the manifestation of his fears.
The Bomb | United Kingdom | 2019 | 18’
Director: Martin Richards
Writer: Martin Richards
Cast: Robert Ansell, Claire Carreno, Chris Brady
Synopsis: The year is 2039. Great Britain and Europe are now separated since leaving the European Union in 2020 AD. Britain has been amassing armies and power for its own protection. The terrorist group Liberté are causing havoc across Great Britain and the United States. Britain and Europe are poised for a possible war. In this political climate, certain operatives are called upon to work for the Sentient Bomb Disposal Unit. Due to the rise in technology, explosive devices and weapons of mass destruction are equipped with intelligent holographic protection units that can protect the explosive device on its discovery, and dissuade anyone trying to disarm it, by looking into the person’s memory and duplicating a character from their past. This should stop them from getting close enough to stop it counting down. The sentient bomb disposal expert must be trained in both psychology and advanced electronics devices to be able to perform their job. Normally ex military, they are forced or coerced into a vital role of trying to stop these units from being effective. Dave Walker is such an operative, and although hardened in pyscho- warfare and bomb disposal even he did not expect the level of personal grief that he would be exposed to in his attempt to outwit an intelligent holographic unit that is constructed to destroy the city. This is the story of the day he met his match.
Victims | United States | 2019 | 09’
Director: Dustin Petrillo
Writer: Dustin Petrillo
Producers: Dustin Petrillo, Christina Perez
Cast: Avery Lux, Andrew Thornton
Synopsis: Two strangers struggle to find commonalities with one another – including their motives.
Short Horror – Official Selection – February 2019
Blackout | Greece | 2019 | 05’ Directors: Konstantinos Gourgiotis, George Leontakianakos Writers: Konstantinos Gourgiotis, George Leontakianakos Producer: Konstantinos Gourgiotis Cast: Ntenia Pssilia Synopsis: A young woman comes home one night and parks her car in the garage. Suddenly there is a blackout and she is trapped in the dark, but she is not alone…
Spores | Norway | 2018 | 12’
Director: Tommy Bardal
Writer: Tommy Bardal
Producer: Didrik Bjerkomp
Cast: Margrete Ngo
Synopsis: A woman moves into a new apartment but something sinister is growing on the wall. She tries to fight it but it slowly consumes her.
Exitus | Egypt | 2019 | 06’
Director: Ahmed Haitham El Assal
Writer: Rami Soliman
Producer: Rami Soliman
Cast: Salma Maher, Hagar El Sarag
Synopsis: When a suburban family faces an eccentric crisis after the death of their parents, two of it’s members lean to an unprecedented solution which sends them on a catastrophic path leading to more unsolvable problems.
Hear Me | Finland | 04’
Director: Jesse Haaja
Writer: Jesse Haaja, Bianca Bradey
Producer: Jesse Haaja
Cast: Bianca Bradey
Synopsis: Lonely young woman trying to escape her demons in the cold and dark Finland where no one else can hear her expect herself.
Short Comedy – Official Selection – February 2019
AMERICAN MARRIAGE United States 2018-11-27 00:14:45
Director: Giorgio Arcelli Fontana
Writer: James Ivory (Collaboration)
Producers: Stephen Gibler , James Ivory
Cast: Giorgio Arcelli Fontana, Lori Hammel
Synopsis: Leonardo, an Italian immigrant who lives in New York, marries a Latina woman, Nikki, to obtain the American greencard. Through the comedy of it all Nikki and Leo fall in love “for real” but it looks like “Uncle Sam” will be the one to have the last laugh.
Power Of Change | Estonia | 2019 | 05’
Director: Khaled Al Masri
Writer: Khaled Al Masri
Cast: Toomas Aria
Synopsis: In a missy full of empty beer cans room, Toomas wakeup on phone call from his manager, telling him that he is fired because he is late again. Tommes hears an add on the radio announcing a self-empowerment plan, he calls the serves and starts his sessions to change his life, He starts with cleaning his room, some exercises, and meditation. When he reached the end of his sessions someone starts knocking on the door he goes to open the door and we see his friends with a lot of beers and alcohol forcing their way inside the flat. He slender to this fact and takes a beer and smoke a cigarette.
Walter Treppiedi | Italy | 2019 | 15’
Director: Elena Bouryka
Writer: Elena Bouryka
Producer: Massimo di Rocco
Cast: Vittorio Ciorcalo
Synopsis: Walter is an unpleasant man, dirty, a small-time middleman, a third class swindler. He lives in an old station wagon full of dirt and scraps of a lifetime. In that car, Walter eats, sleeps, receives young customers to whom he promises to break into the show business, as long as they are willing to do anything and in exchange for a bribe. His bodyguard is always by his side, he’s too old and smells. He’s own faithful life companion: A Rottweiler named Blackie.
Tickle My Pickle | Lithuania | 2019 | 09’
Director: Greta Griniūtė
Writer: Greta Griniūtė
Producer: Travers Jacobs, Zone 6 Films
Cast: Emma Williams, Jason Lyke
Synopsis: First-Time Female Writer & Director – Greta Griniūtė presents “Tickle My Pickle” “Tickle My Pickle” explores the sexual fantasies of a teenage girl in her hot-pink bedroom! Accompanied by a jar of pickles and a banging soundtrack, Emily shows her primal emotions toward her milkman.
Short Drama – Official Selection – February 2019
Oh ! | Belgium | 2019 | 05’
Director: Antoine vans
Writer: Eric Debosscher
Producer: Antoine vans
Cast: Jeanne Abraham, Chris stof
Synopsis: A young police officer thinks it’s going to be easy.
Joyeux Noël | United States | 2018 | 11’
Director: Haley Webb
Writer: Haley Webb
Producer: Haley Webb
Cast: Haley Webb
Synopsis: A young woman navigates her first holiday season without her beloved father.
26 | Denmark | 2018 | 12’
Director: Emma Lund Rasmussen
Writers: Penelope Bjerregaard, Emma Lund Rasmussen
Producer: Penelope Bjerregaard
Cast: Alice Esther Bier Zandén, Rikke Westi, Julie Jeziorski Jensen
Synopsis: Barbara is turning 26. Her and her two friends, Olivia and Freja, has as a tradition to jump in the ocean, every time one of them has their birthday. But Olivia is completely absent, constantly looking at her phone and Freja have brought little baby Ella with her. They do not want to jump. And Barbara do not want to do it alone. In a magical moment, Barbara encounters her old friends, from back in time where they created the tradition. But the dreamy and carefree moment quickly disappears again. Back in the present, Olivia is arguing over the phone and Freja is about to leave. Barbara realizes, that she must find the strength in herself. She runs towards the ocean. Alone but confident.
Malek | Austria | 2018 | 06’
Director: Sandra Aberer
Writer: Sandra Aberer
Producer: frauAberer
Cast: Daniel F. Kamen, Jens Ole Schmieder, Bo Phylis Strube
Synopsis: Malek works as a carer in a social home and looks after a man who is confined to a wheelchair. His social commitment is deceptive because criminal machinations from Malek’s previous life keep flashing through his head. Once again he is on the verge of fulfilling another job and in doing so jeopardizing everything.
Burning | India | 2018 | 18’
Director: VS Sanoj
Writer: Jinoy Jose
Producer: Ajayya Kumar
Cast: Ketaki Narayan, Rukshana Tabassum
Synopsis: ‘Burning’ is a conversation between two young mothers brought together by strange and cruel social realities, at a funeral ghat in Varanasi. Facing myriad forms of patriarchal violence, they build an instant bonding and understanding towards each other while trying to strike a bizarre deal they were pushed to negotiate.
DESTINO | Italy | 2018 | 15’
Director: Kristina Cepraga
Writers: Emanuele Cerquiglini, Luigi Passarelli
Producer: Duel Produzioni
Cast: Kristina Cepraga, Aglaia Mora, Lorenzo Nohman
Synopsis: Fatima is an Iranian mother who finds refuge with her child in a social center in Rome. Fate (Destino) wants her to meet with Roberta, a policewoman, mother of a son’s classmate. The story begins at dawn and ends in the evening. It’s a social drama that tells the solitude of the feminine and that damned moment that can break lives … – Fatima è una mamma iraniana che in fuga dalla guerra trova rifugio con il suo bambino in un centro sociale di Roma. Il destino vuole far incontrare Fatima con Roberta, una poliziotta, mamma di un compagno di scuola del figlio. La storia inizia all’alba e finisce la sera. È un dramma sociale che racconta la solitudine al femminile e quell’attimo maledetto che può spezzare le vite…
Documentary Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Home | New Zealand | 2019 | 07’
Director: Benjamin Bryan
Writer: Benjamin Bryan
Producers: Caitlin Bryan, Tom Scott
Synopsis: A look at what ‘home’ means for South Sudanese refugee Gum Wetnhiak and his family who fled their war torn homeland to start a new life in Melbourne, Australia.
Under The Blanket | Georgia | 2018 | 30’ Director: Tatia Akhalshenashvili Writer: Anuki Burduli Producer: Nika Niklaishvili Cast: Synopsis: The main character of the film is the subjective camera and the main theme of the film is camera’s journey to the city where it finds other characters of the film. These people differ from each other by their profession and sex, but they have one thing in common – all of them are young. They talk about their fears and dreams, protest and ideology, about things that everyone avoids to even think. These youngsters love their city but at the same time they can’t breathe here. They need to be listened.
You’ll Be A Woman Soon | Netherlands | 2019 | 12’ Director: Vincent Sparreboom Writer: Producers: Dan Nutu, Cristina Hoffman Cast: Synopsis: Estera is twenty now, so she must get married, her small-town family thinks. Estera obliges, but there is a trace of doubt on her face. Does she really want to marry? Does she even love this man? The film delves into Estera’s doubts and worry as she’s preparing for the ‘best day of her life’.
Atomkraftwerk Zwentendorf | United States | 2018 | 17’
Director: Hope Tucker
Synopsis: Atomkraftwerk Zwentendorf is a monument to the power of public protest and the potential of a democratic vote.
The Magic Behind the Mojo | United States | 2018 | 30’
Director: Joe Gallo
Producer: Jane M Gallo
Cast: Mojo
Synopsis: For the past 50 years Mojo has been entertaining audiences around the world. He’s a musician, singer and songwriter and the leader of Mojo and the Bayou Gypsies. About 6 years ago, I discovered his music searching for a soundtrack for 10 ‘Soldier Story’ mini-documentaries created to engage support of the creation of a National Museum of the US Army. These stories of Army combat veterans were impactful and emotional and Mojo’s composition ‘Lights on the Bayou’, a beautiful and haunting ballad in the cajun style, was the perfect fit. This introduced me to Mojo and the discovery that there is more to his music and more to the man than his cajun accordion. This documentary looks into the making of a man who gives something everyday, lives life to the fullest, and all his friends are friends for life.
Short Fantasy/Sci-Fi Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Spyglass | United States | 2018 | 10’
Director: Chris Hunt
Writer: Cameron Kunzelman
Producer: Jennifer Carriere
Cast: Johnny Chen, Cory Ball, Patrice Lovely, James Griffin
Synopsis: SPYGLASS tells the story of a dead man that speaks from beyond the grave and his childhood friends-turn-close but troubled business partners Joseph and Nicodemus who must unravel the mystery of his disappearance.
The Bomb | United Kingdom | 2019 | 18’
Director: Martin Richards
Writer: Martin Richards
Cast: Robert Ansell, Claire Carreno, Chris Brady
Synopsis: The year is 2039. Great Britain and Europe are now separated since leaving the European Union in 2020 AD. Britain has been amassing armies and power for its own protection. The terrorist group Liberté are causing havoc across Great Britain and the United States. Britain and Europe are poised for a possible war. In this political climate, certain operatives are called upon to work for the Sentient Bomb Disposal Unit. Due to the rise in technology, explosive devices and weapons of mass destruction are equipped with intelligent holographic protection units that can protect the explosive device on its discovery, and dissuade anyone trying to disarm it, by looking into the person’s memory and duplicating a character from their past. This should stop them from getting close enough to stop it counting down. The sentient bomb disposal expert must be trained in both psychology and advanced electronics devices to be able to perform their job. Normally ex military, they are forced or coerced into a vital role of trying to stop these units from being effective. Dave Walker is such an operative, and although hardened in pyscho- warfare and bomb disposal even he did not expect the level of personal grief that he would be exposed to in his attempt to outwit an intelligent holographic unit that is constructed to destroy the city. This is the story of the day he met his match.
Solitary | United Kingdom | 2019 | 04’
Director: Luke J Armstrong
Writer: Luke J Armsrtong
Producers: Luke J Armstrong , Johnny Sachon
Cast: Johnny Sachon, Raymond Bethley , Matthew O’Leary Profit, David Sachon
Synopsis: When a man is coerced to commit a murder, he is sent into space to work on Earth’s first colony .Inso
Off | Singapore | 2019 | 12’
Director: Dag Kaszlikowski
Writer: Dag Kaszlikowski
Producers: Wiggie , Geoffrey Tsui
Synopsis: In the futuristic world, the pressure of convenience forces Min to make a choice about her boyfriend she is not ready for.
OBJET 01954 | France | 2018 | 04’
Directors: Grouard Xavier, Kharoubi Michel
Writers: Grouard Xavier, Kharoubi Michel
Producer: Grouard Xavier
Cast: Bermouga Farouk
Synopsis: After many years, a spatail probe that was thought lost, starts to emit again…
Music Video Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Lovesunk | Russian Federation | 05’
Director: Natalia Bykova
Synopsis: This is a story of a subterranean creature and his unrequited love for a bird. Or perhaps he’s just dreaming of sky and longing to fly?
Kekere | Brazil | 2017 | 05’
Director: Axel Sande
Writers: Lucas Chewie, Wagner Cinelli
Producer: Wagner Cinelli
Synopsis: The video Kekere deals with the sad theme of slavery focusing on social memory. It was released at Flink Sampa on November 17, 2017 at Zumbi dos Palmares College, in Sao Paulo. Brazil. Song interpretation: Urca Bossa Jazz. Guest singer: Kesia Estacio. Production: Wagner Cinelli. Lyrics and music: Wagner Cinelli. Voice: Kesia Estacio. Incidental singing and backing vocal: Bia Falcao. Percussion: Laudir de Oliveira. Bass: Didier Fernan. Guitar: Matheus VK. Tenor sax tenor and transverse flute: Tino Junior. Keyboard: Wagner Cinelli. Recording and mixing: La Maison Studio. Mastering: Orbita Music Studio. Animation: Gabinete de Artes. Film director: Axel Sande. English translation (subtitles): Mac Margolis.
Your Eyes, Will I Ever| France | 2018 | 05’
Director: Félicien Colmet Daâge
Writer: Félicien Colmet Daâge
Synopsis: In a house lost in the middle of the desert a man sees his girlfriend gradually transform into a butterfly.
Truth | United States | 2019 |04’
Director: Lei Wan
Writer: Lei Wan
Producer: Huijie Zhang
Cast: Gabriel Limbe, Omaryus Luckett, Li Qian
Synopsis: An older black man reminisces the ups and downs he faced when he was young and aspired to become a boxer.
Girls Just Wanna | United States | 2019 | 04’
Director: Stephania Dulowski
Writer: Stephania Dulowski
Producers: Sarah Donnenberg, Leah Donnenberg, Kirstin Vanskiver
Synopsis: “Girls Just Wanna” is a gentle ode to the young women who shape New York with their own unapologetic vibrancies. It follows women from across the city through different neighborhoods, landscapes and seasons as they fly through streets, pass time on stoops and hangout in apartments. A haunting ballad of Cyndi Lauper’s famous pop song, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” sweeps through each vignette, embracing the women who make up the city from skateboarders to pole dancers to dominatrixes. “Girls Just Wanna” captures a day-to-day electricity that young women exude through the streets of NY. It was important to let these women embrace their own style, character, passions and uniqueness by showing the complexity of femininity—the warmth and darkness of it. This film is a unison of the empowerment and sensuality of female energy.
Experimental Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Acaiaca | Brazil | 2018 | 08’
Director: AXEL SANDE
Synopsis: Acaiaca is based on a legend about a sacred cedar that was chopped down by the Portuguese, which caused the destruction of the nearby Puri Indian tribe in just one night. The Legend of Acaiaca was portrayed in the novel Acayaca 1729, by 19th Century Brazilian writer Joaquim Felicio dos Santos. The song was recorded in April/2017 by Urca Bossa Jazz, and it is one of the last works of percussionist Laudir de Oliveira (1976 Grammy Award Winner). The videoclip with narration in Portuguese was released in July/2017. This new production received an opening text and English narration by Mac Margolis.
In Brief | Italy | 2019 | 07’
Director: Carlo Perassi
Writer: Carlo Perassi
Producer: Kiwifarm Srl
Cast: Monica Martinelli, Cesare Scova, Vittorio Perassi, Nicola Marchitiello
Synopsis: In Brief starts from Post-history, by narrating scientific facts, like a documentary, regarding an enormous timespan in the Universe’s far future, whilst developing a silent drama around the heart of being human.
Misophonia | Italy | 2018 | 08’
Director: Marco Brunelli
Writer: Marco Brunelli
Producer: Griot
Cast: Luigi Franzese
Synopsis: The trill of an alarm clock. The drops of a tranquilizer in a glass of water. A razor scratches the shaving foam on the skin. Sounds. Obsessive, invasive, amplified. It is a pain. A sharp pain in the ear. Zeno walks in the forest with a microphone, a tape recorder and a pair of headphones. He collects the sounds of nature, the wind, the leaves, his steps. And the steps of someone else chasing him. He finds himself bound and gagged in a dark room torn by the beam of light of an 8mm projector. A hooded stranger forces him to watch a film with a soundtrack that exasperates and distorts violent, unpleasant, dissonant noises. For his ears it is an unbearable torture that seems to never end.
Lost Sock Collection | United States | 2018 | 14’
Director: Eliot Michl
Writer: Eliot Michl
Producer: Michelle Sander
Synopsis: Loss takes so many forms when it collides with time. Lost Sock Collection is an experimental poetry film: a multi-sensory experience steeped in loss on every level and told through the lens of time. The layers of sounds in the piece are collected from far-flung locales around the world: bumblebees in middle America, waves crashing in Montenegro, a girl splashing in a shallow pool, hiking in Transylvania, the Prague Symphony warming up, a needle dropping on my father’s favorite record. The highlight of the background audio—and from where the piece derives its name—is from a live performance art piece performed in Malaysia entitled, Lost Sock.
MASS | France | 2019 | 10’
Directors: Fu LE, Adrien Gontier
Writer: Fu LE
Synopsis: MASS is a 10 minutes single take video-dance shot in Paris. The project was framed within the Danse en Seine’s choreographic workshops, including 40 amateur dancers. Images of the crowd appear more and more often and symbolize the current upheavals all over the world, evoking alternately parties, migrations of refugees, manifestations, religious gatherings or just the daily life of big cities. We thus work on the mass, with all the drunkenness and horror it can inspire. We confront the individual with crowd movements, in order to observe how he resists or lets immerse himself.
Animation Short – Official Selection – February 2019
The Last Man on Earth Sat Alone in a Room | United States | 2019 | 03’
Director: Junyi Xiao
Synopsis: “The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door …”
LSZ – Larson C | Austria | 2018 | 03’
Director: Simon Skrepek
Synopsis: Three Men are stranded in the Ice.
My Mother’s Eyes | United Kingdom | 2018 | 05’
Director: Jenny Wright
Synopsis: A story about motherhood and loss in an abstracted world of childhood memory.
Boxer Story | United States | 2018 | 20’
Director: Lance Myers
Writer: Lance Myers
Producer: Lance Myers
Cast: Les McGehee, L. B. Deyo, Beth Myers, David Blackwell, Shannon McCormick, Chuck Beard
Synopsis: Amateur boxer, Twomey Martin, suffers from a rare and absurd affliction: the sound of each punch to his face is audible as a one-liner joke. And even though he dreams of one day becoming a serious contender in a title fight, all anyone ever hears are the ‘punch lines.’
Anacronte | Argentina | 2018 | 15’
Director: Raúl Koler, Emiliano Sette
Writer: Raúl Koler, Sabrina Pace
Producers: Emiliano Sette, Yashira Jordán, Francisco Zamudio
Synopsis: Anacronte and the Sorcerers of Evil, without any emotion and fulfilling their destiny, they put to test humanity’s happiness in a struggle that, in short, has each of us as winners and losers.
Mobile Phone Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Tempo | Australia | 05’
Director: Dudi Zvedeniuk
Writer: Dudi Zvedeniuk
Producer: Dudi Zvedeniuk
Cast: Sarah Carinci, Laura Manicone, Karilyn Sisko
Synopsis: Christa convinces dance partner Alvia, and pianist Sylvia, that a change in music tempo ultimately works better with their dance.
Please, Subscribe | Turkey | 2019 | 17’
Director: Umut Kayacan
Writer: Umut Kayacan
Producer: Umut Kayacan
Cast: Baran Durak, Gökçe Pınar Yıldız, Mustafa Talha Yetkin, İzgi Yetkin, Hülya Kayacan
Synopsis: A vlogger who publishes absurd and dangerous challenge videos does everything in his power in order to push the boundaries. However, a minor follower who is trying to be like him; is not aware of the limits of danger.
Mini Short – Official Selection – February 2019
Love Like You Give a Shit | United States | 2019 | 02’
Director: Miles Sager
Writer: Katie C’etta
Producer: Katie C’etta, Olivia Simonton
Cast: Ivan Austin, Derek Ringold, Patricia Rodriguez, Lionel Rodriguez, Mia Smith, Sasja Lee, Julian Pace, Magdelena Fischbacher, Brady Lindsey, Matthew Harnden, Lito Velasco
Synopsis: Based on the article by Jordan Gray (, “Love Like You Give a Shit” is a short video about love and all the different ways love looks.
Section F | Germany | 2019 | 02’
Director: Patrick Steinmann
Writers: Henrike Fehrs, Franciska Friede
Cast: Franciska Friede, Henrike Fehrs
Synopsis: Two women on different sides. Working together to defeat the enemy. But can you still trust each other when it’s about your own family?
The Machine | United Kingdom | 01’
Director: Leon Williams
Writer: Jodie Kay Ashdown
Producer: Daniel J. Harris
Cast: Shaun Llewelyn
Synopsis: The first day on any job can be tough, but this job is something else.
Synopsis: Stéphane, 50, loses his job.
Desperate to get a new job, he makes up a plan with his wife Fiona to take down
his rival. Their bad luck and clumsiness won’t make it easy..
AMERICAN MARRIAGE | United States | 2018 | 15
Director: Giorgio Arcelli Fontana
Writer: James Ivory (Collaboration)
Producers: Stephen Gibler , James Ivory
Cast: Giorgio Arcelli Fontana, Lori Hammel
Synopsis: Leonardo, an Italian immigrant
who lives in New York, marries a Latina woman, Nikki, to obtain the American
greencard. Through the comedy of it all Nikki and Leo fall in love “for real”
but it looks like “Uncle Sam” will be the one to have the last laugh.
The Last Man on
Earth Sat Alone in a Room | United States | 2019 | 03’
Director: Junyi Xiao
Synopsis: “The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door …”
Úrs | Belgium | 2018 | 20’
Synopsis: During an audition, a young actor stares the eye of the
camera. He then recalls his last night unusual encounter. A man in front of a
supermarket, in the middle of the night…
26 | Denmark
| 2018 | 12’
Actress: Alice Esther Bier Zandén
Director: Emma Lund Rasmussen
Writers: Penelope Bjerregaard, Emma Lund Rasmussen
Producer: Penelope Bjerregaard
Cast: Alice Esther Bier Zandén, Rikke Westi, Julie
Jeziorski Jensen
Synopsis: Barbara is turning 26. Her and
her two friends, Olivia and Freja, has as a tradition to jump in the ocean,
every time one of them has their birthday. But Olivia is completely absent,
constantly looking at her phone and Freja have brought little baby Ella with
her. They do not want to jump. And Barbara do not want to do it alone. In a
magical moment, Barbara encounters her old friends, from back in time where
they created the tradition. But the dreamy and carefree moment quickly
disappears again. Back in the present, Olivia is arguing over the phone and
Freja is about to leave. Barbara realizes, that she must find the strength in
herself. She runs towards the ocean. Alone but confident.
MASS | France |
2019 | 10’
Directors: Fu LE, Adrien Gontier
Director of Photography: Adrien Gontier
Writer: Fu LE
Synopsis: MASS is a 10 minutes single take video-dance
shot in Paris. The project was framed within the Danse en Seine’s choreographic
workshops, including 40 amateur dancers. Images of the crowd appear more and
more often and symbolize the current upheavals all over the world, evoking
alternately parties, migrations of refugees, manifestations, religious
gatherings or just the daily life of big cities. We thus work on the mass, with
all the drunkenness and horror it can inspire. We confront the individual with
crowd movements, in order to observe how he resists or lets immerse himself.
Wasteland | Sweden | 2019 | 04’
Editor: Gustav Bondeson
Director: Gustav Bondeson
Writer: Gustav Bondeson
Cast: David Digman, Max Shore, Hedvig Lannsjö
Synopsis: Wasteland portrays a broken relationship between two men and
the emotional (non) processing of it. The story follows two persons
conversation about life where the main character in the conversation realises
that he never has allowed himself to feel sorrow.
The Death of Don Quixote |
United Kingdom | 2018 | 14’
Production Designer: Luke Howes
Director: Miguel Faus
Writer: Miguel Faus
Producer: Nathalie Lamprecht
Cast: Jamie Paul, John O’Toole, Dermot Caravan, Michael Watson-Gray
Synopsis: London, 1968. Alphonse, a young and ambitious filmmaker,
attempts to complete his greatest cinematic work yet, “The Death of Don
Quixote”. But with his ageing star, Patrick Quincey, falling ill, it’s
unclear what will die first: his vision, Patrick or Don Quixote. “It’s brilliant!” (Terry Gilliam)
Walter Treppiedi |
Italy | 2019 | 15’
Director: Elena Bouryka
Writer: Elena Bouryka
Producer: Massimo di Rocco
Cast: Vittorio Ciorcalo
Synopsis: Walter is an unpleasant man,
dirty, a small-time middleman, a third class swindler. He lives in an old
station wagon full of dirt and scraps of a lifetime. In that car, Walter eats,
sleeps, receives young customers to whom he promises to break into the show
business, as long as they are willing to do anything and in exchange for a
bribe. His bodyguard is always by his
side, he’s too old and smells. He’s own faithful life companion: A Rottweiler
named Blackie.
26 | Denmark
| 2018 | 12’
Director: Emma Lund Rasmussen
Writers: Penelope Bjerregaard, Emma Lund Rasmussen
Producer: Penelope Bjerregaard
Cast: Alice Esther Bier Zandén, Rikke Westi, Julie
Jeziorski Jensen
Synopsis: Barbara is turning 26. Her and her two
friends, Olivia and Freja, has as a tradition to jump in the ocean, every time
one of them has their birthday. But Olivia is completely absent, constantly
looking at her phone and Freja have brought little baby Ella with her. They do
not want to jump. And Barbara do not want to do it alone. In a magical moment,
Barbara encounters her old friends, from back in time where they created the
tradition. But the dreamy and carefree moment quickly disappears again. Back in
the present, Olivia is arguing over the phone and Freja is about to leave.
Barbara realizes, that she must find the strength in herself. She runs towards
the ocean. Alone but confident.
Spores | Norway |
2018 | 12’
Director: Tommy Bardal
Writer: Tommy Bardal
Producer: Didrik Bjerkomp
Cast: Margrete Ngo
Synopsis: A woman moves into a new apartment but
something sinister is growing on the wall. She tries to fight it but it slowly
consumes her.
OBJET 01954 |
France | 2018 | 04’
Directors: Grouard Xavier, Kharoubi Michel
Writers: Grouard Xavier, Kharoubi Michel
Producer: Grouard Xavier
Cast: Bermouga Farouk
Synopsis: After many years, a spatail probe that was
thought lost, starts to emit again…
Walter Treppiedi |
Italy | 2019 | 15’
Director: Elena Bouryka
Writer: Elena Bouryka
Producer: Massimo di Rocco
Cast: Vittorio Ciorcalo
Synopsis: Walter is an unpleasant man,
dirty, a small-time middleman, a third class swindler. He lives in an old
station wagon full of dirt and scraps of a lifetime. In that car, Walter eats,
sleeps, receives young customers to whom he promises to break into the show
business, as long as they are willing to do anything and in exchange for a
bribe. His bodyguard is always by his
side, he’s too old and smells. He’s own faithful life companion: A Rottweiler
named Blackie.
Synopsis: A day in the life of Miriam, a
devoted and loving nanny of three children who upon finding out her 17-year-old
daughter has been regularly missing school, tries to get her daughter’s life
back on track. Along the way she
questions whether she has been a better mother to the three children she works
with or to her own daughter.
Once More, From the Top |
Canada | 2018 | 06’
Director: Evan Friesen
Writer: Tavish Kelpin
Producer: Madison Friesen, Evan Friesen
Cast: Sean Mahaffey, Ziyana Vasaya
Synopsis: In this date-gone-wrong comedy involving the
pausing and rewinding of time, Mark tries again and again to answer his
girlfriend’s trick question. He navigates through an escalating and repeating
sequence of events, trying to find an answer that doesn’t lead to disaster.
I Didn’t Like
Hubert | Australia | 2019 | 06’
Director: Henry
Writer: Genevieve Clay-Smith
Producer: Briana Miller
Cast: Hubert
Synopsis: Sometimes the person you least expect to be
friends with can open up a world of possibilities you never dreamed of! Created for interactive play for kids on the
iPad, ‘I Didn’t Like Hubert’ is a story that encourages children to see past
their differences in order to make extraordinary bonds with those who might be
different to themselves.
Boxer Story |
United States | 2018 | 20’
Director: Lance Myers
Writer: Lance Myers
Producer: Lance Myers
Cast: Les McGehee, L. B. Deyo, Beth Myers, David
Blackwell, Shannon McCormick, Chuck Beard
Synopsis: Amateur boxer, Twomey Martin,
suffers from a rare and absurd affliction: the sound of each punch to his face
is audible as a one-liner joke. And even though he dreams of one day becoming a
serious contender in a title fight, all anyone ever hears are the ‘punch
Home | New Zealand
| 2019 | 07’
Director: Benjamin Bryan
Writer: Benjamin Bryan
Producers: Caitlin Bryan, Tom Scott
Synopsis: A look at what ‘home’ means for South Sudanese
refugee Gum Wetnhiak and his family who fled their war torn homeland to start a
new life in Melbourne, Australia.
MASS | France |
2019 | 10’
Directors: Fu LE, Adrien Gontier
Writer: Fu LE
Synopsis: MASS is a 10 minutes single take video-dance
shot in Paris. The project was framed within the Danse en Seine’s choreographic
workshops, including 40 amateur dancers. Images of the crowd appear more and
more often and symbolize the current upheavals all over the world, evoking
alternately parties, migrations of refugees, manifestations, religious
gatherings or just the daily life of big cities. We thus work on the mass, with
all the drunkenness and horror it can inspire. We confront the individual with
crowd movements, in order to observe how he resists or lets immerse himself.
Your Eyes, Will I
Ever| France | 2018 | 05’
Director: Félicien Colmet Daâge
Writer: Félicien Colmet Daâge
Synopsis: In a house lost in the middle of
the desert a man sees his girlfriend gradually transform into a butterfly.
The Machine |
United Kingdom | 01’
Director: Leon Williams
Writer: Jodie Kay Ashdown
Producer: Daniel J. Harris
Cast: Shaun Llewelyn
Synopsis: The first day on any job can be
tough, but this job is something else.
Please, Subscribe
| Turkey | 2019 | 17’
Director: Umut Kayacan
Writer: Umut Kayacan
Producer: Umut Kayacan
Cast: Baran Durak, Gökçe Pınar Yıldız, Mustafa Talha
Yetkin, İzgi Yetkin, Hülya Kayacan
Synopsis: A vlogger who publishes absurd
and dangerous challenge videos does everything in his power in order to push
the boundaries. However, a minor
follower who is trying to be like him; is not aware of the limits of danger.
Inspired | Finland
| 2019 | 14’
Director: Aku Savolainen
Writer: Minna Salpio
Producers: Aku Savolainen, Jaana Salpio, Jape Ahonen,
Minna Salpio
Cast: Minna Salpio, Jape Ahonen, Aku Savolainen
Synopsis: A middle aged Sanna lives alone in Helsinki
city. She has an interesting, but very hectic job which takes all of her time
and energy. Sanna decides to listen to her heart and make a radical move. Is it
worth it?
GAL 9000 (a
set odyssey) | United Kingdom | 2019 |
Director: Boldizsar CR
Writer: Boldizsar CR
Producer: Imola Fedor
Cast: Ella McRobb, Sian Scale, Fang, Ruinan
Synopsis: Boldizsar CR teamed up with Pier
Fioraso and Premier Model Management in this new Fashion Film called GAL 9000
(a set odyssey). The film is a dark, jaded view on the everyday life of the new
face model in the big cold city. Looks
like a bad start of a rainy London day when models missing each other and maybe
even followed by a shadowy figure. While haunted by inner voices similar to
Kubrick’s HAL 9000 in Space Odyssey, a chaotic Fashion shoot is unfolding. The
film is playing with merging subjective realities and daydreams with the often
not glamorous reality of being on set. Unlike in the movies many times it means
being in competition with strangers, submitting to demanding people who act
like bosses in a chaotic environment with dubious results. And of course nobody
remembers anybody else’s name. All hail the stamina and bravery of models!
ONE CHANCE | Australia | 2018 | 07’
Director: James Hyams
Writer: Jeremy Rigby
Producer: Jeremy Rigby
Cast: Harrison Wilkes , Sienna De Carlo , Isabella De Carlo , Kirar Mercy
Synopsis: A young girl with a passion for soccer tries to silence her bully by attempting an impossible goal.
MIRACULOUS SPORT HR | Croatia | 2018 | 11’
Director: Emir Mulalic
Writers: Linda Poscic Borovac/Natasa Tepsa Budija/Nino Peric
Producer: Linda Poscic Borovac
Synopsis: Short film , actors are 13 children ages 11-17. The movie depicts belly-aching as the most popular sport in Croatia. Nobody in the world has ever beaten the Croatian national team at complaining. Croatia’s team shows urban and rural belly-aching and gives advice how to belly-ache with passion. This ancient “sport” Croats have perfected and thourghly developed in several strong disciplines so that today, why deny, they can without question be called “VIRTUOSES OF COMPLAINING”. The film supports positivity and those that think and influence others positevely.
WHY… | Italy | 2019 | 10’
Director: Dev
Writers: Dev, Caterina Morina
Producer: Dev
Cast: Federica Bracarda, Carlo Apice, Teacher, Librarian
Synopsis: A young boy who is mostly busy in his mobile gets a challenge from his mother. The challenge is simple but tricky.
Names of Months (Arabic) | Lebanon | 2019 | 06’
Director: Rouba Beydoun
Writer: Rouba Beydoun
Producer: Rouba Beydoun
Cast: Charbel Rouhana, Sawsan Nourallah
Synopsis: A song animation about teaching the names of months in Arabic, this music video aims to provide an attractive way for children to learn about their heritage. The lyrics of the song are inspired by rhyming folk proverbs, while the images in the animation make cultural reference to different parts of the Arab region: pyramids in Egypt, ruins in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, olive picking in Tunisia, folk dancing in Palestine, sea turtles in Yemen, etc. It is a five-minute cultural voyage into the four seasons.
Student Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Blind love | Germany | 2019 | 18’ Director: Bidzina Gogiberidze Writers: Gianluca Bruno, Bidzina Gogiberidze Producer: Gianluca Bruno Cast: Alicia Rosinski, Michael Knöfler Synopsis: Anna is a blind piano player. She loves to perform live on stage and always looks out for opportunities to do so. Tonight she is going to play a composition by Chopin in a small bar. While moving trough the place she runs into a waitress carrying a tray of glasses. Max the Barkeeper helps her to collect the shards from the ground and falls in love with her on first sight. After her performance he accompanies her home. They spend the night together.
Tide of Ghosts | United Kingdom | 2018 | 27’
Director: Seb Cox
Writers: Seb Cox, John Black
Producer: Sulekha Kaur Takhtar
Cast: John Black, Benjamin David Taylor
Synopsis: Andrew finds his best mate (George) reappearing to him as a ghost with unfinished business. Together they have to find George’s body in order to uncover the mystery behind his death so that he can move on to the afterlife. With only a couple of weeks before a body decomposes, time is ticking and their friendship is tested. @ 00:00:00 a clip of the sea
Audition | United Kingdom | 2018 | 04’
Director: Zhizi Hao
Writer: Zhizi hao
Producer: Zhizi Hao
Cast: Chunlei Fu, Haili Yu
Synopsis: A Chinese girl living in London tries to adapt to the Western society, but she finds it difficult to be a part of it.
PURE | Switzerland | 2018 | 11’
Director: Stephan Eigenmann
Writer: Stephan Eigenmann
Producers: Stephan Eigenmann, Robert Ramos
Cast: Lesley Minervini, Bella Bishop, Aaron Burns, Laurra Aagaard, Bren Thor Johnson
Synopsis: Helen, a call center worker who struggles with alopecia is learning to accept herself with the help of a young girl with cancer.
NEON! | United States | 2019 | 09’
Producers: Tamao Kiser, Matthew Ho, Lauren Oh
Synopsis: In a world where neon orange is banned, unexpected customers visit a dry cleaner run by two siblings.
Devil’s Dare | Greece | 2018 | 28’
Director: Aristotelis F. Petridis
Writers: Aristotelis F. Petridis, Kostis Bassogiannis
Producer: Aristotelis F. Petridis
Cast: Spiros Bibilas, Memos Koen, Thodoris Prokopiou, Loukas Simperas, Akrivi Kollia
Synopsis: A cold night in the shop. Countless pinball games ready to be sold. Their technician and his boss confront a strange customer who’s gonna become their nightmare. A story of paranormal suspense driven by the machine of the devil.
Deepness of the Fry | Denmark | 2019 | 05’
Director: August Niclasen
Producer: Michelle Ann Nardone
Stalker | United Kingdom | 2018 | 04’
Director: Media Sheybany
Writer: Media Sheybany
Cast: Media Sheybany, Aaron Argyrou
Synopsis: A girl is homebound due to a deadline she needs to make. But she has been procrastinating her time away by observing her three neighbors, mixing her imagination with the facts that she has gathered from each neighbor. However, there is a twist… she is also being watched….
Simelibärg | Switzerland | 2018 | 14’
Director: Seraina Scherini
Writer: Seraina Scherini
Cast: Severin Mauchle, Evelyne Gugolz, Beat Brunner, Alrette Wahlen
Synopsis: A couple stands before the difficult task of leading their mentally challenged son Jonas into adulthood. Due to the marital conflicts between the parents, Jonas looses track of what is right or wrong.
Phone Call At 1AM | United States | 2017 | 08’
Director: Yikai Wu
Writer: Yikai Wu
Cast: Jeff Yoika
Synopsis: This is a story about a midnight phone call from 6000 miles away that causes a man at the other end feel deeply helpless.
Golem | Czech Republic | 2018 | 25’
Director: Etrio Fidora
Writer: Etrio Fidora
Producers: FAMU, Studio FAMU, Gisella Marino
Cast: Marek Kuta, Agnes Willow, Nikita Pronin
Synopsis: J. hates how he looks so he spends his time on social networks, projecting his desires and sexual impulses in a world where nobody makes fun of him. However, the border between digital and real become thinner and thinner, dragging J. in a distorted digital reality that soon will become a nightmare.
Lilith | United States | 2019 | 12’
Director: Erofili Moraiti
Writer: Erofili Moraiti
Producers: Tejah Monet Robinson, Dave Fathers
Cast: Morgan Price, Avery Powers, Kimmy Hunt
Synopsis: A woman in her early twenties is having constant dreams about snakes, which make her question her sexual relationships with men and bring her closer to the jewish mythological tale of the demonized Lilith.
Modern Love | Israel | 2018 | 13’
Director: Itamar Gross
Writer: Itamar Gross
Producer: Itamar Gross
Cast: Mikey Morag, Sharon Stark, Alon Lior, Maya Koren, Elad Keidan, Alon Garbuz, Nir Barak
Synopsis: Three years after he stopped using Facebook, Chaim gives the social network a second chance. When he becomes much more popular than he has ever expected, he must choose between his social network persona and his own true character.
Grandma Lake | Germany | 2019 | 24’
Directors: Felie Zernack, Ann Esswein
Writer: Felie Zernack
Producers: Felie Zernack, Ann Esswein
Synopsis: The resource conflict over water at Lago Atitlán, Guatemala divides the population. Who solves the problem of the strong contamination of the lake?
A Place in Between | United States | 2019 | 14’
Director: Selin Bonfil
Writer: Selin Bonfil
Producer: Louise De Nexon
Cast: Holly Heiser, Jenna Sander, Dexter Buell, Jackie Krim, Tom Staggs
Synopsis: Maya, a woman in her early 40s, has to host a dinner for her husband’s friends and convince her teenage to help her through the evening. When she realizes that the dinner is turning into a complete disaster, and pushed to an edge by her daughter’s behavior, she has a nervous breakdown, questioning the necessity of the ideals and tradition not only she but all women are pushed to live by. Shot in April 2018. Director’s age: 21.
The Devil’s Lamp | United Kingdom | 2019 | 07’
Director: Chetna Vaidyanathan
Writer: Chetna Vaidyanathan
Producers: Chetna Vaidyanathan, Daniel Llobera
Cast: Frederick Boweman, Benjamyn Lyall
Synopsis: The story follows James the priest who develops a psychosis on account of his deteriorating health. His fear and obsession lead him down a dark path, an interplay in his mind between God and the Devil.
Narrative Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Sailors of the forest | Italy | 2018 | 17’
Director: Stefano Tammaro
Writer: Daniele Malavolta, Vincenzo D’Onofrio
Cast: Ugo Garau, Melinda Mereu, Antonio Andrisani, Giuseppe Ranoia , Francesco De Francesco, Ulderico Pesce, Gianluca Sotgiu, Andrea Staffa, Nicola Ferrari, Sandra Guerrese
Synopsis: 70’s in Italy. In Sardinia, a group of criminals kidnap for ransom an Italian public figure. Based on a true story.
Ladies Lounge | United States | 2018 | 10’
Director: MIchelle Bossy
Writer: Caroline V. McGraw
Producers: Mara Kassin, Michelle Bossy, Rabia Sultana
Cast: Mara Kassin, Lynn Cohen, Greg Keller
Synopsis: Lady (Mara Kassin, Extra Innings, Oscar-winning short, Curfew) sits in front of a mirror in the lounge of a stuffy restaurant, contemplating her reflection. She is joined by the lounge attendant (Lynn Cohen, Munich, Sex and the City), who offers her the lounge amenities–none of which will fix what’s really wrong: her boyfriend (Greg Keller, While We’re Young) has brought a small box to dinner, but it doesn’t hold an engagement ring. Lady hears a noise coming from the restroom, and finds her doppelganger, ecstatic over the world’s biggest engagement ring. While her boyfriend waits impatiently, Lady contends with more versions of herself–a harried mother with a newborn, and finally, a bloodthirsty femme fatale. Ladies Lounge is a film about the roles women are offered, and how they must sometimes take their power back by any means necessary.
Treacle | United Kingdom | 2019 | 18’
Director: Rosie Westhoff
Writer: April Kelley
Producers: April Kelley, Sara Huxley, Katie Rotolo, Henry Kittredge, James Dean, Zeus Zamani
Cast: April Kelley, Ariana Anderson
Synopsis: TREACLE is the story of two friends, BELLE, and JESSIE, who go on a weekend away to help Jessie get over a recent breakup. Road tripping through California, we follow them over the course of 24 hours as Belle convinces Jessie to not cancel the trip she’d originally planned to go on with her ex. Lines begin to blur between them when the always heterosexual Jessie in her drunken, post breakup loneliness kisses bisexual Belle. TREACLE aims to give a voice to the ‘B’ in ‘LGBT’.
Write Off |Argentina | 2018 | 13’
Director: Tomas Sivori
Writer: Jeronimo Palenzuela
Producer: Tomas Sivori
Cast: Natalia Santiago, Eloy Rodriguez, Uriel Einstoss, Jorge Digilio, Federico La Rocca
Synopsis: 1940s.After a job gone wrong, a gang of low-life criminals must face the consequences of the betrayal.
Rorrim | United States | 2019 | 15’
Director: M.P. Murdock
Writer: M.P. Murdock
Producers: M.P. Murdock, Alexander Hartl
Cast: Teressa Liane
Synopsis: A young woman suffering from recurrent memory blackouts finds herself in different parts of her house without recollection of previous events. She decides to record herself with surveillance cameras to unveil a dark and forgotten truth.
Lemons | United States | 2018 | 14’
Director: Simon Werdmüller von Elgg
Writer: Simon Werdmüller von Elgg
Producer: Amanda Young
Cast: Jared Carter, Dianne Berry, Tamiko Robinson Steele
Synopsis: A lone missionary is invited into the stately home of a mysterious older woman. Polite conversation over sweet tea gradually unravels as the two grasp to understand one another. While exploring her home, he comes to realize his suspicions only begin to scratch the surface of a terrible truth, forcing him to confront his own damaged past.
Do No Harm | United Kingdom | 2019 | 13’
Director: Sam Blakeney-Edwards
Writer: Reshad Malik
Producer: Louis Taylor-Baggs
Cast: Oliver Rednall, Clare McGowan-Duffy, Sophie Jones, Victoria Shepherd
Synopsis: Junior Doctor Sam Bloom is working the night shift in a busy A&E department. Our story begins with the death of Sam’s first patient which plays havoc with his mental state and his ability to follow the doctor’s oath… ‘First, do no harm’.
Good Friend form the West | United States | 2018 | 10’
Director: Shuaiyu Liu
Writer: Shuaiyu Liu
Cast: Zhan Wang, Dan Rutkowski
Synopsis: In 1873, Tin is a Chinese rail worker working in California, after he escaped from the railway construction. He meets a wounded treasure thief – Dan the cowboy. Tin finally decides to save Dan’s life, and Dan helps Tin to cut the chain. They become friends. Dan stole the most important treasure from a Native American tribe, and they send best warriors to take it back. Tin has to fight with warriors to protect his friend’s life.
BUG | Poland | 2019 | 17’
Director: Krzysztof Wróbel
Writer: Krzysztof Wróbel
Producers: Krzysztof Wróbel, Samira Baddour
Cast: Michał Meyer, Sebastina Stankiewicz
Synopsis: An ordinary day by the river turns into a hilarious, testosterone fueled quest through which two best friends learn more about their friendship then ever before.
Woods | Romania | 2018 | 17’
Director: Paul Decu
Writer: Paul Decu
Producers: Paul Decu, Crina Linta
Cast: Ionut Achivoaie
Synopsis: HE lives in a wooden house in the middle of the forest. In this world, there are no other interior or exterior forces excepting HE, but one day, somebody comes and knocks on door. When HE opened the door, there was nothing out there, excepting a tape recorder that seems to be animated by something. The tape recorder guides him in his journey, a journey that ends in a very interesting way.
The Safe House | Bangladesh | 2019 | 27’
Director: Zak Mir
Writer: Zak Mir
Producer: Tuhin Mehedi Hasan
Cast: Intekhab Dinar, Shahjahan Samrat, Shahporan Shuvro
Synopsis: The Safe House, is a tale of a University teacher, who has been brought to a detention center where he meets a young Hindu boy who falls prey to severe military interrogation and torture. It is a story of hope and commitment.
Killing Christmas | United States | 2019 | 13’
Synopsis: Deciding to opt out of the season of goodwill altogether, Holly abandons her family and all the forced merriment on Christmas Eve and instead gets a strange encounter with a security guard and a cosmic festive gift.
Ghosts in the Ink |United States |2019 | 14’
Director: Igor Lewicki
Writer: Phil McCarron
Producers: Phil McCarron, Mika Santiguel, Musa Isa
Cast: Alexandra Miller, Igor Lewicki
Synopsis: A recently divorced couple, mired by tragedy, struggle to maintain civility as the meet, one last time, to finalize the sale of their house.
Fashion Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Olympia | Italy | 2018 | 15’
Director: Giulia Achenza
Producer: Basement
Cast: Aomi Muyock, Silvia Degrandi, Valerio Maccario
Synopsis: “Existential states that go beyond the most incredible conjectures” Inspired by Don De Lilllo’s novella Body Art, Olympia tells the story of a body artist and her director husband. Starting their life together as a married couple in their new home, everything carries on as normal until the day Olympia receives tragic news about her husband. This leads her to an unexpected journey into herself, which will result in the creation of her greatest work as an artist, but also in losing part of herself.
Kids on the Moon – Playground | Poland | 2019 | 31’
Director: Grajper, Mateusz Dziekoński – DP
Writer: Grajper
Producers: Bartosz Jodłowski / Houdini Film
Junkotheque | Romania | 02’
Director: Florina Titz
Producer: Georgiana Toma
Cast: Lana Moscaliuc, Georgiana Toma, Madalina Dinu
Amateur Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Taking a Piss | Not Specified | 10’
Director: Josh Romyn
Writer: Kyle Strauts
Producers: Kyle Strauts, Rebecca Steele
Cast: Kyle Strauts, Brea Schneider
Synopsis: On a seemingly regular morning, two lovers immersed in a clandestine life are at a crossroads.
Enantiodromia | United Kingdom | 2019 | 04’
Director: Lisa Ghosn
Writer: Lisa Ghosn
Cast: Lisa Ghosn, Leah Geary, Peter Collier, Tyler Wilson
Short Comedy – Official Selection – March 2019
Swung | United States | 2018 | 08’
Director: Fokke Baarssen
Writer: Keith Armonaitis
Producers: Fokke Baarssen, Keith Armonaitis, Carlos M. Jimenez, Thomas Bernard Hengeveld, George Paul Henneberke
Cast: Susan Varon, Wally Marzano-Lesnevich, Garry Pastore
Synopsis: A young man moves back in with his mom after breaking up with his wife, but soon finds out that his mom has a strange new hobby. A poignant story of elderly independence.
Party Favors | United States | 2018 | 13’
Director: Michael Mizov, Cameron Taddeo
Writer: Michael Mizov
Producer: Michael Mizov
Cast: Shawn Erickson, James Impellizeri, Cynthia Gray, Justin Grabosky
Synopsis: After finding some drugs stashed after a housewarming party, Matt and his weird new roommate Jeb soon discover that not all their guests have left.
Burqa City | France | 2019 | 20’
Director: Bracq Fabrice
Writer: Bracq Fabrice
Producer: Preel Cleach Fabrice
Cast: Omar mebrouk
Synopsis: Souleymane and Leila just got married, for better or for worse. The better is that they love each other very much. The worse is that they live in an absurd and kafkaesque country.
Kissy Cousins Monster Babies (Director’s Cut) | United States | 2019 | 25’
Director: Wayne Keeley
Writer: Wayne Keeley, David Belafonte, Steve Kearney, Stephanie C. Lyons-Keeley
Producers: Craig Dobson, Wayne Keeley, Stephanie C. Lyons-Keeley
Cast: David Belafonte, Steve Kearney, Jack Plotnick, Pat Cooper, Jeffrey Lyons, Michael Medved, Zac Jaffe
Synopsis: Two Hollywood Producers try to save their dying careers by creating a blockbuster out of old movies and their warped imaginations. What they don’t know is that they are being mined for their creative ideas. The film was in production for 25 years and shot in seven states including Wash D.C. (Linklater eat your heart out!). Homages galore! The next Rocky Horror!
A fine stew | Belgium | 2018 | 20’
Director: Marie Glichitch
Writer: Marie Glichitch
Producer: Mediadiffusion
Cast: Réal Siellez, Laetitia Reva, Fanny Estève, Joffrey Verbruggen, Chloé Von Arx
Synopsis: Easter Sunday. Catherine has cooked her stew, Manon is hungover, Jacques is late. Dad is getting married and Pierre is the one who has to announce it. It would be just a normal family meal … if there wasn’t a dead cat in the freezer …
Short Drama – Official Selection – March 2019
What Is Your Name | United Kingdom | 2018 | 11’ Director: Nathan Birdi Writer: Adam Lawrence, Nathan Birdi Producer: Adam Lawrence Cast: Tony Pitts, Adam Lawrence, Laura Pradelska, Buket Komur Synopsis: When a man discovers his father’s nightclub is a front for human trafficking, he must choose between family and his conscience.
My Florida Home | United States | 2019 | 10’
Director: Matthew Herbertz
Writer: Matthew Herbertz
Producers: William Allen , Ross Morin
Cast: Denise Gossett , Sarah Villegas, Gary Gross, Riley Gossett
Synopsis: An estranged daughter returns home to confront her elderly mother’s caregiver.
THE PEOPLE ARE THE BRAND | Switzerland | 2019 | 22’
Director: Adrian Perez
Writer: Adrian Perez
Producer: Adrian Perez
Cast: Anna-Katharina Müller, Philippe Schuler
Synopsis: A doubtful photo project about fugitives makes doubtful headlines. About a journalist and a photographer lost in opportunities.
Exodus | Greece | 2018 | 10’
Director: Alkiviadis Papadopoulos
Writer: Alkiviadis Papadopoulos
Producer: Marinia Palaiologou
Cast: Natacha Topaltziki
Synopsis: Sofia and Aristidis are having dinner talking about their upcoming marriage. But an unexpected meeting will change everything.
Yasmina | France | 2018 | 20’
Directors: Ali Esmili, Claire Cahen
Writer: Ali Esmili
Producer: Nelson Ghrénassia
Cast: Hana Mekacher, Capucine Valmary, Kenza Noah Aiche
Synopsis: Yasmina is a 15-years-old teenager who is passionate about soccer and practices with the team FC SAINT ETIENNE. Originally from Morocco, she is in an irregular situation in France, with her father and his French partner. One evening when she returns from a training, she sees her father being arrested before her own eyes.
Flowers | France | 2018 | 19’
Director: Baptiste Petit-Gats
Writer: Baptiste Petit-Gats
Producer: Nelson Ghrénassia
Cast: Catherine Salée, Victor Rivière
Synopsis: It is All Saints’ Day. Bérénice wanders through the city. She must find flowers for the grave. Sacha, her son, has other plans. Too bad. She must find flowers for the grave.
Blue Peter | Croatia | 2017 | 15’
Director: Marko Šantić
Writer: Marko Šantić
Producer: Jure Bušić
Cast: Hrvoje Vladisavljević, Dražen Mikulić, Olivera Baljak, Alan Katić
Synopsis: Petar is a young police officer who has just begun his carrer, he lives with his parents in a small maisonette. Officer Goran, who comes to pick up Petar, suddenly arrives at their place. They have to deal with another distraint. Petar doesn’t want to be a part of it. His unemployed father tries to convince him to go since their family is dealing with money problems and soon they’ll have to face an eviction. In the field during the distraint, Petar reacts in a human way, brakes the police powers and tries to protect distrainees who happen to be an older married couple.
Missed | Netherlands | 2018 | 10’
Director: Fokke Baarssen
Writer: Keith Armonaitis
Producers: Fokke Baarssen, Niels Neeskens
Cast: James Kacey, Sean Kane, Jennifer Lynn O’Hara
Synopsis: A diner on a dusty desert highway in the American Southwest seems an unlikely place to call neutral territory, but it’s Graham’s last chance to try and reconnect with his estranged father, John. With John clinging ever more to his conservatism and the differences between father and son seemingly insurmountable, the stakes are high. Can they reconcile their differences and reconnect before it is too late?
Spizella | Germany | 2019 | 20’
Director: Mehmet Tığlı
Writer: Mehmet Tığlı
Producer: Ozan Takmaz
Cast: Nurcan Şirin, Yavuz Fırıldak, Arzu Suriçi
Synopsis: Spizella is a word with Latin and Greek origin and it means ‘sparrow’. Spizella is the story of a father and his daughter with troubled family relationships, which have become even more troubled after the death of the mother. The father keeps forcing his daugther to keep the mourning attitude alive and ongoing within the house and he tries to keep his communication with her very limited. This gloomy house is no different than a cage for this timid girl. The strong revival of her childhood memories and dreams by means of a souvenir suitcase left from her mother can bring the girl a glimpse of happiness.
Hymn of Hate | United Kingdom | 12’
Director: Matt Kennard
Writer: Matt Kennard
Producers: April Kelley, Sara Huxley
Cast: Russell Tovey, Thomas Turgoose, Andrew Knott
Synopsis: Set in No Man’s Land at The Somme during the early Spring of 1916, Hymn of Hate is a poignant and never more relevant film, made to coincide with the centenary of the end of the Great War.
Nocturne | United States | 2017 | 07’
Director: Marcus Cox
Writer: Marcus Cox
Producers: Ian Michaels, Karrie Cox, Marcus Cox
Cast: Beth Grant, Karrie Cox, Ireen Roseen
Synopsis: A woman on the run hides at a retirement community, only to have her mother invite someone sinister in for pie.
Watching them all | Not Specified | 2019 | 15’
Director: Josh Sondock, Ben Hayslett
Writer: Josh Sondock
Producers: Josh Sondock, Ben Hayslett, Evan Boyd
Cast: Xavier Markey-Smith, Kayla Kirk, Athena Zeros, Lily Meyersohn
Synopsis: Madison & her boyfriend, York, made a list of all the greatest films that were ever made. They planned to watch them all. Then Madison unexpectedly passed away. Over a year later, York is still dealing with the consequences.
Fishing with Father | Japan | 2018 | 23’ Director: Shigeru Hirai Writer: Shigeru Hirai Producer: Shigeru Hirai Cast: Daikichi Sano, Hiroyuki Synopsis: When a father who bonds with his son over fishing suffers from a stroke, his son chooses to drop out of high school to support the family while he recovers. The once close pair drift apart under their new circumstances, but eventually repair their relationship at long last and go fishing together again.
Waving mind | France | 2019 | 12’
Director: Cécile Psaltopoulos
Writer: Cecile Psaltopoulos
Cast: Danai Panou
Synopsis: Nina, 27 years old, is passionate about her work : dance. Almost autistically, that’s how she approaches life, the world around her, escaping all social contact but Manos’. When she unexpectedly gets pregnant, Nina panics and escapes reality to land in a place of her mind where only sea seems at reach.
Turn on my light | Russian Federation | 2019 | 20’
Directors: Mariya Denkova, Nikas Kotich
Cast: Mariya Denkova, Rashid Aytouganov , Aleksandra Verhoshanskaya, Ekaterina Dar
Synopsis: A young girl hits her boyfriend and he runs away from her. She is trying to do nothing with it.
Daily Bread | Australia | 2018 | 15’
Director: Ruby Challenger
Writers: Ruby Challenger, Jonathan Wald, Ella Carey
Producer: Ruby Challenger
Cast: Ruby Challenger, Street Smart Films Pty Ltd
Synopsis: In a WWII internment camp in Indonesia, Jan and a group of Dutch women and children face a daily struggle against abuse, disease and starvation. The Japanese Camp Commandant and his beloved, fluffy white cat, oversee the gruelling camp regime. Jan is a brave but impulsive young woman, and when she acts out of desperation to save a little girl’s life, her actions bring consequences upon the whole camp. What is the price for a meal when women and children are starving? Daily Bread is based on an excerpt from the autobiography Fifty Years of Silence by Jan Ruff O’Herne, which was published by Random House and has been translated into five languages.
Tank Man | United States | 2019 | 15’
Director: Robert Anthony Peters
Writer: Robert Anthony Peters
Producers: Robert Anthony Peters, Curt Chatham
Cast: Eddie Shan
Synopsis: Tank Man is the story of the iconic gentleman who stood in front of and stopped a line of tanks after the Tienanmen Square massacre of June 4, 1989. All that is know of this man are the images that were recorded of his acts. This film is a speculation of what he went through the day he took his courageous steps 30 years ago.
Documentary Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Harvardstein, U.S.A. | United States | 2018 | 06’
Director: Adrian Meyer
Cast: Twillian Un Pomp
Synopsis: Observe the whimsically erratic life of songwriter Twillian Pomp as he struggles to record his latest album.
Mirror Images – a portrait of Kaya Mar | United Kingdom | 2018 | 06’
Director: Neil Hall
Cast: Kaya Mar
Synopsis: Kaya Mar is a man who is worried about the darkness the world is in. He has made it his lifes mission as a to poke fun at global leaders and politicians through his satirical paintings. He takes his work to the streets to protest against “despots” and “wrong-doers” on behalf of the people. “Mirror Images: follows Kaya as he satirises figures such as Donald Trump and Britain’s Royal Family. It explores the philosophy of how satire can get serious messages to the masses.
Carry Your Hand | United States | 2019 | 14’
Director: Sean Brown
Writers: Jessica Anne Bogart, Sean Brown
Producer: Jessica Anne Bogart
Cast: Susan Artes
Synopsis: “Carry Your Hand” tells a personal story of professional show jumping rider Susan Artes. Through early tragedy, determination, and passion for her sport, Susie has become a recognized name on the show jumping circuit. “Carry Your Hand”brings a message of love, loss, and the beauty of horses!
Nine Letters | United States | 2017 | 22’
Director: Cristina Müller
Writer: Cristina Müller
Producer: Cristina Müller
Synopsis: The sensation of living in New York, away from home, is shared by those who come to live in this great metropolis from elsewhere. In Nine Letters, this experience of ‘here and there’ is conveyed by letters, and by images of everyday urban life, evoking the dream state of the present imbued by the past.
Voices of Charlotte Dufrène | Belgium | 2018 | 26’
Directors: Guy Bordin, Renaud De Putter
Writers: Guy Bordin, Renaud De Putter
Producers: Guy Bordin, Renaud De Putter
Cast: Aurore Latour
Synopsis: Charlotte Dufrène spent twenty-three equally fascinating and anxious years with the dazzling writer Raymond Roussel between 1910 and 1933. What remains of them during her sad exile in Brussels (1935-1968)? The singer Paule Daloze and the poet John Ashbery knew her at the time. With the essayist Annie Le Brun, and the collaboration of the actress Aurore Latour, they probe the silences of this forgotten figure and give her back her voice.
Humanitarian | United States | 2018 | 30’
Director: Erick Fix
Producers: Justin Wright, Hassan Hijazi, Glorianne Cody, Will Clark
Cast: Hassan Hijazi, Julia Al-Zoubi, Nasser Rawashdeh
Synopsis: We follow Julia and Hassan, Jordanian aid workers who have been working with Syrian refugees since the beginning of the crisis. They’ve pushed themselves to the edge of their sanity as they try to make a difference in the lives of children growing up without a country to call their own.
Short Fantasy/Sci-Fi Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Mankind | United Kingdom | 2018 | 13’
Director: Layke Anderson
Writers: Layke Anderson, Ryan Child
Producer: Layke Anderson
Cast: Ricky Nixon, Alexis Gregory
Synopsis: A restless young man wants to leave love and the Earth behind. ‘Mankind’ reflects the idea of humans being explorers by nature, and the consequences of standing still, for too long. Reviews… “A fantastic film! Anderson creates incredible, unique worlds!” – Francis Lee, Director of ‘God’s Own Country’ “I loved the experimental form, the visual and aural sensibility and above all, the queering of science fiction into something tangible and emotional.” – Wash Westmoreland, Director of ‘Colette’ “The very best sci-fi finds the balance of humanity within the vastness of the universe, which is exactly what ‘Mankind’ manages. An excellent short.” – Ben Turner (The Pink Lens)
ROBOT WILL PROTECT YOU | Estonia | 2018 | 10’
Director: Nicola Piovesan
Writer: Matt Willis-Jones
Producer: Nicola Piovesan
Cast: Lizzie Freeman, Richard Epcar
Synopsis: A sci-fi animation about a little girl’s search for meaning in a world without emotions.
The Mirror Tree | United Kingdom | 2019 | 14’
Director: Andrew Pengilley
Writer: Andrew Pengilley
Producer: Andrew Pengilley
Cast: Luke Perczyk, Bethan Langford, Ian Kane
Synopsis: An introverted boy is given a magic leaf from ‘The Mirror Tree’ that transports him to another world.
Music Video Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Kite | Portugal | 2017 | 05’
Director: João Pombeiro
Cast: Nadia Schilling
Bubbles of Time | Switzerland | 2018 | 06’
Director: Bastien Bron
Writers: Bastien Bron, Raphaël Weber
Producer: Bastien Bron
Cast: Alizée Droux
Synopsis: The sensory trip of a girl in a swimming pool, under the eye of her naked cat.
Fire Musical Notes | Brazil | 2019 | 03’
Synopsis: Pierrot, Columbine and Harlequin are the central characters of the Carnival march “Fire Musical Notes”. The plot turns on the idea of swapping guns for musical instruments, which fire off notes instead of bullets. It’s the musical adaptation of the “make love, not war.” This animated video clip celebrates this creative inversion with beautiful drawings, humor, color and joy.
Norway Awakens | Germany | 2018 | 05’
Director: Ulrich Schmitt
Writer: Ulrich Schmitt
Producer: Ulrich Schmitt
Synopsis: In a Travel up to Norway we spent for 2 Weeks nearly every night somewhere outside in nature to capture the spirit of long nights with never ending sunsets until the sun came back over the horizon. It was May and everywhere you could see the snow melting and nature fighting back to live. But it was also a strong demostration of climate change. Norway had temperatures 4,5 degrees over average for May. This beauty of Norway and our whole planet is in serious danger. The Soundtrack was written on the pictures by Nikos Spiliotis.
Vai Ver | Brazil | 2018 | 04’
Director: Diego Souza
Synopsis: Away from home, a man decides to go back and make himself present.
Experimental Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Open Wound | Greece | 2018 | 18’
Director: Fotis Skourletis
Writer: Fotis Skourletis
Producer: Fotis Skourletis
Cast: Michalis Skyrianos, Argiris Thanasoulas
Synopsis: A man tries to escape from his disorder and the murder.
Hideous | United Kingdom | 2019 | 17’
Director: Hamish Robertson
Writer: Jim Rennie
Producer: Emma Vaughn
Cast: Zoe Bullock , Craig Andrew Mooney , Ben Storey , Linda Lyon , Tony MacDonald
Synopsis: When cheerful flower shop employee, Marla, awkwardly comes into contact with a mysterious man dressed all in black, she learns that her husband, Pete, was savagely murdered earlier that day. He then gives her an opportunity to take revenge. But will she accept?
Mellow Yellow | United States | 2019 | 05’
Director: Jessica Batson
Producer: Jenny Napier
Cast: Joanna Bajena, Logan Scofield
Synopsis: A mad hatter tea party between two eccentric siblings. Filmed in Chicago, the project features Polish talent and wardrobe.
The Undivine Comedy | United States | 2018 | 02’
Director: Lynn Bianchi
Writer: Lynn Bianchi
Producers: Lynn Bianchi, Robert Bianchi
Cast: Olia Rogova
Synopsis: Today’s world feels angrier and harder than ever before; an addiction to “plugging in” adds to a sense of acceleration, a hamster wheel of crisis and panic. Wouldn’t we all like to unplug? Wouldn’t we all like to take a deep breath? Wouldn’t we all like to fly to the moon? We humans seem to have lost sight of the fact that we have a choice – life can be sweet, we can fly to the moon, we can close our mouths and eyes and just feel what it is to be alive. If only the politicians, the pundits, the money makers, the social climbers could take a breath and remember how the warm wind feels against the skin.
Modulation Nowhere | Germany | 2018 | 12’
Director: Todd Bogin
Writer: Todd Bogin
Producers: Lydia Schulze, Todd Bogin
Cast: Christian Harting, Jessica Broesick
Synopsis: Sofia, A sweet and innocent violinist who performs music on the streets and sidewalks of Berlin is befriended by a mysteriously troubled yet charming man named Karl. All is well until one day Sofia wakes up only to find Karl and her beloved violin missing.
White Male | United States | 2019 | 04’
Director: Jared Hogan
Writers: Parrish Stikeleather, Jared Hogan
Producer: Elisha Gustafson
Cast: Tyler Chase
Synopsis: A brief, detached portrait of the interior a young, white man spiraling toward violence.
Lilith | United States | 2019 | 12’
Director: Erofili Moraiti
Writer: Erofili Moraiti
Producers: Tejah Monet Robinson, Dave Fathers
Cast: Morgan Price, Avery Powers, Kimmy Hunt
Synopsis: A woman in her early twenties is having constant dreams about snakes, which make her question her sexual relationships with men and bring her closer to the jewish mythological tale of the demonized Lilith.
We Shall Overcome | United States | 2018 | 10’
Director: Kelvin Shum
Writer: Kelvin Shum
Producers: Kelvin Shum, Alfonso Torres
Cast: Lenny Von Dohlen, Toby Kearton, Paul Wong, Ben Furney , Marie Senghore, Brandon Koen, Jennifer Buckley, Masato Di Santo, Danel Azimova, Matthew Ness, Hala Abouchakra, Yi-Hui Lin, Maria Manuela Gomez, Julia Nejman, Kyle Shum, Andrés Figueroa, May Cui, Laura M Muñoz, Damon Barnes, Noemy DelMar, Meave Thompson Osgood
Synopsis: In this grotesque universe, yearning students of different gender & race participate in what appears to be a ritualistic exam.
Animation Short – Official Selection – February 2019
FOR THE SAKE OF YOUSEF | Kuwait | 2019 | 05’
Director: Yousef albaqshi
Writer: FAHAD AL Qaoud
Producer: Yousef albaqshi
Cast: riyath aldosiry, brittany gneiting
Synopsis: In the living room , yousef’s mother turn the channel to watch a horror movie while the five years old kid (yousef) was playing there !
The Crossing | United Kingdom | 2018 | 05’
Director: Chris Shaw
Writers: Andrew Myors, Sara Stafford, Sam Wylde, Chris Shaw
Producer: Andrew Myors
Cast: Pempa Samuels, Dawa Tsering
Synopsis: ‘The Crossing’ follows the story of a Tibetan refugee’s perilous journey across the Himalayas to India, as they flee persecution in their homeland. For more than 60 years, Tibet has been occupied by China and tens of thousands of Tibetans have made this very journey. The charity Free Tibet commissioned Chris Shaw to direct and animate the short film, which explores what drove her to make this life-altering decision and to raise awareness of the oppression the people of Tibet face.
Where does the heart call? | Kazakhstan | 06’
Directors: Mansur Sarsembayev, Maxud Sarsembayev
Writer: Marat Sarsembayev
Synopsis: The factory worker lost the meaning of life in the daily routine. Until one day he begins to dream of the sea that won his heart as a child. Can he fulfill his dream?
GIRASOL | Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela | 2019 | 10’
Director: María Victoria Sánchez Lara
Writers: María Victoria Sánchez Lara, Marielvy D’Apollo
Producer: Marielvy D’Apollo
Cast: Edixa Montiel
Synopsis: Girasol is the story of Carandai, the first sunflower in the world.
Love Keeps on Going | Netherlands | 2019 | 08’
Writer: Rick Timmermans
Synopsis: 7 April 2019 will mark the fifth anniversary of the death of Dutch Jesuit Frans van der Lugt, who was murdered in Homs, Syria. The two shots fired were fatal. Van der Lugt sj died at the age of 75. To honour Father Frans, the Jesuits in the Netherlands and Flanders have produced an animated film about him. The film is available in 9 languages, including English and Arabic.
Mobile Phone Short – Official Selection – March 2019
Paper Trail | United Kingdom | 2019 | 01’
Director: Emily Brown
Writer: Ben Rufus Green
Cast: Ben Rufus Green
Synopsis: Follow the paper trail
Life in a Tiny Town | Not Specified | 03’
Director: Prakash Gandhi Natarajan
Synopsis: Shot on Apple iPhone XS Max. Equipment Used : Movi Freefly Cinema Robot Gimbel, Handheld Apps : Stock Camera and Movie Freefly App Editing : Luma Fusion in Apple iPad Pro and Apple Pencil Final Touches : Final Cut Pro X in MacBook Pro Music : Wanderer by Remember the Future from Premium Beat Shooting Location : Small towns in South India (Mayiladuthurai, Kuthalam, Thirumanamcheri, Aadudhurai, Kovindhapuram, Sivaramapuran, Naranamangalam, Kumbakonam)
The Monologue | France | 2018 | 01’
Director: Florent Sabatier
Writer: Florent Sabatier
Producer: Florent Sabatier
Cast: David Saada, Loic Bartolini, Marie Coustaury
Synopsis: This time, he won’t tolerate this racist insult ! He delivers a long tirade…
180 km/empty | Germany | 2019 | 02’
Director: Julia Effertz
Writer: Julia Effertz
Producer: Julia Effertz
Cast: Julia Effertz
Synopsis: “All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul”. In under 2 minutes, “180 km/empty” traces one woman’s journey from a high-achieving smile into the reality of burn-out.
Come Back, Dad | Not Specified | 2019 | 10’
Synopsis: A heart-warming film made by mobile device. Mei’s father passed away two months ago. He used to be accompanied by Mei and her dog daily. In July of the lunar calendar, the ghost month, Mei discovers a phenomenon of the ceiling fan constantly operating on its own. However, the electrician can not solve the problem. She decides to investigate and uncover the truth. Therefore, she installs a surveillance camera to find out whether her father has come back to visit her, or not?
Journey | Russian Federation | 2018 | 07’
Director: Arina Salakhutdinova
Writer: Roman Salakhutdinov
Producer: Kirill Vozzhaev, Ekaterina Gunina
Cast: Anton Butakov, Cat Martha, Natalya Khalturina
Synopsis: The traveler goes to conquer Elbrus. At the entrance he meets an abandoned kitten. Before Andrey there is a choice: to save the cat or conquer the summit.
Blame yourselves if no one comes | Sweden | 2019 | 12’
Director: Gustav Egerstedt
Writer: Gustav Egerstedt
Producer: Gustav Egerstedt
Cast: Gustav Egerstedt, Andreas Putz, Nicola Jones, Henrik Hallgren, Rickard Edholm, Maria Fredriksson, Kristina Petrushina, Christina Nylander
Synopsis: We follow a man with an idea to create a film. He is convinced that his idea is so brilliant. This sends him on a journey of hope and despair. This is that film.
LILY | United States | 2019 | 10’
Director: JINGWEI BU
Synopsis: At night, Lily is a grandma who lives with and cares for her daughter and grandson. During the daytime, she is a professional call girl. After her lover’s dies, she decides to release herself from her daughter’s judgment and hit the open road.
Mini Short – Official Selection – March 2019
FREI_RAUM | Germany | 2019 | 03’
Director: Charlot van Heeswijk
Cast: Patrizia Bieri, Francesco Rondina, Jannis Tiedemann, Nataša Pivec
Synopsis: FREI_RAUM is an observation on everyday acts of male dominance, more so than about public transport etiquette. Because the phenomenon of “Manspreading” is a symptom of a much larger problem and not just a minuscule thing – it is an act of dominance that is the result of deep-rooted societal privilege borne of our patriarchal society. For all my sisters out there. “You deserve to take up space.” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Sonflower | United Kingdom | 2019 | 03’
Director: Alexander Hagani
Writer: Alexander Hagani
Producer: Alexander Hagani
Cast: Benjamin Peter Jones, Simona Cosimi
Synopsis: A father goes to pick up his son from his ex-wife for their weekend away. When his son does not want to come, the father comes to a realization.
Freedom | United States | 2018 | 03’
Director: Yuri + Ana, Yuri Sardenberg, Ana Monteiro
Writer: Eduardo Albuquerque
Producer: Luisa Acosta, Sabrina Percario
Cast: Giselle Itié
Synopsis: Freedom addresses the empathy crisis toward immigrants by showing how the concept of living free with no borders applies to car commercials but not when it comes to human beings.
Missing | United States | 2019 | 03’
Director: Gino DiLeva
Writer: Gino DiLeva, Matt Morreale, Sarah DiLeva
Producer: Sarah DiLeva
Cast: Sarah DiLeva, Gino DiLeva, Matt Morreale
Synopsis: Missing is a suspenseful, tense, white-knuckle thriller which keeps viewers guessing until the very end! It has a twist ending that viewers will never forget! Missing is directed by Gino DiLeva and is written by Gino DiLeva, Matt Morreale, and Sarah DiLeva.
A Trip Down Memory Lane | United States | 2017 | 02’
Director: Pamela Mathieson
Writer: Pamela Mathieson
Producer: Pamela Mathieson
Cast: Jon Kevin Lazarus, Fran Shelton, Stan Gilmer, Mia Speight, David Kenneth Sommerville
Synopsis: For their anniversary, an older couple relives some of their fondest memories in the city they love.
Night of Theft | Indonesia | 2018 | 01’
Director: Adhikara Nugroho Poesoro
Writer: Adhikara Nugroho Poesoro
Producer: Adhikara Nugroho Poesoro
Cast: Yakub Mini, Nony Hayati
Synopsis: The story of a thief entering a house and looking for valuable things, but instead he was attacked by a terrible woman who lived in it
Series Web/TV Short – Official Selection – March 2019
The Last Sound | United States | 2019 | 08’
Director: Gregg DaCosta
Writer: Gregg DaCosta, Brinton Woodall
Producer: Gregg DaCosta, Brinton Woodall
Cast: Gregg DaCosta, Melissa Sarai, Monique Suarez, John Torres, Alexander Gonzalez, Jordan Barosy
Synopsis: When the word, “cancer” hits the household, Jennifer and others must find out how to deal with such a difficult situation.
Pine High | Not Specified | 2019 | 08’
Director: Rob Bohn
Writer: Rob Bohn and Nate Milton
Producers: Jon Huggins, Nate Milton
Synopsis: ‘Pine High’ is a colorful and visceral portrayal of what suburban teenage life looks like from the other side of normal.
Commercial/AD/TV – Official Selection – March 2019
“The Puns” Somersby Commercial | Poland | 2018 | 30’’
Director: Artur Czerwiński
Writer: Artur Czerwiński
Producer: Artur Czerwiński
Synopsis: The story of a pack of friends, who are playing puns.
“The Openers” Sprite Commercial | Poland | 2018 | 01’
Director: Artur Czerwiński
Writer: Artur Czerwiński
Producer: Artur Czerwiński
Synopsis: The story of three guys, who are trying to impress girls at the party.
Airstream – Creed | Not Specified | 2017 |05’
Director: Ian Fohrman
Writers: Kala Horvitz, Ian Fohrman
Producer: Mike Artz
Cast: Hugh Galyean
Synopsis: On a day when America celebrates almost two and a half centuries of freedom and independence, we at Airstream also celebrate a man who stood for the same values. “My dream belongs to you.” Our founder, Wallace Merle Byam, was born on July 4, 1896, in Baker City, Oregon. He championed these values in his Creed – a document that continues to inform our conduct and decision-making at Airstream today. Wally’s Creed hangs on the wall in our office, and every day, his words drive us to honor his core beliefs and greatest ambitions.
Jeep – Dogsled | Not Specified | 2017 | 02’
Director: Ian Fohrman
Writer: Ian Fohrman
Producer: Mike Artz
Synopsis: Short commercial showing off the capabilities of the jeep with some help from a pro snowboarder and some furry friends.
RES | United Kingdom | 2019 | 06’
Trailer – Official Selection – March 2019
Johnny Colorado | United States | 2018 | 01’
Directors: Alejandro Espinoza, Michael Benton
Writers: Alejandro Espinoza, Michael Benton
Cast: Daniel Baldock, Doyle Reynolds
Synopsis: Johnny Colorado is unemployable, the problem is he doesn’t know it.
Synopsis: Awakening the village ASIRI is an advertisement showing how to eliminate poverty by donating a cow to poor families in Sri Lanka.
PEOPLE ARE THE BRAND | Switzerland | 2019 | 22’
Director: Adrian Perez
Writer: Adrian Perez
Producer: Adrian Perez
Cast: Anna-Katharina Müller, Philippe
Synopsis: A doubtful photo project about
fugitives makes doubtful headlines. About a journalist and a photographer lost
in opportunities.
| France | 2018 | 20’
Directors: Ali Esmili, Claire Cahen
Writer: Ali Esmili
Producer: Nelson Ghrénassia
Cast: Hana Mekacher, Capucine Valmary,
Kenza Noah Aiche
Synopsis: Yasmina is a 15-years-old
teenager who is passionate about soccer and practices with the team FC SAINT
ETIENNE. Originally from Morocco, she is in an irregular situation in France,
with her father and his French partner. One evening when she returns from a
training, she sees her father being arrested before her own eyes.
fine stew | Belgium | 2018 | 20’
Director: Marie Glichitch
Writer: Marie Glichitch
Producer: Mediadiffusion
Cast: Réal Siellez, Laetitia Reva, Fanny
Estève, Joffrey Verbruggen, Chloé Von Arx
Synopsis: Easter Sunday. Catherine has cooked her
stew, Manon is hungover, Jacques is late. Dad is getting married and Pierre is
the one who has to announce it. It would
be just a normal family meal … if there wasn’t a dead cat in the freezer …
BUG | Poland | 2019 | 17’
Leading Actor: Michał Meyer
Director: Krzysztof Wróbel
Writer: Krzysztof Wróbel
Producers: Krzysztof Wróbel, Samira Baddour
Cast: Michał Meyer, Sebastina Stankiewicz
Synopsis: An ordinary day by the river turns into a hilarious,
testosterone fueled quest through which two best friends learn more about their
friendship then ever before.
Bread | Australia | 2018 | 15’
Director: Ruby Challenger
Leading Actress: Ruby Challenger
Writers: Ruby Challenger, Jonathan Wald,
Ella Carey
Producer: Ruby Challenger
Cast: Ruby Challenger, Street Smart Films
Pty Ltd
Synopsis: In a WWII internment camp in
Indonesia, Jan and a group of Dutch women and children face a daily struggle
against abuse, disease and starvation. The Japanese Camp Commandant and his
beloved, fluffy white cat, oversee the gruelling camp regime. Jan is a brave
but impulsive young woman, and when she acts out of desperation to save a
little girl’s life, her actions bring consequences upon the whole camp. What is
the price for a meal when women and children are starving? Daily Bread is based
on an excerpt from the autobiography Fifty Years of Silence by Jan Ruff
O’Herne, which was published by Random House and has been translated into five
Peter | Croatia | 2017 | 15’
Cinematographer: Marko Kocevar
Director: Marko Šantić
Writer: Marko Šantić
Producer: Jure Bušić
Cast: Hrvoje Vladisavljević, Dražen
Mikulić, Olivera Baljak, Alan Katić
Synopsis: Petar is a young police officer who has just
begun his carrer, he lives with his parents in a small maisonette. Officer
Goran, who comes to pick up Petar, suddenly arrives at their place. They have
to deal with another distraint. Petar doesn’t want to be a part of it. His
unemployed father tries to convince him to go since their family is dealing
with money problems and soon they’ll have to face an eviction. In the field
during the distraint, Petar reacts in a human way, brakes the police powers and
tries to protect distrainees who happen to be an older married couple.
Yasmina | France | 2018 | 20’
Editor: Baptiste Petit-Gats
Directors: Ali Esmili, Claire Cahen
Writer: Ali Esmili
Producer: Nelson Ghrénassia
Cast: Hana Mekacher, Capucine Valmary, Kenza Noah Aiche
Synopsis: Yasmina is a 15-years-old teenager who is passionate about
soccer and practices with the team FC SAINT ETIENNE. Originally from Morocco,
she is in an irregular situation in France, with her father and his French
partner. One evening when she returns from a training, she sees her father
being arrested before her own eyes.
PEOPLE ARE THE BRAND | Switzerland | 2019 | 22’
Production Design: Rafael Buess, Vicente
Director: Adrian Perez
Writer: Adrian Perez
Producer: Adrian Perez
Cast: Anna-Katharina Müller, Philippe
Synopsis: A doubtful photo project about
fugitives makes doubtful headlines. About a journalist and a photographer lost
in opportunities.
Synopsis: Easter Sunday. Catherine has
cooked her stew, Manon is hungover, Jacques is late. Dad is getting married and
Pierre is the one who has to announce it.
It would be just a normal family meal … if there wasn’t a dead cat in
the freezer …
Flowers | France |
2018 | 19’
Director: Baptiste Petit-Gats
Writer: Baptiste Petit-Gats
Producer: Nelson Ghrénassia
Cast: Catherine Salée, Victor Rivière
Synopsis: It is All Saints’ Day. Bérénice wanders through
the city. She must find flowers for the grave. Sacha, her son, has other plans.
Too bad. She must find flowers for the grave.
WILL PROTECT YOU | Estonia | 2018 | 10’
Director: Nicola Piovesan
Writer: Matt Willis-Jones
Producer: Nicola Piovesan
Cast: Lizzie Freeman, Richard Epcar
Synopsis: A sci-fi animation about a little
girl’s search for meaning in a world without emotions.
City | France | 2019 | 20’
Director: Bracq Fabrice
Writer: Bracq Fabrice
Producer: Preel Cleach Fabrice
Cast: Omar mebrouk
Synopsis: Souleymane and Leila just got
married, for better or for worse. The better is that they love each other very
much. The worse is that they live in an absurd and kafkaesque country.
Synopsis: A couple stands before the
difficult task of leading their mentally challenged son Jonas into adulthood.
Due to the marital conflicts between the parents, Jonas looses track of what is
right or wrong.
Synopsis: Maya, a woman in her early 40s,
has to host a dinner for her husband’s friends and convince her teenage to help
her through the evening. When she realizes that the dinner is turning into a
complete disaster, and pushed to an edge by her daughter’s behavior, she has a
nervous breakdown, questioning the necessity of the ideals and tradition not
only she but all women are pushed to live by.
HR | Croatia | 2018 | 11’
Director: Emir Mulalic
Writers: Linda Poscic Borovac/Natasa Tepsa Budija/Nino
Producer: Linda Poscic Borovac
Synopsis: Short film , actors are 13 children ages 11-17.
The movie depicts belly-aching as the most popular sport in Croatia. Nobody in
the world has ever beaten the Croatian national team at complaining. Croatia’s
team shows urban and rural belly-aching and gives advice how to belly-ache with
passion. This ancient “sport” Croats have perfected and thourghly developed in
several strong disciplines so that today, why deny, they can without question
be called “VIRTUOSES OF COMPLAINING”. The film supports positivity and those
that think and influence others positevely.
THE SAKE OF YOUSEF | Kuwait | 2019 | 05’
Director: Yousef albaqshi
Writer: FAHAD AL Qaoud
Producer: Yousef albaqshi
Cast: riyath aldosiry, brittany gneiting
In the living room , yousef’s mother turn the channel to watch a horror
movie while the five years old kid (yousef) was playing there !
Humanitarian |
United States | 2018 | 30’
Director: Erick Fix
Producers: Justin Wright, Hassan Hijazi, Glorianne Cody,
Will Clark
Cast: Hassan Hijazi, Julia Al-Zoubi, Nasser Rawashdeh
Synopsis: We follow Julia and Hassan, Jordanian aid workers
who have been working with Syrian refugees since the beginning of the crisis.
They’ve pushed themselves to the edge of their sanity as they try to make a
difference in the lives of children growing up without a country to call their
White Male |
United States | 2019 | 04’
Director: Jared Hogan
Writers: Parrish Stikeleather, Jared Hogan
Producer: Elisha Gustafson
Cast: Tyler Chase
Synopsis: A brief, detached portrait of the interior a
young, white man spiraling toward violence.
of Time | Switzerland | 2018 | 06’
Director: Bastien Bron
Writers: Bastien Bron, Raphaël Weber
Producer: Bastien Bron
Cast: Alizée Droux
Synopsis: The sensory trip of a girl in a
swimming pool, under the eye of her naked cat.
| Germany | 2019 | 03’
Director: Charlot van Heeswijk
Cast: Patrizia Bieri, Francesco Rondina,
Jannis Tiedemann, Nataša Pivec
Synopsis: FREI_RAUM is an observation on
everyday acts of male dominance, more so than about public transport etiquette.
Because the phenomenon of “Manspreading” is a symptom of a much
larger problem and not just a minuscule thing – it is an act of dominance that
is the result of deep-rooted societal privilege borne of our patriarchal society. For all my sisters out there. “You
deserve to take up space.” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
yourselves if no one comes | Sweden | 2019 | 12’
Director: Gustav Egerstedt
Writer: Gustav Egerstedt
Producer: Gustav Egerstedt
Cast: Gustav Egerstedt, Andreas Putz,
Nicola Jones, Henrik Hallgren, Rickard Edholm, Maria Fredriksson, Kristina
Petrushina, Christina Nylander
Synopsis: We follow a man with an idea to
create a film. He is convinced that his idea is so brilliant. This sends him on
a journey of hope and despair. This is that film.
Taking a Piss |
Director: Josh Romyn
Writer: Kyle Strauts
Producers: Kyle Strauts, Rebecca Steele
Cast: Kyle Strauts, Brea Schneider
Synopsis: On a seemingly regular morning, two lovers
immersed in a clandestine life are at a crossroads.
Pine High | 2019 |
Director: Rob Bohn
Writer: Rob Bohn and Nate Milton
Producers: Jon Huggins, Nate Milton
Synopsis: ‘Pine High’ is a colorful and visceral
portrayal of what suburban teenage life looks like from the other side of
Synopsis: “Existential states that go
beyond the most incredible conjectures”
Inspired by Don De Lilllo’s novella Body Art, Olympia tells the story of
a body artist and her director husband. Starting their life together as a
married couple in their new home, everything carries on as normal until the day
Olympia receives tragic news about her husband. This leads her to an unexpected
journey into herself, which will result in the creation of her greatest work as
an artist, but also in losing part of herself.
What do mothers
want | Russian Federation | 2018 | 03’